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Posts posted by kankaroo

  1. Hmmm, good idea and I think you are a "jai dee" person. However I don't know if it would cause more harm than good ?

    When walking about BKK one night I saw the most pathetic sight, an old man and woman lying on the street (Pahonyothin) emptying out rotten pieces of fruit they had collected from some bin. Wasn't the first time I came across this scene but this one somehow hit me particularly hard. They were older than my parents and were getting ready to eat that rancid crap straight off the street. I walled until I found a BBQ chicken stall and bought tons of the stuff, Issan sausage, the lot. When I walked back and gave it to them I felt better than I had felt for a while.

    Now I do this sort of thing all the time but I wonder "OK that was a good night for them, but what about tomorrow ?"

    I like your idea but if you are to go ahead with this I would definitely check that your cash was not spent on booze drugs or gambling etc. You might end up causing a problem instead of solving one !

    Sorry my post was not more helpful of concise, but it is my 2 satang ! Chock Dee :o

  2. I find ants amazing ! I mean HOW DO THEY KNOW ABOUT THE YELLOW PELLETS ?!?!

    I did the same as the OP by putting down that little plastic box with the holes and yellow pellets inside. They went crazy for them and took them all back to the nest & viola ! No ants for months.

    However when they came back again I used the box and none of the ants went near it ?

    I would love to know how they knew not to touch it.

    Anybody got the answer ?


  3. This post is quite interesting actually IMO. It shows us the difference in tastes and perceptions of what looks good and what doesn't, regarding Thai & Farang.

    My mother when in BKK commented that those mannequins looked hideous and put her off looking at the clothes. I think they look stupid as well, possibly even frightening for youngsters :o

    I mean somebody must have looked at these things and said 'these look great, I think I'll fill my whole clothes shop with them.'

    And in true Thai fashion, everybody else followed suit. What do you think ?

  4. Take a stroll through any UK town or city on any Friday night and observe the majority of folk will be drunk, vomiting, fighting, screaming and even copulating.

    More utter nonsense.

    The vast majority of people who go out for a drink in the UK do not get drunk, unless you have a very wide definition of drunk, they certainly do not go around vomitting, fighting screaming or copulating - at least the latter they reserve for when they get home).

    Guesthouse, I partially agree with your comment but I believe it is a bit off track. Have you walked around the city centre & housing projects of somewhere like Glasgow, Scotland on a Friday / Saturday evening ?

    Although blatant drunkenness on display may not be the in the majority, it is certainly hard to miss wouldn't you agree ? Also it depends on what circles you revolve around and where you reside / eat / play etc.

    I grew up in the council estates and I know more people who are F++++++ up on something (mostlty alcohol) than not. As a previous post stated, we need to educate more people about the detrimental effects of this DRUG instead of banging on about other ones such as Cannabis or Ecstasy and so on, etc etcetcetcetce.

    Oh god I am even boring myself ! :o:D


  5. When I stayed in a townhouse in BKK I would have to put up with all these young motorcycle punks drinking at the shop on the corner until the early hours. They would be screaming and shouting, puking, falling about, falling off motorbikes etc etc. Then when they finally cleared off the soi dogs would begin to sing their beautiful music until sun up, just to make sure you didn't get any sleep. If you moved to the back bedroom away from the street my considerate neighbours cockerel (which he kept on his balcony :D ) would finish off the job. I digress !

    Back on topic, in the end I kind of thought if you can't beat em, join em! Thats what I did some nights when I could not sleep. They were amazed how I could constantly drink them under the table (sometimes literally).

    I suppose it helps coming from Scotland though :D


  6. Dutch man arrested for forging ex-wife's signature

    Police have arrested a Dutch and his lawyer for allegedly forging the signature of his Thai ex-wife so that he could reclaimed Bt60 million worth of assets.

    Roberp Dahan, 44, was arrested in Pattaya Friday evening and the lawyer, Promporn Nualkanok, 46, was arrested at her law firm on the same day.

    The arrests were made under the warrant approved by the Criminal Court on August 2.

    Dahan's ex-wife, Nonglak Charoensuk, 31, filed complaints with the court that he forged her signatures when he filed for divorce and the forgery allowed him to unfairly retrieve Bt60 million worth of assets from her in the middle of this year.

    Dahan and Nonglak have parented two children.

    Nonglak said Dahan later fell in love with a transgender and filed for a divorce.

    - The Nation 2007-12-15

    I see that The Nation has cleaned up its act regarding grammatical errors :o

  7. Did you notice that Thai food can be spicy ? Only kidding ! Seriously though I have been in the UK for well over a year now and find my tolerance for spicy food has almost disappeared. I have just finished eating a Mexican chili meal and my mouth is on fire. When I lived in Thailand I could eat insanely hot food, sometimes more spicy than many Thais could handle.

    There was a study done a while ago in which scientists claimed eating chilies may be almost addictive, as the sweating that comes after eating them could be described as a type of rush.

    Whatever it is I have lost my touch.

    Has anyone else experienced 'Chili Tolerance' or vice versa ?

    dam_n I've got too much time on my hands :D


  8. To The OP :

    Sir, I believe you should get out more often. If you do get out often perhaps you should maybe go for a long massage (maybe with extras :D )

    If you are living in LOS right now and this is what you do with your time, you definitely need to revise your strategy ! Seriously.

    Repeat after me, "Xanax is good", "Xanax is good",

    LOL :o

  9. Yeah , popped a fair few few pills in my time when I was in my late teens / early twenties. They are not so bad but I think they do have side effects such as memory impairment etc

    Most people tend to do them for a few years or so when young and then grow bored of them (possibly due to lack of serotonin). :o

    However I did have a friend who took between 50-100 pills every week for about 2 years or so. He is now a manic depressive and has all sorts of mental problems.

    However the same example can be given for alcohol. Moderation is the key !

    As for those Israeli blokes, live by the gun......................

  10. I can't remember the amount of times I complained in LOS for not having a knife - sometimes even for a steak, spoon & fork is all.

    Now I live i the UK and use only these 2 utensils.....maybe it is because my eating habits have changed.

    However I went from hate - to love :D

    Love SE Asia, would be there if I could !


    'Slurp', 'Scoop', 'Twist', CHOMP Mmmmmmmmmmm Aroyyyyyyyyy :o

  11. Well I wouldn't have loaned the money in the first place, but I respect your determination to get it back.

    I liked Soundman's post about running up a 28k tab :D Especially if he has fit birds on the premises heheheh, what can he do, ask you to "check bin" ? In fact that is definitely what I would do !

    Otherwise good luck and be careful. I have been beaten to a pulp by a bunch of BIB for merely pushing one who was drunk, out of uniform and hitting me first !!!!!!!

    Remember Thais tend to think with their hearts.


  12. Don't these types of fights happen all-over the world?? why has this small fight made the newspaper or even onto TV?? Seems tame compared to a night in Glasgow :o:D

    Quite right ! I was in Glasgow last weekend and saw more than one fight in the evening. One guy bottled and covered in blood, and a gang fight in the city centre. It's quite common to walk along the high streets of Glasgow on a Sunday morning and see blood stains all over the street. It is definitely a city that deserves it's hard reputation.

    Why this made the news I have no idea

  13. I remember when I was a 'player' myself living amongst some BKK Thai Generals in Ari...... I would be flagging down the local motosai in the pissing rain trying desperately to get to my non air-con classroom on time for a day of fun, while his Burmese maids (note plural) would be out washing down his four cars in his gated mansion.

    If reincarnation is real PLEASE LET ME COME BACK AS A THAI GENERAL ! !! !


  14. They lost interest in me when I said I was keen on polygamy and that's why I ordered the book.

    That's a good one. Lets all order the book and waste their time and money.

    Better yet.. Recently out in paperback is "The GOD Delusion" by Richard Dawkins that is an excellent read!

    Profound and timely...

    Yes, and if you can't be bothered reading it you can watch the 2hr documentary he made based on the book called "The Root Of All Evil" it will be on youtube or somewhere out there on the web.

  15. I find it hard to believe that A: anybody would want to return to a country that just jails them for a large proportion of their life when they say they were innocent, and B: that the country would allow them back in.

    I mean you get blacklisted from ever returning to LOS for visa overstay, so I imagine doing hard time would constitute a blacklist ? :o

  16. Once again we churn out the anti faith bigotry. One day Islam, today Christianity.

    Better if those Christian types stuck to running orphanages for the unwanted children of sex tourists eh!

    OK they can extend their services to looking after the victims of HIV AIDS.

    And I guess nobody is complaining about them working with drug addicts, the homeless, the desperately poor and the stateless ethnic minority 'hill tribes'.

    Just don't let them talk about why they want to do some good in the world and where they get their inspiration from.

    Some good points GH, however the ones that bang on outside Nana Plaza etc etc are just plain making fools of themselves. If they were in a hill tribe orphanage or the likes, then hats off !

    I mean come on, the Nana crowd (or the likes) converting ? maybe sometime in later life, but can you imagine them getting even ONE convert there, on the night, ever ?


    I happened to be with a girl who worked in a shop in Panthip Plaza, whom I asked out for noodles after work. She blushed and obliged :D She couldn't speak a word of English and I enjoyed practicing my Thai. We took a stroll along Sukhumvit to enjoy some people watching etc and came across this bible passage screaming lot outside the entrance to Nana Plaza. I asked questions and listened intently while introducing my lady friend. He tried to talk to her but as she spoke no English he just stared at me. I gave him a kind of wink sort of like saying "who cares if they speak English or not".

    He was horrified and went onto somebody else :D

    Later when I explained it to the girl she giggled then playfully slapped me for the insinuation.

    BTW it was a very good ending to the evening :o

  17. Man those guys are funny, and stupid though, I mean, standing at the entrance of Nana Plaza on a Friday night in suits screaming about immorality and sin and all that BS was just so insane. Absolutely absurd!

    Do they actually think that even one sozzled farang with his lady for the evening is going to suddenly stop in his tracks on the way to the ST hotel room and say : "What I'm doing is wrong ! I have seen the error in my evil ways ! I will now go back to my room alone and flagellate myself until I pass out!" :o

    I love winding them up when I've had a few though. They are more to be pitied really!

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