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Posts posted by HeyNow

  1. I've searched two Makros in Chiang Mai, looking from frozen craberries, but have had no luck. In years past, Makro has stocked large, 1 kg bags of these tiny cranberries. They were from China, I believe. But it appears that either they don't stock them anymore or else they're all sold out.

    Has anyone had any luck finding bulk frozen cranberries in CM this year? I'm looking for options rather than Rimping; I know they stock them, and you can even get the fresh kinds, but prices are too high and the quantities too small for what I'm trying to do. I'm thinking Yok, Baker's Friend, or even perhaps Big C Extra might have them, but I'm asking here to save some time and avoid all the runaround.



  2. A couple months ago, I saw Kindles being sold at the B2S in Central Airport Plaza. They were in a glass display case near the checkout counter. I'm not sure if they're still being sold, as I haven't been by there in some time.

    I'm assuming you're asking about e-ink Kindles such as the Paperwhite, and not a color tablet such as the HDX. The ones I saw were definitely e-ink, and I think they may have been Paperwhites, though I'm not 100% sure.

    Unfortunately, I can't comment on the price. I already have one, so I didn't bother to inquire. I merely stopped to gaze in awe and wonder that such a thing had finally made its way here. :P

    - HeyNow

  3. Fireworks are easily had around Loy Krathong, but for Americans who want to have a little firework-fun this time of year, they're scarce to be found. Anyone know of a place around town where they can be purchased?

    Yesterday, I checked several stores along Chiangmai-Lamphun road selling Buddhist accoutrements, because I'd seen them selling fireworks in the past. But no luck this time. I also checked a store just south of Grace International School, but they weren't selling either.

    Any help would be much appreciated.

  4. There is a sugar free yoghurt on sale at most supermarkets. TOPS nearly always has it.

    Can't think of the name, but the packet is white with blue typeface. Available in 2 sizes.

    I have some kefir grains if you also like a kefir milk drink.

    The brand masuk is referring to is probably "Yolida." It is indeed a no-sugar added yogurt. It is not, however low- or non-fat. I believe it is made from whole milk. You can get it at Rimping, but I've also seen it at Makro Hang Dong, selling for a bit less.

    Many 7-Elevens have started carrying a line of yogurt called "Bulgaria," made by CP-Meiji, I believe. One variety with a blue label is no sugar added. But the price per serving is quite high.

    I believe Dacheeso makes whole, low-fat and non-fat plain yogurts, but it would be good to call and find out for sure.

    - HeyNow

  5. I've got an Avanza that needs some work. The engine is a bit rough when idling and the brakes are squeaking. I'd also like to get the AC checked out; it's running okay now, but back in April, it wasn't getting nearly as cold as it should have. I purchased this vehicle earlier this year from a used car dealership. I've never taken this car to an actualToyota dealership before. So I have no idea what to expect about their costs for parts and labor, other than that they will probably be higher than what I'd pay elsewhere.

    The question is, "How much higher?" I realize that since there are a number of variables involved here, this isn't an easy question to answer. But can anyone give me an approximate sense of how much more - perhaps as a percentage? - I should expect to pay at a Toyota dealership for the kinds of work mentioned above? How are they about turnaround? What kind of warranty (if any) do they offer on their work?

  6. The Nexus 7 has gotten rave reviews. I saw it on sale at the Big C Extra (i.e. the old Carrefour) in March. But I'm not sure if it's still available, and rumor has it that Google may roll out a new version in the next couple months.

    maybe I should have stated the criteria for my search........

    1] price under 7,000thb

    2] Local support and guarantee

    3] mid size, 8-9 inch ideal [7 inch maybe]

    4] decent memory, and hopefully the latest OS

    5] decent battery life and preferably replaceable by user

    6] good resolution

    7] dual or quad core processor

    8] USB input

    is this too much to expect??

  7. There's a Ramino Cafe, just south of the junction of Super Highway and the 1st Ring Road. Here's a link to it on Google Maps:


    I'm referrring to the branch pinned with the letter "B."

    It's usually very quiet, always cool. The Wi-Fi is reasonably fast and the service is good. In my estimation, the coffee is reasonable. The main building has a couple nice places that might work for meetings.

  8. Does anyone know where to buy replacement knobs for Imarflex gas ranges? I have a two-burner model that's about 4 years old. The other day, one of the knobs cracked. I tried repairing it, but to no avail, and now I have to use a pair of pliers to turn on and ignite the gas. Really inconvenient, not to mention a bit hazardous, as it is now more difficult to shut the burner off once it's been lit.

    I've inquired and/or searched at Siam TV, Niyom Panich, Big C, Tesco Lotus Hang Dong, Amorn, and today, at a shop selling only gas ranges. No one seems to have them or know where to buy them - that, or else they just refer me to a place where I've already searched and come up empty.



  9. I've been pretty happy with the selection of deli meats that Rimping carries, though I suspect you may have already checked them out.

    For cheese, I usually buy the large block of Anchor cheddar at Macro. There's also a decent feta that's made here in Thailand, though the brand name escapes me right now. Dacheeso makes a wide assortment of cheeses, but I wouldn't recommend any of them as they all taste the same to me.

  10. Miguels at 89 Plaza has decent atmosphere and good service, but the Mexican dishes are pretty unremarkable. The flour tortillas are particularly disappointing and need work. Burrito House is very mediocre and would be unlikely to survive in a more competitive market, like Southern California. Of the places I've sampled, I've found El Diablo to be the most flavorful and satisfying. The only problem is that parking can be a bit hard to come by, since it's right off the moat.

    Has anyone tried Mexican night at the Duke's? On the whole, I've been very satisfied with their food and service, so I have hope that their Mexican night would be equally good. I keep meaning to go there, but it doesn't fit my schedule since it only happens once a week. I'd definitely be interested in hearing the thoughts of those who've tried it.

    Also, I noticed the other day that there's a new Mexican joint just off the north side of the moat. Can't recall the name, but I believe the sign was white with brown lettering and listed some of the food they make. Seems like it only opened up a short while ago. Has anyone tried it?

  11. The pinned topic in this forum regarding online computer stores mentions several reputable online vendors. But I'm wondering if anyone has had any dealings with www.pantiphotsale.com?

    I've been looking for a couple products, and their site has come up several times in my Google searches. Perusing the site, it seems reasonably well put together, and about as well-presented as any of the sites recommended in the post I mentioned above. I tested out the checkout process; it is smooth and easy - very similar to InvadeIT's checkout process. I've read through their policies, which seem pretty standard.

    Any feedback on your experiences with the site would be most welcome. Thanks.

  12. What with all the rain we've been having lately, I'd like to get a rain parka that is big enough to fit me, my riding jacket and my backpack underneath. The one I currently have is one of those ubiquitous one-size-fits-all dealies, sold in places like Big C and Tesco Lotus. It definitely does not fit the bill. I'd greatly appreciate any information about finding extra-large rain parkas in Chiang Mai.

    On related note, does anyone know where to find rainfall data for CM online? I'm curious to know how the total amount of rainfall we've had this May and June stacks up against the average over the past decade or so.



  13. Has anyone in the TV community had experience with an auto shop called "Ying Charoen Yont" (www.yingcharoenyont.com)? It's located on the south side of the first ring road, about a kilometer east of the intersection where the Hang Dong Big C and Home Pro are at. It has a big black and yellow soccer ball in front. Here's a link to the site on Google Maps.

    My trusty ride is getting a little less trusty with age and needs some TLC. The store apparently does custom mag wheels, window tinting, and stereo and the like. But an acquaintence also recommended it for auto repair. Not that I question his judgment, but I just wanted to hear from others before diving in.



  14. Around town, I occasionally see Thai bumper stickers that read "This car is pink" or "this car is black." (รถคันนี้สีชมพู/สีดำ) But the cars to which they are affixed are usually of a different color entirely. Can someone explain to me what these are about? Are they a political statement of some kind?

    - HeyNow

  15. GIS has impressive workout facilities. Are you sure that you can't get access somehow? It'd be a real shame if you couldn't. sad.png

    There's a workout room and pool in Khwan Wiang 2, just a few kilometers east the Samoeng road from World Club. It has stationary bikes, treadmills, an elliptical machine or two, a weight machine and some free weights.

    On the plus side, parking is plentiful and admission is cheap at around 40 baht/workout - quite unlike Airport Plaza. You can by a pass that further cuts the cost of access. Nuu, the owner, is a nice person to deal with. Lots of snacks and drinks. The pool and the equipment are serviceable for the most part.

    Downsides: there are fans but no air conditioning, so the room is not very usable during the day when it's hot. The facility overall feels a bit run down. Also, it's hard to know when it will be open during the early morning and late evening. But as long as you're not an early/late workout type of person, the owner is usually there between 9AM and 7 PM.

    I should qualify what I've said by mentioning that I haven't personally used the workout room in Khwan Wiang for a couple years. I do know that the workout room is still there and that the ownership hasn't changed. But the information I've given here might be outdated in other respects.

    Here's a link to Google maps, showing you the location of the clubhouse and gym:


    I think that California Wow did downsize perhaps a year or two ago, but I could be wrong.



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