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Posts posted by kankaroo

  1. The sad thing is that they had the opportunity with absolute rule and no opposition to actually achieve some real postive changes here. But seemed more interested in increasing military budgets and appointing incompetant and ineffective government with their own corruption problems. Under the CNS stewardship the south has gotten worse, they couldn't even get miltary angle right. Their great claim to fame was a new constitution in favour of the military, an internal security act for the military, trying to restrict foreign investment and tightening visa laws creating an outflow of foreign confidence, capital and businesses to surrounding countries.

    "We tried our best" doesn't really cut it when you take power at the end of a gun and then go on to make a mess of it all.

    I Agree.

  2. Clearly there's a large number of purists out and about tonight, nevertheless:

    I can see the argument that says there are three choices, show the movie uncut, censor it or don't show it at all and given those options I do have some sympathies with those who say that censorship is the poorer option and that banning it altogether might have been the better route. I suppose that where I have difficulty with all of this is in trying to understand the artistic merit associated with cutting a persons throat and of wanting to show such things to a losely controlled audience of the public. Does showing such things in the name of art improve anyone's appreciation of the art, doubtful; does showing such graphic detail enhance an understanding of the story line, no. It's not enough to say that just because someone made a movie they should be allowed to show it in the way that it was made, there has to be a reason and I fail to see what that is. Freedom of expression/speech, possibly there's an argument there.

    So come on guys, help me out here, educate me, tell me why it is necessary to make and show these things.

    What gives you the right to comment on what is and what is not art? Do you look at violent depictions in 500 year old painting masterpieces and say "hmm that painting is OK but you should stick some tape over the bits I don't like"

    Or that rap song talking about life in the ghetto would be better with no swearing, come on ! I remember watching Goodfellas in Thailand on television and they shouldn't have even bothered showing it. Prison & crime flicks are another good example, I mean there is no violence in prisons and the inmates don't swear right - because it's not nice! :o

  3. We were actually quite pleased that the scenes were obscured. There must have been some ten separate victims of Sweeney's razor and all were filmed in very close proximity of the action and the ensuing spurting blood was enough for us. This is a musical, in case you were not aware, and the graphic visuals seem at odds with the the way the movie is produced.

    Are you for real ? If so then I think the boys and girls at the good old 'Ministry Of Culture' could do with someone like you on their staff.

    See : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mary_whitehouse


  4. Yep usually red or an orange type colour with WY stamped on them. Also smell very nice, like caramel. Hold a flame to them and they will quickly turn into a bubbling black liquid emitting plumes of smoke. Inhale and you wont see your bed for quite a while (for sleep that is :D )

    Oh yeah, I read that somewhere....


  5. Is it out in Thailand now ? I am in the UK and it is not in the cinema until next month :o

    Apparently the body count is around 2 people per minute if you add it up, brilliant ! :D

  6. LOL ! you haver no idea the type of friends I have :D Ever since school we have played jokes like this on each other, some a lot worse than this I can tell you. Where is your sense of fun ? Maybe we just have very different sense of humour I think.

    Also how can they find out anything about him by having his first name and a pay as you go mobile number ? They don't even know if he was in London or the Scottish Hebrides !

    However, the photo's I posted of him earlier on a gay dating website would have revealed what he looks like :o

    PS : whats your phone number ??

  7. One time I gave my mates mobile number to loads of these Nigerian gentlemen through a hotmail account I set up specifically for this task :D

    I even managed to keep a straight face when he told me in the pub that he was getting bombarded with "strange calls" from black guys with bad English demanding money and so forth.

    Once we were in a taxi when they called and I couldn't take it anymore and laughed until I cried ! :D

    What are friends for eh ?


  8. Yep the UK is not even a shadow of its former self, no more Bentley, Aston Martin, Jaguar, Rolls Royce etc etc we have sold them all to the Germans and Americans :D

    I mean can you imagine the Germans selling off BMW, Mercedes or Porsche ? NOT IN A MILLION YEARS, even if they were running at a loss.

    R.I.P U.K

    A sad and sorry spectacle of a country !

    Proud to British ? What is that ?


  9. Its an effective hangover remedy.

    Yeah, when partying a lot in LOS I always keep that one in the fridge, and also the fruit/berry ones. Wake up in the morning down one of each followed by couple of tylenol and a pint or so of water and you are good to go !

    Then the process can start all over again !


  10. This past October when I was in Thailand. I made some friends with some first time travelers. We met in Phuket and happen to fly back to Bangkok on the same flight and shared a Taxi to our separate hotels.

    During the time in the Taxi, I was giving advise and answering their many questions. As it turned out through talking, they were from New Jersey and I am from Delaware and our states neighbor each other..... We had no problem when talking but they did ask me.... "Why are you talking with broken English? It is so funny that you are talking to us as if English is our second language" (They they laughed a little).

    I explained that I am so use to talking that way while in Thailand that it is difficult to turn it off....

    Also when I am talking with Thia's who were educated in English speaking lands, they will remind me that I can talk to them in regular English.

    Hmmm, I find it rather strange that on hearing people with the same accent / roots as you you do not get back into your original pattern of talking etc.

    I know what you mean about changing the way you speak though. For example I am from Scotland but have lived in different parts of the country where the regional dialects differ, sometimes quite drastically. I have also lived in LOS for over 4 years ob and off. The result is that I tend to have a 'neutral' accent. Some Glaswegians have called me American, and even English. Other Scots just can't place where I'm from.

    But normally if I met up with some Scots people abroad my accent does tend to get more Scottish.

    It's all good though and I love the topic of languages and am thoroughly committed to studying and learning this topic until I'm dead :o

  11. ACS...there to help Americans in trouble....55555555...in your dreams.

    sorry to seem cold but guys like you mention make their own bed and IMHO and have to sleep in them. best thing for him may be a stay in the monkey house. at least it might sober him up. it's guys like him that give all us expats a bad name in the eyes of the locals and one of the reasons they keep upping the paperwork hassles for long-term stayers.

    WOW were you a psychologist in your last life ? that is excellent advice !

    The best cure for somebody who is losing their sanity is to throw them in a third world dungeon :D


  12. Yes that was bound to happen to it someday. I'm pretty sure most members here can relate to this story. I used to be attacked everyday by this big nasty looking dog at the bottom of my soi until one day I just stood outside the owners house shouting at them to come out. I told them that if the dog bites me I will go to the police. After that it was usually kept inside the large gates of the house.

    I'm also pretty sure that a lot of animal lovers who are new, or have never been to Thailand will not share your lack of compassion about the animals untimely demise. However after living there for a while and having your daily activities (not to mention sleeping patterns) totally ruled by these creatures, it is sometimes hard to be sympathetic.

    At least it didn't suffer too much, and now you are free to jog in peace, at least until the next one comes along !


  13. I know this has been discussed before but I can't help thinking that I will miss the old style 'Gestapo' style jackboots, crash helmet, dirty harry sun glasses over the smog blocking face thing etc (and no I am not gay :D )

    I mean, you are dealing with serious & dangerous individuals who have the power to turn your world upside down and inside out at the same time if you cross them !

    I think that the new look is misleading and makes them look like boy scouts.

    If I was more adept I would add a poll here, but after a few beers I am not going to bother :D

    What you guys think about the new style, good or bad ? And when are they going to be issued (I am not in LOS right now).


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