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Posts posted by BinKata

  1. Yikes, well I'll never eat another one. Sorry, but I do not trust US FDA to make sure BSE ( Mad Cow ) isn't in the food chain...something about not allowing meat processors to test their own products is really suspicious . A big reason why I left US.

    Feeding livestock ground up bovine spinal cords and other neural tissues from all kinds of animal carcasses- bad idea.

    Is all your fresh meat/poultry from US ?

    5555555 - LOL....You have to be kidding!

    It was a simple question! This is a post about Christmas dinner! You really need a life!

    Or at they very least Start a new Post!

  2. Fortunately, I am smart enough not to have to because I am not stupid enough to drive that way in the first place.

    The Class? Dude, I think you speak for yourself.

    This is stupid, and I already have 2 warnings for railing people like you, so I am done.



    Todd, You seem a bit uptight? Do you need a Hug?

  3. I am no way questioning if this really happened. ( I know how defensive people get here!) Just want to know how you heard about it? Do you know the guy? Why was is not in the Gazette? Why haven't the police tried to set up a sting or at least increase patrols in the area? Have the police ever addressed the problem?

  4. I do alot of cooking and I prefer to cook with Non Iodized salt. But i have not been able to find any Kosher salt or Coarse Sea salt.

    Can anyone point me in the right direction?

    Never understood this. I thought "Kosher" was to do with the way animals are slaughtered, and not mixing meat and dairy. What has that got to do with salt? . . . . .

    I agree...sounds like a misapprehension of the concept. It never ceases to amaze me what different societies or people believe in and the ends to which they go to do things - supposedly - the "correct" way. Most of it is a load of drivel in my modest opinion...... :o

    What about your Ignorant Drivel? Educate yourself before speaking!

    Kosher salt gets its name not because it follows the guidelines for Kosher foods as written in the Torah (nearly all salt is kosher, including ordinary table salt), but rather because of its use in making meats kosher, by helping to extract the blood from the meat. Because kosher salt grains are larger than regular table salt grains, when meats are coated in kosher salt the salt does not dissolve readily; the salt remains on the surface of the meat longer to draw fluids out of the meat.

  5. My girlfriend prefers me to be smooth and hairless. I was wondering if anyone knows of a place in Phuket where a man can get a

    full body waxing?

    I have already posted this question in the "Phuket Forum" . But I think anyone who knows the answer is not comfortable with sharing.

  6. This is a serious question....My girlfriend prefers me to be smooth and hairless. I was wondering if anyone knows of a place in Phuket where a man can get a full body waxing?

    All you comedians save the jokes and move on.

  7. I am an experienced fisherman but not in Thailand. I am going to be doing some shore fishing in Kata and I am looking for any resources for the identification of the different local species.

    Does anyone know of any web sites with a complete identification list of the local fish?



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