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About scorpio1945

  • Birthday November 10

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    Chiang Rai

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    Chiang Rai/USA

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  1. Do I need to re-register with 90 day online reporting if I get a new passport? Thanks.
  2. How does 300 baht make any difference to someone who can afford an air ticket to Thailand?
  3. Look at what the Dems are for. Open borders, emasculating the military, money for nothing, LGBTQ∞ preferences. BLM, Antifa, Unions, Crime is no longer criminal. raising fossil fuel prices, thought and speech police, safe spaces, microaggressions, anti white, defund the police, anti free speech, affirmative action, preference for AA over Hispanics and Asians, compelled speech, taking a knee for a convicted criminal druggie and absentee father, anti normal woman , everything is racist, Big government, Critical Race Theory, Reparations, Cancel Culture, limiting gun rights, anti white male, sanctuary cities etc, etc,
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