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Posts posted by AleG

  1. I certainly have had some rude customs officials interrogate me already.

    At the time I probably would've loved to see them get some time for being that way.

    But the penalty is way too harsh isn't it?

    I imagine there was rudeness going on on both sides.

    British customs people need to get that official's name and passport number in case they ever shows up in their country.

    Just because an official keeps cool and looks professional doesn't mean is being respectful. I once had a problem with my passport (forgot reentry stamp), all smiles and courteously they told me to take a plane out the country do the visa again, no problem! everything is fine! easy!. They didn't tell me that the put a big DEPORTED on the immigration system, and I had a hel_l of a time until that got cleared up. Just because they may look acting professionally an respectful doesn't mean that they may be stabbing you in the back.

    Respect is a two way street, you may do better to give it when you don't get any in return, but that, at least, gives bitching rights.

    Finally, two years in a hole for being rude is the height of pettines.

  2. Let me explain:

    1. The man wrote a suicide message on the bridge.

    2. The man donned a plastic bag with Italian script. He pulled the plastic bag tight.

    3. The draw string of the plastic bag (clearly shown on Thai TV) attached to the 'hanging' nylon rope.

    4. He jumped, over the bridge extending the 'drop'.

    5. The body disconnects from the head, blood spurts out upwards as it swings for 8 seconds.

    6. The body (sporty dressed) finally snaps off to the water.

    7. The head dangles.

    This is not mafia, it is suicide. Why?

    1. The blood spatters.

    2. No criminal risks detection by writing a note, dumping a head and a body.

    3. Lower body was untraumatised when shown on TV.

    Goodnight. Sweet dreams.

    Good summary and exactly what my thoughts are regarding what happened. The head doesn't seem to be inside the plastic bag though, it seems as if it's being held by some tissue caught in the knot.

    But if the guy was already dead when thrown over the bridge there would had been no blood splurting out... or not blood at all to be sprayed around for that matter. Of course it could be that someone pushed him, still alive, over, could had been boozed out the stratosphere or drugged beyond his senses; but in my opinion head and body went down as one with the guy still alive.

    Gee, what a way to go. :o

  3. Old topic, I know, but...

    When I moved in from Uruguay I took a plane from Montevideo to Madrid, another to Paris, from Paris to Cologne and a short train ride to Dusseldorf where I took a flight to Bangkok.

    Nearly three days on the move. :o

    The Paris stopover wasn't really necessary but I wanted to visit a friend there.

    Having said that, the best way would be the Kuala Lumpur-Johannesbough-BsAs route of Malaysia airlines, plus a half an hour long hop on a plane from Bs As to Montevideo.

  4. I bought my brushless model in Saphan Lek in ChinaTown, They have lots of small shops that sells RC. Some are more advances than others.

    I myself did the beginners mistake of ordering a too strong engine. My plane flew away in 100km/h into a pine-tree. After ordering more expensive spareparts in Sweden I got it to fly again, this time being a little more easy on the throttle. It flew well and the LI-PO accs are great. Good power and long flying time.

    I've been to Saphan Lek a couple times, I felt like a blood cell squishing myself along the narrow corridors! :o

    As for ordering stuff from outside, normally I buy my R/C stuff from Hong Kong, very cheap and arrives quickly; but if I need a quick fix the model shop on the basement of Fortune Town, right in front of the Super Sports shop.

    Now that the rainy season is over I've started flying again at the Suan Rod Fai Park, but it's still a bit windy some times for the small models I like.

    Here's me trying to get a handle on my last scratch built model flight characteristics. Status, not handling so well. :D I had a twitchy servo on the elevator.

  5. For those calling the PAD terrorist for occupying the airports, you just don't understand the nuances of the term.

    If three people illegally storm an airport and forcefully take over the premises under threat of violence, refuse to desist and vow to fight to the death unless they demands are met . Those are terrorists.

    On the other hand if three thousand people illegally storm an airport and forcefully take over the premises under threat of violence, refuse to desist and vow to fight to the death unless they demands are met... now that is a completely different situation and you should be mad MAD I tell you! to call that an act of terrorism.


    But, more seriously; semantic arguments like this only help to derail the necessary proceedings. The PAD broke the law, no ifs, buts or maybes, they did break the law and at the very least the leaders should face the consequences of doing so. After all laws are just in as much as they apply equally to everyone... yeah, what can I say?, I didn't grow up here.

  6. I won't go into all of this, but one comment is flashing like a siren. The army. Their inaction was a sign that they in fact play a very major role in Thai politics. Try and think it through.

    No kidding, Sherlock. :o

    The militars have been running this place from behind the curtain for a long, long time. All pretenses of democracy or what not are just window dressing to keep the rubes appeased.

  7. AOT and PAD will jointly conduct the screening of passengers into the airport.

    -The Nation

    This is simply ridiculous!

    Hey, to the poster above (MellowYellow Post#31)... at least they can assure the western governments that the airport is "secured by PAD".




    Those protesters have ABSOLUTELY no jurisdiction to screen anyone for any reason at all.

  8. AOT president ready to arrange special zone for PAD rallies at airports

    The Nation

    What a joke!

    Not much else he can do though... :o

    That could be a problem, it's quite possible that some passenger will clash with protesters on the premises. Many angry (justifiably so) people will vent their anger against those PAD protesters and things can get out of hand.

  9. Maybe the Thai are right, farang don't understand Thai politics or culture at all, even after they've spent decades here.

    I've noticed a precious few posters who seem to have a grasp on the underlying issues, most are scratching around on the surface, fooled and confused by the smoke and mirrors.

    The threads remind me of people running around in a maze, babbling incoherently. :D

    How to win friends and influence people :D

    A good starting point would be to have a refresher course on 14th and 15th century European politics and society. It took a while but seems that Thailand is catching up. :o

  10. is it really that simple? I guess most here would agree that Hitler had it right when he squashed any protests against his democratically elected government

    Argh! stop it please, get your history right.

    I've heard this repeated over and over during recent discussions. Hitler didn't win any democratic elections, he was appointed Chancellor by the elected president after losing an election on the pressure the Nazi party and recession brought on the government of the time.

    So if that event has any resemblance with the current situation it would be the PAD acting the part of the Nazi party trying to topple the government.

  11. The title says it all, really.

    I live near a khlong but wouldn't want to get too serious.

    Exploring away from the river itself would be fun and exercise.

    Ideally a 2ndhand kayak is what i'm after.

    What are the dangers and the differences between saltwater and freshwater kayaks?

    Sounds like fun!, but besides the kayak you should get one of these


    Make sure you put all your earthly affairs in order in case a water taxi runs you over and carry a loaded gun to shoot anything with more than two eyes swimming in the water.


  12. First post in the forum. :o

    I fly small radio control models in Suan Rod Fai in Bangkok, well, at least during the dry season.

    A few people gather there on weekends to fly Park Flyers, but I prefer even smaller models, anything over 100 grams of weight flying on a park with children milling around is a no-no in my book.

    Not much micro RC stuff around here though, I order most of my stuff from various vendors on the Internet.

    This reminds me I have to finish assembling the last 1 gram servo for my next model...

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