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Posts posted by Travelmate

  1. Three sexy Triumph Tigers and me on the wee V :lol:

    Call me a Cheap Charlie but I take such satisfaction riding a bike that is 1/2 to 1/5 the price of my riding buddies when I am able to have the exact same amount of fun and excitement. You could buy 2 and half new Ninja 650R's for what one of my friends paid in tax alone for his new BMW S1000RR. :blink:

    Not sure you could have the exact same amount of fun ?? No. i`m sure you coudn`t..110%

    Agree, the tax and import duties on premium bikes are a bitch for sure....and yes the kawasaki`s are the best value package, but the quality of the thai built ones are lacking...you cant even compare them against the triumphs..

    At last a balanced and respectfull reply from BIG BIKE BBK ( why the name big bike ?)

    There must be thousands of genuine bikers here in LOS from all corners on the globe, but only a few come on here to boost egos...hats off to the unsung riders...

    Ok, 99.5% the amount of fun. :rolleyes:

    Cheap Charlie!!:lol:

  2. Three sexy Triumph Tigers and me on the wee V :lol:

    Call me a Cheap Charlie but I take such satisfaction riding a bike that is 1/2 to 1/5 the price of my riding buddies when I am able to have the exact same amount of fun and excitement. You could buy 2 and half new Ninja 650R's for what one of my friends paid in tax alone for his new BMW S1000RR. :blink:

    I sincerely hope you do get the same exact amount of fun and excitement.

    As the Triumph offers plenty of it.

    I also owned a Kawasaki that costs 5 times as much as yours. I sincerely doubt you had as much fun as I did on that bike.

    besides it not the value that matters, it the unique character of each particular brand that has to offer.

    Your idea of excitement differs from what others perceive it to be.

    Enjoy your ride whatever it may be.

  3. ^

    they become aware of my approach. They do one of two things. Move over and is grateful for the signal. The other, they stay put and ignore you. Then you are forced to queue up behind in moving traffic until a suitable space is available to maneuver past.

    Is there something you wish to elaborate on the use of the horn?

    You mentioned it is utterly stupid and unsafe to "beep" scooters......

  4. I think it's better to ride a little faster than the flow of traffic.

    Controlling and eliminating dangers & hazards as you go along.

    Always try to keep space around you.

    And give all scooters a solid "beep" to get them out of your way!

    Hmmm, did you perhaps forget to think there? This is a post commenting on how to keep safe on your motorcycle

    So, you are on a motorcycle and you think that it is safe to give all scooters a solid beep to keep them out of your way

    That sounds utterly stupid and not safe at all to me. Care to elaborate on safe in which way and for who?

    Most are poorly maintained and most are ridden without proper training.

    Therefore they are a menace to other road users. Most wander over to other lanes without looking. Most turn without indication. Most as simply put are a hazard.

    Thus a solid "beep"to let them know you are there. They move over and usually flash you a smile as you pass by.

    The good ones do stay out of the way as they are not impeding others.

    You forgot to answer who you consider your action safe for...

    I wonder why?

    Creating a "beep" would make others aware of you.

    Going silent can work. But it's good to remind some, there are other users on the road.

    It keeps primarily I and secondly others safer to a degree.

  5. I think it's better to ride a little faster than the flow of traffic.

    Controlling and eliminating dangers & hazards as you go along.

    Always try to keep space around you.

    And give all scooters a solid "beep" to get them out of your way!

    Hmmm, did you perhaps forget to think there? This is a post commenting on how to keep safe on your motorcycle

    So, you are on a motorcycle and you think that it is safe to give all scooters a solid beep to keep them out of your way

    That sounds utterly stupid and not safe at all to me. Care to elaborate on safe in which way and for who?

    Most are poorly maintained and most are ridden without proper training.

    Therefore they are a menace to other road users. Most wander over to other lanes without looking. Most turn without indication. Most as simply put are a hazard.

    Thus a solid "beep"to let them know you are there. They move over and usually flash you a smile as you pass by.

    The good ones do stay out of the way as they are not impeding others.

  6. To the OP if you like to ride.

    Then start riding and create threads about them.

    Hopefully over time you will have a large enough group with the same interests and time away from home.

    I have done 45,000kms in two years of riding around Thailand.

    It not easy to get a group together, as most have commitments. To work, families, and other matters.

    I also pop down the road for coffee and a chat. It still doesn't make me less of a biker. Just a chance to fire up the ole' girl and take her for a quick spin.

  7. Insurance is invalid on a non registered bike.

    of course it is

    and since it is not road legal, using a non road legal vehicle you are automaticly at fault involved in an accident, releases major bail claims, not the ordinary 200.000 baht

    Not correct.

    I had an accident with an imported bike just weeks after I received it,registration was in progress but still 8 months away it would show out.Some car crashed into the rear of my bike.Insurance payed for the damage,about 18000 Baht,within a week.Police was involved.

    You are not automatically in fault with a non road legal vehicle,same as an underage non-license holder is not automatically in fault.In the western world yes,in Thailand there are different laws.


    Yours is being registered and thus legally recognised by the Transport dept.

    A NON registered motorised vehicle used on a public road cannot be insured.

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