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Posts posted by personchester

  1. Will this mean another run at the banks by the Bangkok people, if the banks decide to just hand out money to the farmers just from out of the blue?

    No, this will not happen again, there is now a sensible junta administration, moreover Thai banks will not get involved in silly financial activities.

    Sensible junta?????

    I think world history has shown this to be an oxymoron.

    The initial view of foreign countries about the Thai coup was seen as a violent military activity but this did not take place.

    The junta has been approved by the King, and the upcoming political activities will be outlined by a team of top professional advisers in order to start a new election for top democratic country.

  2. That is not a general practicality, because license applications procedures are different in regional license offices, some have a short and easy procedure, others have long and difficult procedure taking 2 to 3 hours

    Thus the license application outcome depends on the region where people are living, by mentioning your application procedure please state where your license application toke place.

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  3. You get documentation from the hospital / doctor and head (or send someone) to immigration IMMEDIATELY, you can get medical extensions without too much difficulty.

    What you cannot do is hope to fix an overstay after the fact, as many have discovered you have to act at once.

    When visiting the Immigration office I did see several times fellow's arriving in a wheal-chair pushed by their Thai wife, or friends, and the application gets completed in the normal way.

  4. Booked my online retirement extension for 10am during August 2014

    Will arrive at 0955 and no doubt be out of there at 1020 as usual,

    OP take the money and put it in a single account, in your name.

    The whole 800,000 has to be solely yours.

    Of course depending on your g/f if you discuss this first, she might be proactive and put it in her name.

    Just a thought.

    For many years I have booked "online" to start the renewal of the annual extension procedure the time to start is10 AM, I arrive at about 9.50 AM and confirm at the desk my arrival.

    But it never starts at 10 AM, I have to wait until about 10.20 AM, then enter the officers desk for 15 /20 minutes to finalize the matter.

    Then the renewed visa page in the passport has to be signed by the top immigration officer, and that takes some time more than one hour, nevertheless, the time factor it is not a problem.

  5. Wow, the guy is really showing his colors, ain't he? A dictator of his ilk won't stand much longer for a free flow of information and public expression of opinion on the internet. But I guess that would come after the shuttering of the judicial branch of gov't.? I'm afraid our days are numbered.

    Nonsense. He is just cleaning out the dirt. To bring about reforms so there can be elections in the shortest possible time, he needs to eliminate all obstructions. No half measures, just go for it, do it. It won't be long before the curfew is lifted.

    The General is basically not interested in politics, had that been the case then HE would have entered the coup after the first month of those street riots and not weight so much longer (7 months)

    The fact that HE started the coup 7 months of street riots is indicative of the fact that HE wants those messy political problems to end entirely.

    In order to achieve this HE intents to remove the current political administration, and then create a new democratic political set up organised by HIM and his advisers, and when this has been carried out then an election will take place again and will be beneficial for Thailand's population.

  6. Well father in law and the guy who rents wifeys paddy have been waiting for their rice payments since October. Hopefully the Junta will be good for their word and pay the poor farmers within 20 days.

    The problem I see is the country, does not have the money to pay them, if they "find" money then what else suffers.

    This might, or might not be the case, because we really don't know whether Thailand has not sufficient money to pay the rice farmers.

    Nevertheless, should the state be short of money but want to pay the rice farmers then they have to engage in Q.E. - (quantitative easing) in order to print new money to pay the farmers.

    Depending on the amount of the Q.E. printing, the THB will then lose some value in FX., and farang's will be pleased because the value of USD, GBP, EUR, etc ... will increase, hence a better money exchange for them.

  7. Jeez man, don't panic.

    The bars closing at 10pm don't equate to an "economic crash". The likelihood is that the curfew will be lifted reasonably quickly once the retail and entertainment sectors start complaining...

    The present curfew is a problem for the businesses, but this matter will closed in due course even without any complains from those affected traders.

  8. bad, very bad, very depressing news

    Incorrect ..., The army has done this several times before in order to stop the political street riots that toke place in the past, this time the street riots lasted many months with many disastrous activities.

    Thailand's non-political state administrator's will be supported by the army in order to manage Thailand in a positive way until the current political problems get sorted

    During the army's control, new politicians will appear and will be selected and when the time is right the army will agree to create a general election, and when positively completed the army will remove itself from the current position as they have done in the past, then Thailand will politically be a new democratic country with beneficial activities for Thailand and its population.

  9. What does a 'European-looking' man look like??? Russian? Brit? American? Scandinavian? Actually, how do all these people look like really? Sheesh...

    Europeans look European, Asians look Asian, Africans look African, Middle-Easters look Middle-East and so on ... etc ...

    The Denmark girl did refer to the chap as a European-looking and therefore lives in Europe, but it does not necessarily mean that he lives in Europe, as a European-looking fellow he could have come from another European-race countries like ... Australia, New Zealand, Canada, America, Western Russia, Israel, etc ...

  10. Good to know he was not Australian, American or Russian!

    Your reply is not sensible, being named European looking does not mean he is from Europe, those that are European looking are Westerners, and Westerners live in many different countries in particular Australia, America, Canada, New Zealand, Russia, Israel, and many, many more.

    Europeans / Westerners are classically the "Caucasian Race" and the Caucasian race lives entirely across the globe.

  11. I think the OP is very drunk. I have no desire for racists comments on bar girls, no interest on the good and bad of bar girls. What i do know is that there is no way that she will gain anything, with an old, fat, singha vest wearer, other than a few pounds, that he has saved with his winter fuel allowance

    Your reply is not entirely sensible, 50% of farangs in Thailand are not poor fat fellows, Thai girls married to those farangs get an updated life style, they own the house paid by the farang, don't have to work anymore, use an updated clothing fashion, are able to eat good meals (in and out) able to drive a car, and also help their families a bit financially.

    Many, many Thai girls like wedding a farang for a better life style, not all of them are bar girls of course, many Thai girls go to an agency, or use the outlined computer websites.

  12. Thainess at it's best bah.gif

    Its a prison not a church.

    The nicest people do not really end up in prison, many are lifers and could not care less to kill someone over the silliest thing

    Nothing to do with Thainess,, same all over the world.

    Not correct, many nice people enter prison as well due to illegal activity, and the lifers are not the only one killing fellow prisoners inside.

    Prisons are full of convicted people and killings inside prisons do not occur often, and lifers can not be entirely blamed for this because any prisoner could do it - not just lifers.

  13. Tell the staff that was a funny joke they played and then tell them you also have a funny joke as you sack them. Job done.

    That would be normal in our home countries, but in Thailand certain Thai men act forcefully against farang's.

    Should those men be sacked due to the inside treatment against their boss, then due to being sacked they might well decide to attack him forceful somewhere outside.

  14. Suthep's statement to change the current regime in order to create a real democracy in this country is a correct political outline, but will it really take place ...

    The monthly street riots have achieved nothing of this sort, he should have instructed the entire PDRC team to deal with the political matter in a peaceful manner to ensure that they get support from the public electorate by informing them entirely on their political programs in order to get Thailand entirely democratic and peaceful.

  15. wasn't Friday a holiday in Thailand (or all of Asia)? that could be one reason as the banks were closed.

    sorry, not trying to make you feel bad, but it's an example of why all foreigners need to keep some cash ---> couple of million Bath or more stashed away in an account that's never touched - in the event of emergencies.

    Friday May 2 was NOT a holiday all banks open. Thursday was Not a national holiday in Thailand but it was a bank holiday. Tomorrow May 5 is Coronation Day and is a national Thai holiday. All government offices and banks closed.

    Not all bank branches were closed on May 5. I went into BKB. and Kasi. they were open on May 5. maybe other banks branches were open as well,

    In any event it is not an important matter if banks are closed one day, or a few days, A/c holders should have ... a credit or debit card, and ATM card, and a cheque book, thus any payments can be made by those items.

  16. Why would the US extradite somebody that has already been tried and acquitted of a crime?

    Because due to new discovery the case entered the court for the third time due to the fact that additional details of the murder case were discovered and presented in court which the court found guilty.

    The (third) guilty court case decision was thus similar to the first guilty court case decision, the 2nd.court case decision however found her not guilty and she was released from prison and allowed to return home.

    The US will no doubt ask for details of the three court cases ..."1st.guilty, 2nd.not guilty, 3rd.guilty " and following the outcome will then decide whether an Italian extradition request will be allowed.

  17. Tough cannolli. The chances that the USA will extradite this young woman are basically BUPKIS.

    We cannot really forecast the US reaction of an Italian extradition request, but it was after all a shocking murder case and that are important legal matters for both US and Italy.

    But it is difficult to know the extradition outcome, due to the fact that the legal decisions of the three Italian court cases were as follows ...

    >1st. court result - guilty, .. 2nd.court result - not guilty, ... 3rd.court result - guilty again <

    Before deciding to extradite or not, the US authority will of course ask advice from their official legal department.

  18. It should also be noted that usually for an extradition to occur, the crime has to be a crime in both countries (I believe there are some exceptions). In the case of Ms. Knox, she was found not guilty and a retrial would be considered double jeopardy. Under US law she cannot be tried for the same crime twice.

    There were three court cases ...

    The first court case found her guilty, and she was sent to prison.

    The second court case found her not guilty, and she was set free and allowed to return home.

    The recent third court case found her however guilty again.

    As a result of the three court cases she is found two times guilty, and one time not guilty, due to this the US might not allow her extradition to Italy.

  19. My guess is she will never be forced to go back to Italy ... They just wasted time and money .......

    The Italian court might request her return, but the US authority might, or might not accept the fact that she should be sent back to Italy because there were three court results about this murder case.

    The first court result was guilty and she was sent into prison, the second court result proved her not guilty and she was relieved out of prison and allowed to return home, but the recent third court case result has proved her guilty again.

    In view of the court cases it is difficult to know weather she is guilty or not guilty.

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