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Posts posted by yogi

  1. me me me me in

    ... depends on the stupid saturday classes.... if i still tempted to join and not be that tired

    It will be cool to see you again thithi, dunno if we can plan in a cake stop!

    So for Saturday night piss up

    Who is going?

    At the moment it is


    mrtingtong (dependant on hangover from Friday night)


    thithi (we will carry her if she is tired)

    Who else wants an evening of sophisticated and stimulating conversation?


  2. petharoi,you must be lucky to have honest and hardworking people with you,

    but i was trying to discuss on normal thai timing.

    i think thai mass dont take time factor seriously.

    thanks for sharing

    take care

  3. Thanks Yogi,

    I'd be very greatful if you could give me the number. sounds exactly what I'm looking for.


    they thae 2 package #1--350 bht a month

    #2--4000 bht for 12 months,(if you make 12 months contract you can get 2 months free so its 14 months)

    they will first ask 4000 bht,but you can ask discount,as i got it last week for 3540 bht.

    good luck

  4. My wife and I live in Bang Bo, not far outside Bangkok. We currently have a Star satellite box top and dish, however the only two channels offered in English are "God" and "Apotolic" both of which are evangelical christian channels... not what you'd call compulsive viewing... there's also a channel called "Starlight TV" which offers some (fairly dreadful) movies in English.

    I understand that it is possible to get a package that offers more English speaking channels, possibly including the option to listen to news channels in english. I'd be very greatful if anyone could give me more information about this. I did hear that the True "Platinum" package included more english speaking channels, though I may be misinformed...

    try tor S.TV

    3500 for 14 monts.

    you will get more than 30 english channels........

    i am using that,if you want contact number i will give you later,as its not handdy with me.

  5. Thank you for posting this topic Yogi as I have being wondering for the last few weeks why everyone (Thai) seems to be so lax with appointments.

    I thought it was just the people I was dealing with but it seems that this is the norm rather than a rarity.

    My thoughts are that Thai people are constantly hungry so need more time to eat hence are late for appointments.

    Ps: I had no problem understanding your post

    hi seank

    no its common with all of us,they all are late.

    and yes these street food is too tampting for them,they dont even realise importance of their work.

    talking of my business structure i am in diamond & jewellery business,its lexuary product,so we have very few working hours,because they wakeup late,and in this few working hours also they are late......... its realy pissing me off.


  6. I am with you Yogi,

    they drive me crazy as well.

    " I will see you tomorrow at 9.00 AM " means that I will leave sometime after 9.00 AM and probably stop for some food on the way, maybe visit the sister who lives close to the food shop and take care of her baby for a couple of hours while she goes shopping.

    Get stuck in the traffic ect. ect..

    Sometimes you are lucky to see them by the evening .

    To make it worse, it took a full hour of talking on the phone yesterday to organise all this and when the the said visitor finally does arrive, they will all sit on the floor and eat for another hour before WE can do anything.

    Day finished.

    It blows my mind.

    thanks for sharing vegemite

    yes you are so right,they have sisters in every corner.

    after explaining everything on phone,they might ask same question again and get confuse for time.

    this is what they call SABBAI SABBI.............................

  7. You just can't go throwing money on slums, the land value will rise and then what the people grow with it?? There jobs will still e the same. Its seriously all relevant. Yogi have you been to Auttaya. Very traditional. Temples and way of life. Its not poverty there…Been to Cambodia? hel_l watch your set for a landmine seriously still 100s about the borders.

    Whats all this crap got to do with the farangpub anyways???

    yes i been to ayuthya,have you seen ppls house there?i know combodia can be worst,

    it was a mistake to post in farangpub section,sorry for that,

  8. Just wondering where I can buy this game for the PC?

    It is a new release, and it will need to be a true copy because of it needing an activation code and registering online


    go to central world 4th floor someware near banks section,

    there is a small stall for pc games,but orignal stuff(expencive)sure you will get there.

    or else MBK but not sure they have true copy or not

    good luck

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