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Posts posted by FRR

  1. I wasn't popping at Thailand, but I was popping at the whole concept of government subsidies in any country. What happened to the simple logic of selling what you grow to the consumers? You're right -- EU, UK, USA; NZ; Oz, etc all do it, but why?

    Nope....u r wrong....NZ stopped subsidies to farmers in 1984....was done by a left wing government...many squells etc but it made the farmers much more productive...in as much I think they now lead the world in productivity

    My apologies for lumping you Kiwis in with the the rest of the bad lot wink.png

    You might want to reconsider OZ as well:

    government-subsidies-received-by-farmersInfographic: An OECD chart shows the level of subsidies received by farmers in different countries. (ABC Fact Check )

    • Like 2
  2. i think its time for a bit of military intervention.please..

    Yes, although the armed men mentioned in the report were said to be lead by a military officer. Hopefully for the villagers sake he doesn't have ties to the powers that be.

    I think a little research would be helpfully to find out who really is behind this mine. Try googling something like: "bangkok pundit not some white knight who is going to solve all the problems"

    All those clowns on this forum cheering the exit of democracy and the constant refrain of the PTP corruption may want to reconsider what the other parties will actually do get their hands on some baht!!!

  3. "Within the constitution" that part of the statement is interesting, as Article 188 does not explicitly allow military chief to declare nationwide military law, only in a specific location. Not that anyone is likely to challenge him on that.

    This is an astute observation. For further details on this one should google bangkok pundit.

    "Section 188 of the Constitution:

    A translation of the Martial Law Act 1914 is here. The military’s declaration of martial law was for all localities of the country which is not allowed under the Constitution, although one does wonder whether this will be contested."

    The King has the prerogative to declare and lift the martial law in accordance with the conditions and manner under the Martial Law.

    In the case where it is necessary to declare the martial law in a certain locality as a matter of urgency, the military authority may do so under the Martial Law."

    So on the face of it, the implementation of nationwide martial law appears to be unconstitutional. Maybe all those rednecks who are so dismayed with the lawbreaking behaviour of the Redshirts will be equally as vehemence on this as well. Then again, that's probably an unrealistic expectation.

  4. ...it will finally dawn on the Suthepistas that it is business as usual...

    Thank you Mr. wind up for this post, no way will this be business as usual, for now every politician will be SH####ing bricks ---look before you tread guys---most who are not convicted will be wearing brown underpants,

    For you --you would have been happy for no action ????----sorry your disappointed with democracy.

    No, it's fundamentally undemocratic and that's my problem with it. An elected PM dismissed by a stacked court, for the most trivial of reasons ( in any other country it would have been a censure at most), initaited by an APPOINTED Senator. Anyway, the govt continues in office and that's the main game.

    Just really interested in then why a Premier in Australia had to leave his office over a $3,000 bottle of wine, he still can not remember getting

    or leaving his position in South Korea because of a ferry accident

    tezzainoz - you seem to make it habit to write things that are simply not true or at best are loose with the facts. The Premier didn't have to resign. He choose to resign. He faces not charges for corruption and no-one has alleged any criminal behaviour by him. Also the Korean Prime Minister resignation was not over a ferry accident but rather over the government agency's inept rescue response which contributed to over 260 people dying. How on God's good earth these examples of yours, compare to the transfer of a public servant is beyond me.

  5. Pathetic!

    The world is laughing at the elites and the low, low levels they have had to stoop to because their extreme unpopularity prohibits them from legitimately coming to power via elections.

    It's business of the Thais, the world please stay out

    Can you please show us a link to any western country where she even got a mention

    Have tried all the Australia newspapers and they not give her dissmissal 1 line

    Im my world western countries believe in the rule of LAW

    Your understanding of Thai politics and Thailand's judicial system is inline with your ability to use Google:





  6. US expresses concern over Thai political situation and power seizure

    BANGKOK, 9 April 2014 (NNT) – The United States has handed a letter to the Thai government expressing grave concern over the political situation and the possibility of a power grab.

    US Assistant Secretary of State for East Asian and Pacific Affairs Daniel R. Russel and US Ambassador to Thailand Kristie Kenney attended a meeting with Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra at the Ministry of Defense on Tuesday.

    Foreign Minister Surapong Tovichakchaikul said after attending the meeting that the US delegation handed a letter from US Secretary of State John Kerry, which expressed concern over the political situation in Thailand, to Ms. Yingluck.

    Mr. Surapong added that the US was especially against a military coup or seizure of power. The US was also worried over the effects the problems in Thailand would have on ASEAN as a whole, as Thailand was unable to initiate any new policies in the multilateral arena due to the caretaker status of the government.


    -- NNT 2014-04-09 footer_n.gif

    Given situations in Asia, Thailand is of strategic interest. Stability is important, and the tough part for the US and allies is siding with the winning side. China sits idly by watching.

    Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

    The US hasn't had a very good record of siding with any side, in the World...It supported dictators like Marcos (Phillipines) and ruthless ones in South America in the past, along with the murderous (several) leaders in South Vietnam, during the Vietnam war. Who cares what the US thinks. It's an Empire that is on the verge of collapsing wai2.gif

    The US did a pretty good job siding with the Allies to get rid of the Third Reich!!!!

  7. If the farangs are investing 100% of the money and taking all the financial risks why can't they run the company. Having to take all the risks and handing over the majority of the profits to Thais is simply wrong. Why would you invest and set up a business employing thais when you will never own it.

    Because thai law states that ni foriegners may hold more than 49% ownership in a business. The only exception is for Americans who are permitted to invest and own 100%.

    Sent from my GT-S5310 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    Under the TAFTA free trade agreement Australians are also able to own 100% of companies in non restricted industries.

  8. We are manufacturer, buying raw materials locally as well as importing others and exporting finished goods. Our monthly VAT & and Duty refund varies between 2 - 3m baht per month. Typical it takes 2 - 3 months to get these refunds so at any time we have 6 - 9m baht owed to us by the Thai government. With the shutdown this has now increased to more than 15m baht and no sign of any action to reduce this by the Thai Tax office. As most will understand this is having a major impact on cash flow!

    I would be interested to know whether any other business are suffering from the same experiences, be they a small, medium or large business. Also any methods that have been successfully with the relevant government departments in reducing these outstanding amounts (before anyone starts, we do not offer any under the table payments etc because, aside from the ethical dilemma they present, it is illegal for us do so some based on our home countries laws.)

    Look forward to considered responses.

  9. Once again the PTP and Yingluck give more ground and Suthep refuses to even sit down and talk.

    At the end of the day Suthep can sit down and talk about reform and if the PDRC don't get what they want they can go right back to protesting as is their right.

    Once again its painfully clear Suthep has no interest in peace or negeotiation merely stirring the pot until finally the army are forced to step in. Beyond that he has no real hope for victory or any other avenue for acheiving any of his stated goals.

    Even the Democrats are sitting down with other groups today for peace/reform talks and if they can get what they want Suthep will be hung out to dry or at the very least forced into a humiliating retreat after all his grandiose rhetoric.

    The government has been in power for 2.5 years

    The government had it's chance for reconciliation - and blew it

    They had their chance for a just amnesty bill for their supporters - they blew it

    They had their chance to use their house majority to legislate fairly and legally - they blew it

    Who in their right mind would trust them now?

    Thait Spot - you are almost certainly right. Let's have an elecion and throw them out. A process that seems to work reasonably well in a lot of other countries.

  10. Thank you Tony for your efforts to try and spread the truth ! I wish more people would do the same instead of believing the propaganda from the Shin regime.

    The truth??? from Tony Cartalucci!!!

    Read the headline from another of his articles: http://www.globalresearch.ca/thailands-military-an-important-independent-institution/5360806

    If that doesn't make you rethink Tony's writings your moniker is correct.

    • Like 1
  11. Best of Luck ! Toyota have already decided to pull out of Thailand. I am sure they know exactly what the situation is and that Thailand can offer nothing but problems. Whose next ?

    Excuse my ignorance, but where did you get the information that Toyota are pulling out of Thailand? And by pulling out I assume you mean ceasing manufacturing of cars?

  12. And the Bangkok yellow shirt farangs come out to worship the article. guitar.gifangry.gif

    I do not live in Bangkok and I am not yellow, I live in a rural village but I am not red.

    But if you can find an article that gives an alternative reason as to why the country is currently in this unenviable position, I will gladly read it.

    Can point you in another direction. try looking for a wesite from the Australia national University dealing with Asai Pacific issues. Also have a google for the writings of Andrew McGregor Marshall. They may help you form a view on what is currently happening in Thailand.

    • Like 1
  13. This is an excellent article.

    At last revealing what is going on, and why the scumbag governments of the west keep supporting a criminal evading capture by being protected by the thieving governments of the UK and US, and many more.

    Saying that the 2011 election was fair and there was no vote buying is total rubbish, and indicates that the poster has not read the article and has not been paying attention at all to what has been going on.

    The bigger picture has a very simple question written in capitals for all to see : Do you want ever greater corruption, more rape of the land for the enrichment of a criminal, and to eventually, in the guise of "democracy" to live under a dictator.

    Remember that so very many of the nastiest places in the world like to use the word "democratic" in their official title... "Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea" for example...

    Maybe you want to go an investigate who PressTV are!. They Iranian!!!!! Of course they want to present the US in the best light possible.cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

    Anything Tony Cartalucci writes is not worth the ink he has used.

  14. "Regardless of Suthep's plan or non-plan, there is one thing the protesters have expressed clearly: they do not accept cheating, corruption, conflict of interest or abuse of power."

    This seems to be an oxymoron. When Suthep was then, Minister of Agriculture and Deputy Prime Minister, he cheated, corrupted and totally flounted a similar system he is now fighting against. These Thai politicians never cease to amaze me.

    When and how....I would recommend you sue him if you know about any corruption from him.

    At the moment there isn't a single case that has more substance than red propaganda talk

    I think you need to do some basic research into K Suthep which will quickly show you what charges of corruption have been levelled against him over the past few decades. Look into the handing out of land titles in Phuket.To think he is a cleanskin or any better than the current mob is the stuff of fantasy. And this all happened well before the red shirt movement even existed!!!

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