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  1. My daughter, 19, needs to get a new Thai passport. Unfortunately, they told her that she needs both parents to be with her at the office to renew it (once she's 20 she can do it herself), but her mom is overseas and not coming back anytime soon. They said she could do it if she had her mom’s Thai ID, or her mom could send her some kind of paperwork, but it wasn’t clear to my daughter what that was, and I don't think her mom is up to helping much. Any ideas on what to do ? She’ll be coming back from abroad after it expires. Can my daughter get thru immigration with her Thai ID and her expired Thai passport? If worse comes to worst she can enter on her US passport as a tourist I suppose.
  2. My daughter was accepted into the JIPP (Joint International Psychology Program) at Chula. She'll get 2 bachelors degrees, one from U of Queensland, one from Chula. She has also been accepted at University College in the Netherlands. Anybody have an opinion on which might be better? She'll probably live in Thailand after graduation.
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