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Posts posted by Kickstand

  1. In my little village in Khon Kaen they have stared distribution of vaccines. I got my shot yesterday. It was Sinovac. They said the next shot in 3 weeks will be Astra Zenaca. Followed later with a Pfizer booster when available.


    Been looking into mixing vaccines and early data shows it is as least as effective if not more than two doses of the same kind. Mixing a deactivated virus vac (Sinovac, AZ) and and mRNA vac (Pfizer, Moderna) may be more effective. Data is still early stage and limited numbers, but there doesn't seem to a problem with mixing vaccines.

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  2. Add Khon Kaen to the list. I am way out in the boonies. The police just came to the mom and pop stores and put up a ban from April 12 - 17. All we have are small mom and pop stores within a 15 k radius of me. None are selling. A friend went out to get some whiskey and about two hours later he came back empty. They are serious about it this time.

  3. There are a few expats around Chumpae. Most live outside of town and come into town. Usually a lot of expats show up at Tomas's (Musikaffe) bar at around 5:00 on Fridays. Joes bar is on Walking street and usually get some expats on Friday nights. Joker Bar gets people on Saturday afternoons for a pool tournament. All serve food. Jang's Homemade next door to Tomas's is run by the wife of an Aussie and has excellent food. That is about it for the bar scene there.

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