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Posts posted by patklang

  1. That could give a general idea how it is

    Not really, since many farang don't post on this forum, you'd only get a snapshot of what is true for TV posters, not farang in general.

    As my wife likes to say: "Only losers waste time on the internet."

    So according to her, you wouldn't get a general idea, but only an idea of what the "loser segment" of society looks like.

    Awww.... isn't she a sweetie? :)

    I think your wife cant use the internet with a comment like that.What about keeping in touch with family/friends,checking emails,sports/genereal news,reading newspapers.I think thats a stupid statement and not worthy of more discussions.My friend goes on the internet 10-12 hours a day on stocks and is 25,000 gbp up in 3 months,tell that to your missus.

  2. Working at a reputable school, but am becoming increasingly annoyed at the policies that govern our labor "rights."

    According to our contracts we get 5 personal/sick days a year, that's it. In addition to that, if we are late by 1 second 3 times in the course of that year, the school first starts taking our sick days away. If all 5 of our sick days have been used THEN the school deducts a full day's pay from our paychecks. And there's no limit to this. So, for example, if you were absent four times in the first term and late by 1 minute 9 times the second term, the school WILL take two day's pay just like that.

    Now I've been subjected to this for some time, but this past year it got out of control with me and in the course of this year the school took 16000 baht from me just for being a little late. Never missed a class mind, just couldn't push the dam_n button on time.

    Now the new year is starting, I'm looking at this contract and wondering, IS THIS EVEN LEGAL?

    Your input would be greatly appreciated friends. I've tried to do some reading/research on this but I can't find anything this specific. Let me know what you think/what you recommend.



    stop being a prat then and get to school on time.You are in Thailand now and you knew the rules before you started the job so what is your problem.

  3. I know it's a bit late now, but I think it is still pertinent.

    Do you think Miss California should have been criticised by one of the judges and some gay organisations for saying that she disagreed with gay marriage? Although it is arguable that she did, should she have lost the chance of becoming Miss USA because of her answer?

    Beside your comment, I have also set up a questionnaire.

    not interested in voting but if she believes that who are you to criticise,just because you are gay.Everybody has a right to comment on any topic and if you disagree,UP TO YOU.

    I think she was very honest and brave to answer the question and not worry about the pc brigade jumping on her.

    I would have give her the title for her honesty,as not all people accept gays in the community,thats a fact.Maybe you would feel sick to see a hetro couple kissing or fondling in public,thats how i feel when i see 2 gays together.

  4. Ah,,a pottering potter,,how cute.

    See you on the way down mate.

    Please pass back James on the way

    Think you will be wrong on both counts.Was going to say good luck but not now heheheheheheheh.



  5. The worst fans are the ones who follow players and not teams. Ooh I love Owen, so I love Liverpool...Real Madrid...Newcastle...(Blackburn).

    The second worst are the ones who claim they support their local team but then also have a premier league team and won't stop going on about Liverpool, Man Utd, Chelsea etc.

    To be fair, the 'gap' has become so wide that you need to support/follow a Premiership team otherwise you lose interest in the top competition/s.

    I have supported Forest man and boy, but I now 'follow' Man Utd. I hated the b4stards when Forest were in the same league but I have grown to admire Ferguson and his teams.

    There is nothing worse than watching a top game as a neutral - how can you not care who wins. You need a bit of passion, generated by the desire for one of the teams to win.

    thats total BS,how can you change your team because Forest are not in the premiership.Do you still watch Forest or not,how can you do this after supporting from boy to man.I would NEVER swap my team for anyone or anything,i have pride for my team that will never go.




  6. ...

    McAuley has now been charged with trafficking in Class one and two drugs. The charge of trafficking in Class one drugs carried the death sentence in Thailand, although this is often commuted to life imprisonment for westerners.

    If convicted, McAuley will serve his sentence in Bang Kwang Prison, Bangkok, known as ‘The Big Tiger’.

    People convicted on drugs charges cannot apply for parole or pardons. However, he could be deported after serving one third of his sentence through a prisoner repatriation treaty.

    - The Belfast Telegraph / 2009-04-29

    How do you figure one third of a death sentence or a life imprisonment?

    do you know what commuted means

  7. Police said he also had on him 52,000 Thai baht (£1,107).

    “He is a major drugs dealer in Pattaya,” said Police Colonel Jutkate.

    lol, i hardly think you can be considered a "major drug deal" when your 48 and still dealing out of you car to teenagers (watch out cartels, here comes Thomas McAuley). With his fat roll of 52,000 baht.

    And where the heck are they getting their currency conversions? Is the GBP really that sh*t now?

    another one very niave.Do you think he would go out on his motorbike then.Where does it say he is only dealing with teenagers.There could be some squealing going on soon and maybe some more farangs implicated,or maybei am niave????

  8. He's a bit old to be on the front line of selling drugs, it would seem. It's also just too noticable for a foreigner to be selling drugs (at least in any quantity) and I assume he was selling to Thai youth. I am sure that some young kid who got busted is being set free as we speak for his assistance.

    It is very obvious you dont know what you are talking about with due respect.




    Foreigner selling drugs thats a bit old

    Do you get out much or what??????

    you are so niave mate.

    Have you been to Pattaya

  9. Faye crap,that just shows what crap managers you have had.Its all about getting the best out of players and fortunately our manager can,shame about your managers.



    Youre the most predictable poster on Thaivisa.

    Im all for banter, but cant you just for once try with your mind that as a child was seemingly damaged in the UK's capital of mental illness come up with something original, just for once .... please!

    Anyway Faye wouldnt make it into anyones choice of players of the season lists nor would any Stoke City players, but Rory Delap would probably be the Premier Leagues greatest shotputter.

    Totaly clueless,let me guess you are a cartoon fan.

    shotputter,do you know how to play football??? as the ball is thrown totaly different than a shotput.no wonder you are close to relegation with gutless managers,a non manager who has to bring Dowie in lol,now thats funny,he gets the sack everywhere he goes.What Stoke have done is a miracle and Pullis deserves manager of the year for hopefully keeping us in the Premiership,when smart <deleted> like you think that supporting a team like the Titanic is big and clever.We have listened to shit like yours for years and we will not take it now.Faye has been magnificent since his peanuts move form the Cartoon and thanks King Kevin for your one good decision before you abandoned ship AGAIN.You would have had a chance of survival with a fighter like Faye but your team is made up og BOTTLERS.

  10. . I won't go too much into details but for example we are EVERY YEAR required to provide a new set of photos of us (the whole family) in our bedroom, in our living room, in our kitchen, in front of our house ... I mean I've now been here for 7 years, do they really need to to through all that c*ap every year? Maybe not a big deal for you, but I feel very protective about the inside of my house and would prefer not giving complete strangers pictures of what we have (they keep the pictures, who know who may see them).

    We also have to expect an officer to come out and question the neighbors about us, like we are petty criminals.

    My wife has to answer a long list of questions (in Thai, but she tell me they are quite humiliating - and she is quite laid back) about us and our life.

    I wouldn't mind going through this once when we get here, but one time ought to be enough, after that it should be possible to just extend or give a few years, such as is given immigrating Thais in most European countries.

    Can't see the problem really. You are here on an extension based on marriage. They want to make sure you are still married and not another dead-beat trying to stay here based on an initial marriage of "convenience".

    I wish my country of birth did the same thing.

    I wish my country tightened up on visitors/immigrants,the same as Thaialnd.WE are visitors here no matter how long we have lived here.Things change and they have every right to have up to date info.

  11. I think the reason no one has answered is because the ideas in your post are only valid if you apply western thinking to a Thai situation.

    Bangkok's finest have no idea how to run traffic. The administration has no motivation to change as it cannot see the benefit, or the job is simply too huge.

    The licencing system allows hundreds of incompetant drivers EVERY DAY to qualify and get straight on the road.

    As a result the driving culture is ignorant. one of "I am here first/bigger than you/ richer than you" get out of my way. some of my nicest friends are total pigs behind the wheel, behaving in a totaly arrogant selfish manner that I cannot believe. The worst part, is that sometimes I find myself tempted to behave the same way. (Or I never get out of the junction)

    Very good post and totaly agree.I think the OP has got it wrong,thais driving slow,you are having a laugh mate.The problem is that thais love to drive fast but can only drive in a straight line,when they have to think thats when the big problem occures.

    2of my friends wives are brilliant drivers due to western type training and thought process too,they can even reverse lol.

    My thai friend who is a copper is a great driver too,but thats the minority.

  12. I was under 35 when I moved to Thailand but I was already married and never did the club thing even if I wasn't married I doubt I would have done it. My wife is Thai but I met her in university in the USA and we were married and lived in the USA for many years and had our first child in the USA. I understand your... is "frustration" a good word? I see old "dirty" pathetic farang drooling all over bar girls when I drive through the city at night and quite frankly it makes me sick to think someone is so hard up they have to go to another country to get laid (and pay as well). Some times I feel a little out of sorts because of this type of stereotypical farang since I am middle age now, fortunately my wife and I are very close in age so I don't get the "pervert" looks, also she is so light skinned she gets mistaken by Thais as Japanese, Chinese or Korean thus we even get less funny looks than the average couple, not that the color of ones skin should have anything to do with anything but the fact of the matter is it does big time in this country (I think we all know that).

    Unfortunatley racism is very much alive in Thailand and foreigners are falling into this disgusting mindset too,maybe being influenced by their non isaan gf/wives.I find it very offensive that the colour of a thai woman can mean,either no brain or very educated.Many of us can see thru this racism but some fall into the trap of big mouthed thais who think their shit doesnt smell.Being light skinned and educated doesnt mean you are nice and a good heart,infact my experiences have been the opposite.

  13. I havent got a problem with young uns except they actualy believe the thai girls are telling the truth about how hansum,sexy men they are lol,and they always get free sex.wish i was under 35 again instead of being an older sexy man lol

    So at the end I find out why I was the only one who never had free sex here.I was 35 when I arrived.

    Guess I've seen both sides to the coin... I was 20 when I came here.. I'm 44 now... They girls tell me I'm still a 'hansum man' though..... :o Funny enough back when I first arrived my older mates ( think fat 45 yr olds) got a lot more attention than me . Guess back then 'old' meant 'more money to spend' and 'young' meant 'expects it for free'

    How times have changed.. Here in Pattaya the young fellas now seem to end up with the older craftier girls who speak better English and often end up being scammed shirtless by them....

    Now thats true and very funny lol.Never thought of that but very true.

  14. Number one has to be Stoke City.The loudest supporters and a great away following and nearly always outsing the home sections.

    Look forward to another season and hopefully progress nid noi more.


  15. BTW

    for the people who cant read posts,please read again and then comment,no mentions of cheap charlies,no mentions on if i have rang the bell when pissed,cajoled etc etc.this is a question as to why you ring the bell not on whether you agree with my views.

  16. I think maybe as well as the redistribution of wealth, it provides people with an opportunity to informally invite others to share their happiness by joining them in a drink. It takes less time than going round and trying to strike up a conversation with each person in the bar, but provides an easy action that people can respond to; I supose the other option would be to get your accordion out and suggest some singing or dancing to break the ice.

    And the miserable 'eifers can sit quietly in the corner and drink the beer and go on somewhere less cheerful.

    Each to their own.


    The other option is go out with mates and buy the drinks.Because some people want a quiet drinmk does that make them EIFERS.You think in a very strange way stretcowboy,because you think if somebody doesnt want to ring the bell he has got to play the acordian hehehehehe,a bit mixed up stranger.

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