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Posts posted by ThaisGood

  1. The fact is

    life is cheap here

    In Thailand, we believe in vigilante = ศาลเตี้ย

    we don't go to the courts of law = ศาลสูง = ศาลชั้นต้น/ศาลอุทธรณ์/ศาลฎีกา

    Thai schools of Law are not popular .... just ***nothing at all*** comparing to the school of medicine/bzyness/finanace etc...

    Lawyers are considered to be in the Low-to-Average/Moderate class

    I am Thai and I DO NOT trust "The police department & Justice system of TH"


    Are you sure? Maybe it is different for foreigners living in Thailand. Because I can tell you a story. Some years ago I had a problem with a Euro sleaze in Bangkok, I won't go into details. I am not a newcomer to Thailand, and I do business there (plenty of opportunity for foreigners by the way, despite what others say in this thread). I am not Thai. I contacted the Euro by phone. He says this mumbo-jumbo about the Thai mafia and all his connections, blah blah blah. He says if I mess with him, I should probably just, you know, fear for my life!! <deleted>.

    I just had my good friend who is the owner of a large business tell me the name of his LAWYER. This lawyer went to Harvard. I paid the lawyer only US$1500. The lawyer did background on the case and sent sleazy Euro a formal letter. Sleazy Euro DISAPPEARED as a problem for me and my business. I saw him a year later and he was probably still working his scams but against other people, not me. Thanks to my lawyer. Who is prestigious and well educated.

  2. This will probably make some Canadians reading here laugh, and feel angry at the same time. Or maybe just get angry, but I hope not.

    I live near in a busy city about an hour south of the Canadian border. I have Canadian relatives. I like Wayne Gretsky. Let's get that out of the way.

    Ever since I can remember, there have always been spirited Canadians who come down and setup grand projects, business ventures, often dealing with property. I think there is an inherent desire among some to get out of Canada and "make it big". Some of them are successful. There is always, how to put it nicely.... Whenever there is a Canadian out setting up a deal around here, whatever it is, there is always an air of dodgy, semi-illegal, scam undercurrent. I don't know why. But I have never really heard of a completely legitimate Canadian investor, they have always got something up their sleeve. This is not to accuse all Canadians, just those few who venture out into the international scene with a business of some sort.

    So reading this story, obviously he did not deserve to get killed but he likely sought out the intrigue and environment that led to his death.

  3. Hello. I've purchased some knives in Thailand, many years ago, and they still are used daily as favorites. I notice the Vietnamese shops here in USA also use the same knives--the kind with the orange handle, Kiwi brand. Is this the main brand of knives Thai people use or is there another brand also? I can usually find good kitchen stuff at Siam Makro when visiting Thailand. What other brands might I look for? And also, assuming a Thai chef has an unlimited budget for knives, do they still use Thai knives or are the really expensive Japanese or German knives preferred. Just wondering. I can't seem to find any reason to use expensive knives for everyday cooking, as long as I have the Thai knives around. Except for one long Wusthof, all I ever use is the Kiwi. And I'd like to expand my collection of Thai knives. Thanks for any advice.

  4. Does anyone know the name of the hospital where Samak is getting treatment? My family and friends would like to send him a letter offering well wishes. Regardless of politics I have personally liked Samak for many years. Where in Houston is he? Thanks for any response.

  5. Hi. I know most people eat food in plastic bags so it's generally safe but are there any known longterm effects of repeatedly eating hot food cooked in oil that's then placed in plastic? My travel to Thailand is limited to once every few years, and I love the food, and don't get too concerned because my visits are short. However I recall a Thai friend, perhaps he is just worried about everything and it's nothing to be concerned about, but he said that the shift toward eating a food from a plastic bag is relatively new in Thai society and that the bags are going to cause a lot of health problems in the future notably cancers. I wonder if the plastic bags used by vendors, especially the ones who fry food in a hot wok then immediately put in into a bag, are made of a certain food-grade material that's considered safe? Are there any known studies of this? Thanks for any insight.

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