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Posts posted by PD0NVJ

  1. Is the loss of this man any loss to society  ? I don't think so !!

    And we shouldn't feel to much sympathy for his bird as she will have almost certainly reaped considerable financial benefit from his nefarious activities.

    She is unfortunately not the only one to do so as many many Thai females live off the back of prostitution, gambling casinos  and other criminal activities. These people are seen everywhere with their "holier than thou" noses stuck in the air.

    Nuff said  :D

    I wander what has happend with you'r (silly) live in the past, but I can't see the connection here between a liquidation of someone and (from yout point of view) what his (and other Thai women) wife has done to you that you have to write so bad about women. :o

    And personally I think it would be better for (wo)mankind if you will be the next one on the list.

    By Dutch law you are not guilty until proven, this means that whatever Mr. Mieremet was doing, was not in connection to ANNY criminal activity for what he good be punnished.

    If so he was being detained already long ago. :D

    John R.I.P. brotha.

  2. If you whant to live in Holland,

    1 If you get married marrie in Thailand its cheaper and register it with the embasssy

    2 let your boyfriend get a house or an apartment otherwhise they will not give you a visa

    3 if you go for 3 months and you come back to Thailand you must wait 6 monts before you cab re-apply another visa married or not .

    The visa you need is a MVV (machtiging voorlopig verblijf) whit this you can come in the country fore 7 day's.

    with this MVV you go to the local police with all the neccesairie paperwork and ask a 1 year visa.

    This will be granted if you comply with all the rules (change often so ask the Dutch embassy or the IND [immigratie & naturalisatie dienst] what you and he need).

    You have to wait for 3 to 5 months before they will give you the MVV and another couple of months in Holland fore the 1 year visa.

    If you are in Holland you must go to school for about 1 year to learn the language and customs, laws etc.

    With the 1 year visa you are also allowed to work, but there is not so much work nowadays. Most Thai are working in massage parlours or in Thai restourants, but if you have a degree an can speak the language you might find a "better" job aswell.(don't forget to bring your school papers with a legalised translation).

  3. Last summer my son overstayed his visa (15 years old) and he only have to go to a very nice and friendly lady who give him a stamp in his passport and we where able to leave without to pay a fine.

    They told me That this is a new rule fore children up to 16, that they are not responsible for over staying.

    (I have to pay).

  4. Mine avatar is a former member of the dutch parliament ( Pim Fortuyn) who wanted to change some things :o .

    Unfortunately he was killed a couple off day's before the elections.

    He wanted to change immigration laws, Moslims didn't like him fore he was gay, and a fighter for democracy and freedom of speech.

    The killing was done by a (dutch)animal extremist.

    (Polls sayd that he would be the next PM).


  5. The gold in the chinese red goldshops has a minimum of 18k an up to 99,9 % and this is called 24K.

    Less than 18k is not allowed to be sold as gold in Thailand!.

    Its mixed up (mostly)with silver and copper so then the purity of the gold goes down but it will be stronger and last longer.

    In foreign countries it's mostly 14k about 56% gold.

    The difference in price is mostly workmanship for what you can sometimes bargain, not the gold price qause that is everyday set in combination with de National bank of Thailand and the SET index.

  6. The timing is also crucial - 7 weeks before the general election - it may be designed to stop the tens of thousands of farang teachers bitching at their students about how bad TRT is for Thailand internationally. 

    and you can let your counterpart (spouse) vote fore a party you maybe don't like after all.

    This is the real power of mass communication.

    One forum story ago everybody was against TRT, see how fast things can change.

    This is maybey the best one (story) Toxin did in the last four years.

    First seeïng than believing :o:D:D .

  7. Where is List of drugs that you can take into Thialand... I take mophine and Codeine for neck and back pain and they are prescription i get from my doctor in Canada..Will they bust me if they catch me with those In Thialand..its only 200 pills..and ive done it before am I breaking the law? Is the Valium illegal?

    No it is NOT illegal if the medicines are prescripted by a official dokter/hospital.

    If not you can get busted for valium or morfine, so ask your dokter fore a medicine passport and you will have no problem at the airport (or somewhere else).

  8. Save the airfare, and the German tax payers money and just stick a bullet in the ######'s head :o

    I think this guy deserves to be executed. He admits that he has HIV and continued to have unprotected sex. That is the same thing as attempted murder in my book. At the very least put him in jail for the rest of his miserable existence and castrate him. Those girls weren't hurting him, they are just trying to make a living.

    It's mass murder in the 1st degree, and thats how they should tread him.

    As a very dangerous willing to kill person, without regred of his deeds.

    Pitty I can't be judge & executionier.(suggestion take his skin off and drown him slowly in saltwater)

  9. The normal way of applying for a Thai passport if born abroad to a Thai parent is to take the birth certificate, parent's id card, marriage certificate, etc. etc. to the Thai embassy in the country that issued the birth certificate.

    There, the child can be registered as Thai, and be issued with a Thai passport. There is a separate issue of getting the child's name onto a Trabiën Baan as a Thai national so that, on reaching 15, she will be eligible for a Thai ID card. For that, I believe you do need a certified translation into Thai of her Birth Certificate.

    This is the way it works I dit it the same way like this and no problem at all, the whole proces took me about 10 minutes(Chiang Mai)at the city hall.

    But, I had to take a Thai person (no Family, but an official or a Kamnan or so

    ) with me and HE must sign as local guaranter to confirm that the child is Thai and allive :o

    She will get a social security number as well the same time.

    P.S. Don't forget to take the child with you as they will look at the mayors office if she is actually in Thailand.

  10. About 15 to 20 years ago they had a serie on the thai tv and it was going over the live of "Prowet Sandon" .

    Or the Buddha in his former live with his wife and children.

    Was a nice serie to watch but i can't find it no more(was on VHS tape also).

  11. the nice shiny new coach company will have burnt out wrecks in the first day. GUARANTEED

    I don't think so.

    We are planning to buy another 150 busses an take over the business :D

    And the fire won't happen qause the owner of the "song taew" business will die, shot by a motorcyclist after finishing his last evening meal :o

    Oh no it is Pataya i guess he wil commit suïcide by jumping out of his window on the 5th floor :D

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