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Posts posted by Pui

  1. Last night I arrived from Hong Kong with my wife and 2 others. I grabbed my passport from my wife and nipped to the loo. When I got to the front of the imagration line the immigration lady would not let me in without my boarding pass stub.

    Fortunately my wife had my boarding pass stub but it’s a large area. I called her on my mobile phone and she had not cleared customs yet. A couple of minutes later I called again and asked the immigration Nazi if she would speak Thai to my wife and say in Thai “Boarding pass stub”. She wouldn't. I was told to step out of line. you can come to the front of the line and not queue again. When I asked "Why do I need a boarding pass" She told me "it’s the new rules"

    Then 3 other immigration people turned up and took my passport away.

    Eventually my wife came to the counter and produced my boarding pass. The female immigration officer scolded her for what reason I don't know.

    It was all very unnecessary.

    Then she still wouldn't let me in. Said I must go and queue again. The other immigration offices all made a big joke. Lots of “mai phen Rai” and told me to apologize. For what, don’t know so I just apologized and then eventually got my stamp in.

    I think they call it “little emperor syndrome”

    Where does is state that you cannot come in without a boarding pass?

    If my wife hadn’t had the boarding pass what would they have done…?

    If you're going to make new rules please publish them. I go to HK every month and have done for several years. I have never ever been asked for a boarding pass.

    Whether I’m right or wrong is not why I thought I’d write this. Perhaps you are meant to keep it and they’re just going by the book. The immigration officer didn’t need to get so nasty though.

    I hope I can help anyone else avoid what I went through.

    Don't forget your boarding pass.

  2. The message from immigration seems to be “get a visa”. They must be trying to put an end to visa runs. This is a good thing. For starters it will cut down on the massive queues at popular visa run border crossings. So genuine tourists can pass more freely. I was once queued at Poi Pet for a couple of hours in the baking sun. Never again.

    When I decided to make Thailand my home I found ThaiVisa.com very useful. They even have a template for what you cover letter should look like.

    Once a year I go back to England and the service is amazing. It’s about as difficult as joining a video library.

    What baffles me is trying to understand why so many people are confused. Most presumably educated individuals from the western world. This site really has some great info. I get a Non-B 1 year visa. Now in my fourth year.

    Yes I remember visa runs. What a headache. Hot, sweaty bus or train journeys to borders. That’s what prompted me to get a yearly visa. Non-B. Guys do yourselves a favour and get a visa.

  3. My situation is that I make a trip the UK now once a year. The main reason is get my Non-B visa (but I tie other things in as well, visit the family etc.). Its so easy in your home country. The service in the UK is fantastic. I send my passport on a Monday its back by Wednesday. How do they do that? Its simply wonderful.


    Are the people the make such a song and dance about the visa laws people that can’t go home because of fear of arrest? I just cannot work-out what the problem is.

    So you are here on the whim of the (farang) Honorary Consul in Hull in the UK. Each consulate and embassy seems to be a law unto themselves. Some like Hull and (formerly?) Penang hand out visas to almost everyone. Others do not. If Hull happens to change its policy or closes you will quickly find out what the problem is for others who need to deal with less flexible embassys or consulates. It would only take one newpaper article of a farang who got caught with a visa they got by mail order without leaving Thailand or a scare mongering polititian out for a few more votes to invent this or a similar situation.

    Plenty of people fall through the cracks in the laws - this being the internet, telecommuters and IT contractors are particularly well represented in this forum. If you are lucky and have an understanding consulate worker at home and you contact them on a day they have the patience to listen to you explain the concept of telecommuting they might give you a 1 year type-O. Or you might be stuck on the 30 day tourist entry stamps or 60 day tourist visa.

    Thankfully I'm now personally on a type-O as my wife is now a legal teacher here. It only took an entire 3 months for her to become legal due to all the paper shuffling and visits to various bits of the gov. I think the only English teachers who manage to be legal their entire stay are those who accept a (generally crap) job before they arrive in Thailand and stay there like a good indentured slave. Having seen the hoops the schools have to jump through I can understand why some of them don't bother unless they have been previously busted and have to be especially careful - the time and money wasted is quite breathtaking all for an incredibly common procedure and not every school wants to invest in a dedicated lawyer to deal with the process that winds its way through three seperate ministies multiple times.

    Not that any of this matters yet - nothing has actually happened or changed apart from vague anouncements.

    Certainly not living in Thailand on anyone’s “Whim’ nor did I get a visa from Hull. Why would you make such an assumption?

    What I’m saying is that if you apply for a visa in your home country. It makes life a lot easier.

    Simply by going through the correct channels it very easy to get a Thai Visa. If you are going to Thailand to teach I believe the correct procedure is to apply for a non-b BEFORE you arrive.

    Yes teachers do face problems and I don’t want to even get into that now. There is an excellent website called ajarn.com which is dedicated to Teachers in Thailand. but context of the thread and the Thai immigration clamping down on people doing visa runs ever 30 days. This issue can be addressed very easily. Get a Non-B in your own country.

    All i'm saying is go through the correct channels and 9 times out of 10 its very easy.

  4. as with all such directives that come from on high, the interpretation will be rife with subjectivity.

    Two scenarios:

    1. Joe Blo buys a few beers and takes them to visit his immigration official friend one evening. They exchange niceties, inquire about families and jobs, then the farang asks; "I heard about a change in the immigration rules, will that farce me and my Thai wife and child to be deported." the kindly official laughs, "of course not, you won't have a worry in the world!"

    2. Joe Blo is coming across a border into Thailand. He's sweaty, tired, and eager to just get home to be with his family in Chiang Mai. ....and he's hoping to get a 4th 30-day visa extension. The border official frowns while leafing through Joe's passport and directs Joe to go to a special room to start deportation procedures. Joe mentions his Thai wife, the wife's family that he just built a house for, the child, the 30,000 baht he has in his pocket, ....all to no avail. The immigration official has been told earlier by his superiors that he clamp down on wayward farang. Joe is booted out.

    Regardless of what rules get put on the books, there are two things for certain:

    A. the rules won't be consistently applied. Different officials/Entry points will apply them in different ways. It's always been that way, and there's no reason to suspect there to be any changes.

    B. The rules will be subject to the whims of the officials. If a farang does a border crossing dressed neatly, that's added points. If he does a border crossing with his Thai wife in toe, additional points. If the farang and his Thai wife reek of money - it's guaranteed he won't get in trouble. Additional points awarded dropping names of important Thai people, and also for children in toe.

    I have one farang friend who carries a card around in his wallet with the name and seal of someone close to the royal family. He says he's used that tattered card to get out of many uncomfortable encounters with Thai officials. We should all be so lucky.


    In the 4 years of living here, I've never had any "uncomfortable encounters with Thai officials" Why on earth would anyone seriously consider carrying around such a homemade document. What sort of things do people get up to that they need to carry around such a bizarre item? Its laughable.

    Sorry I don’t mean to sound so self righteous. Its just beyond me. Maybe its people that make lots of boarder crossings. What ever. I don’t get it. Never felt the need personally.

    This is someone you know not you. I understand. “Mental”

  5. This is a huge problem for people who are a bit dodgy. People who spend there lives ducking and diving.

    Most normal people would go to a site like thaiVisa .com read the rules. Work-out how those rules effect there lifestyle then work within the thai immigration rules and get on with there lives.

    What is the problem?

    I have a friend who can’t work out why they won’t give him a “1 year non B” in panang. Wants to write a letter of complaint to some government office or other. Its worked ok for 3 years but now it won’t. went into loads of details. Bores the pants off me...

    My situation is that I make a trip the UK now once a year. The main reason is get my Non-B visa (but I tie other things in as well, visit the family etc.). Its so easy in your home country. The service in the UK is fantastic. I send my passport on a Monday its back by Wednesday. How do they do that? Its simply wonderful.

    Write a letting saying you are going to Thailand to research Issan music, or tuk-tuk fuel consumtion, traditional basket weaving. Any bloody thing in other words.

    The Thai government doesn’t consider how many thai’s you are supporting. They are not a nanny state. There are rules. Play by them and don’t listen to bar stool philosophers.

    Are the people the make such a song and dance about the visa laws people that can’t go home because of fear of arrest? I just cannot work-out what the problem is.

  6. and for the bigots ...... please leave it off of ThaiVisa. I am sure there are other places you can make anti-Muslim rants and be cool ....

    I am certainly no bigot. And I will never be silenced when a specific group keeps terrorizing and murdering innocent Thai people--and that group just happens to be a group of Islamic terrorists in the south.

    So play whatever card you wish--a race card, whatever it might be. You will not destort the truth and you will never shut me up or keep me from spotlighting the truth.

    Hang on a minute. You're not a bigot but....

    Specific groups murdering Thais? When in the history of Thailand where more people killed than by Thaksin’s “war on drugs” 2000+ people lost there lives (That’s the stuff we hear about)

    Thaksin controls all the media. The richest man in the land.

    Some people seem to want to take any opportunity to bash Muslims.

    I wouldn't want to mess with your "freedom of speech" but keep things in perspective.

  7. Beer in Thailand is bloody awful. Why can Laos make such good beer? Yet the Thai stuff is so bag. Chang, Leo its really heavy stuff. Not pleasant or refreshing.

    This is my fourth year of living in Bangkok full time. Last week I had a bottle of Fosters in Gullivers, Soi 5. It wasn’t cheap and probably would have chosen something else if I was at home but the choice here is terrible. The beer was great. I’d forgotten how much I enjoyed a nice cold glass of beer.

    I believe our beloved caretaker Mr. Taksin makes money on Heineken beer so if you want imported beer that’s available you will drink Heineken beer. That’s democracy Thai style.

    Thailand would be number one in Asia if wasn’t run by criminals.

    Politicians should not be so involved in business and commerce. Governments make policies so may be inclined to make a decision based on financial interest rather than the good of the people.

    Its called conflict of interest in most civilized countries.

    tastes awful :o

  8. We had a really bad ant problem just before the hot season. Tried the chalk and the spray. Plus a green box thing. All a load rubbish. Then we bought something that looked like 'Biscuit Crumbs" Thought it was not going to work but its brilliant. Its a Thai brand and i can't remember the name. Looks like digestives. like the bottom of a cheese cake.

    Anyway, As stated before. They take this stuff back to base and wipes them all out.

    its been 4 months and not a single ant.

    Just look for the biscuit crumbs in the supermarket.

  9. Finished with Thai air for life. My girlfriend with 120,000+ air miles that where not accumulated in 12 months so still no gold card.

    The planes are falling apart.

    The shared TV screen for long haul flights. It’s like going back in time.

    The lounge at Don Muang has gone down hill; the food gets worse and less varied. Has anyone seen the Cathy lounge in HK? It’s amazing!

    If they where even mid priced it wouldn't be so bad but they are so expensive.

    Then there are the nightmare stories.

    They over sold my seat in China. They had me on stand bye for 7 days. Until my ticket became invalid.

    I had to go across land to Hong Kong and buy an expensive business class ticket back to Bangkok.

    Everything seems to being getting cut back. Cheaper and cheaper and now the tickets are going up. They can keep it.

    Most expat friend agree and some will no longer travel if Thai air is the only choice.

    Thairair are not going down hill they are at the bottom.

    Eva air is a very good direct alternative to the UK.

    They are a budget airline and miles better than Thai...The national carrier.

    Emirates are quite good as well.

  10. this is old news...as in 6months+ old.i used a crack on one of my pcs but left the other,about a month later it just reverted to normal and started downloading updates normally.

    i think microsoft realised they would be causing more problems for legitamate users by not updating pirate versions.

    one of there wonderful ideas that was not so good in practice.

    regards scmok

    This has been the case for a long time. Maybe now it’s official. But I can remember this happening when trying to update to SP2. That must have a been a year ago.

    1, The windows system/sucess was copied from Apple anyway.

    2, Does Bill Gates need more money?

    Wheres there's a will there'll always be a way.

    Glad i live in Thailand. :o

  11. Often wondered why they make foreigners do these stupid visa runs.

    For the last few years I've had a non-B visa so only need to travel every 3 months. Since I visit Hong Kong every month for business it’s never and issue. But it hasn't always been like that.

    Why does Thailand only give visitors 28 days? Hong Kong for example stamp me in for 180 day.

    Is it a bit like the car tax scam where government officials have an 'interest' in which cars are sold. Imported cars have an astronomical tax applied. Result. Officials make Mercedes for there Mai Noi’s and everyone else has to drive an old car. (Or a Pick-up)

    Do government officials own domestic travel operations?

    Making people travel, wait in long queues, just to make a couple of quid is so selfish.


    Surely some of them are foreigners...

    Beautiful country, lovely people just run by criminals.

  12. 100 policemen to crackdown prostitutes in Bangkok

    There are some vicious scary Katoi's out at night. They are beginning to out number the girls. They prowl the Nana to Cowboy walk. Congrigating in certain areas.

    They are the only Thai people I know that will walk straight up to you and takes things from your pockets.

    Normally one of there friends will grab your nuts first. Robbery anywhere else in the world but I've never heard of a singe prosecution…and the police expect farang to carry passports.

  13. Scruffy 3-bed in Sukhumvit, Soi 4, Next to Nana Thai Mansion.

    Rent 23,000 is now 30,000+ with the hike.

    That would get me a pretty luxurious apartment. With government meters.

    My Electric is 7,000 - 8,000 a month. About double what it was in the UK. Unbelievable. When I enquired they said they where in a family dispute and the brother has the electricity in his name. He also has his own meters. :o

    Although I have a 3 bed apartment in Bangkok. It’s only for when my sister stays.

    My electric has been 7,000 even when I’ve been out of the country for 2 weeks of a month. :D They are blatantly steeling from me and there’s nothing I can do.

    When I refused to pay the second month they just said they’ll turn off the electricity.

    So I suggested moving out and they just told I’d have to pay the rest of my contract. :D

    Nothing I can do. Just waiting for my contract to finish so I can move out.

    Criminals. Makes me furious. :D

    Mai Phen rai?!? My Ar$e

    No wonder it’s often called “Land of Scams”

  14. Most people I know say Singh makes you sick. Personally I couldn't drink enough of the stuff to make me sick. It doesn’t taste good. Singh Gold is meant to be quite good. But hard to find.

    The choice of beer can be boring in Thailand. Most places have Heineken. :o We used to have Carlsberg just as readily available. Although not the best beer it made a change.

    Heineken :D

  15. Thailand to set up consulate office in Xiamen

        XIAMEN: -- Thailand will set up a consulate office in Xiamen, a coastal city in east China's Fujian Province, according to Thailand's consulate general in south China's Guangdong Wednesday.

        The office will be launched within days and will be upgraded toa formal consulate in a year, according to diplomatic sources, who declined to be named.

        The office will make it easier for Fujian residents to apply for a Thai visa and will facilitate trade ties between Xiamen and Thailand.

    --Xinhuanet 2005-06-08

    Wow, I had a very bad experience in China. I tried to get a Non-B in Guangzhou a few months ago. Even though I'd had one before and had my paper work they where horrible. Not a single Thai on the premises for my Thai/Chinese girlfriend to speak to. Photocopies of there forms. Tight as a ducks....They said I needed more info. They admitted they’d never processed one before.

    These agencies in China are setup for Chinese to get there 1 week visa. I know I had a Chinese girl over, they would only give her a week. They wouldn't even give me a tourist visa :o Something I could get from any Thai consulate or Embassy on the planet. Not in China. Rules rules rules. Chinese are very strict.

    Don't waste your time trying...

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