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  1. Wisut Bag Fixer ร้านรับซ่อม Copy this and search on Google Maps. Not far from your location.
  2. They cut every tree in our village like this 3 years in a row. Half of the trees are now dead (only stumps remaining) and the other half are clearly diseased and weakened. Thai gardening at it's finest.
  3. Long article informing that banks will have new compliance laws in June, but not one mention of what the new compliance measures are......
  4. We live in bass-ackward times. Plastic bags are deemed bad for carrying your shopping home and reusing them but it is perfectly OK, and expected, to have to purchase plastic bags to pick up dogs excrement preserving it in a plastic grave which will be buried in a landfill and remain entombed for years, which if left alone would return to the earth within a few days at most. Further proof of the lack of sense any of this makes, is the fact that people get so bent out of shape when they see dog feces but aren't bothered in the slightest with the septic waste (human excrement) from every house in the city draining into the street drains, which often flood and spreads nasty bacteria and smells, and in some villages, like the one I reside in Bangkok, the garden team uses the water from the street drains to water the public area gardens and parks where the children play and the dogs are walked. Many things in the world we now live in are laughable due to the lack of logic applied and misguided "outrage"... 😂🤦‍♂️ Waiting for the outrage to come regarding how vile bird poop is and what over-the-top "solutions" will be devised. 😂 It's often best to just sit back and just smile at all the absurdity instead of trying to make any sense of it all. 😊
  5. File for a return from Amazon. Anyone who has dealt with NBTC previously would likely give you the same advice.
  6. "The Thai authorities remain vigilant, cracking down on such activities to protect consumer interests and uphold the law." Replace the word "consumer" with Tobacco Authority of Thailand, formerly known as Thailand Tobacco Monopoly (TTM) for a more accurate statement.
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