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Posts posted by sholaisen

  1. Any idea how Thai Elite members can keep in contact if shit hits the fan?

    I for one enjoy the convenience and found the Elite Card as a way of not having to "cheat the system". I've seen how the visa policy have changed over the years and you might say the card was never 100% sure, but how about all the 30 day'ers if they should get even stricter on this policy... and why shouldn't they?

    I don't stay here permanently but usually more than 30 days at the time, never have a return ticket when I arrive, do not work here, not married here, don't have time to apply for visa before arriving each time, in my 30's, don't travel 1st class, so there was several good reasons to become a member... free golf was never one of them... It was never meant as an investment either as many suggest... A one time payment for not having to worry about it, which I can't say they quite lived up to taking the past couple of years into consideration.

    They could re-name it "Farang Kee Nok" and I would still want to be a member.

    Even doing yearly O visas, for those eligible, there would be quite some cost over 30 years or so... and time is money... Orchard Road every year is too much for me...


    This is really amazing. This should be about How Thai government is

    going to handle this mess, but no, it seems to be mostly a envy driven

    "i told you so" wise crack thread.

    Why do people think that the Elita Card holders didn't assume they will

    get screwed sooner or later ? Why do all the not haves think that the

    Elita Card holders are stupid ?

    Go back to the 50 baht value breakfast hunts, and don't worry about

    other peoples financial situations. Even if they cancel the Elite Card

    and I have to look for other ways to stay here, I got many many years

    of painless immigration and no headaches of trying to cheat my way

    through the Thai Legal system. I still have some years before I turn

    50 and hope they will let us keep the visas instead of the refunds ...



    Me too!!! I am under 50, and the card was one hassle free way to live here. I never used their spa/golf privileges and I do not consider myself "elite" although I do consider myself lucky enough to be able to afford the convenience. I hope they will retain the visa benefit, well at least till I turn 50 anyway. The money is not as important as the visa in my case. But the entire episode does leave a bitter taste in the mouth.

  2. Good post! Bangkok Post has probably reported on what they have been informed regarding the cabinets decision, however the story is a bit more complex then this... soon a new cabinet... this is the same with all "news"... seldom tells the whole story... they choose the facts to report.

    As for the refund I was told when signing up that if would be somewhere along the lines of deducting used services as you mention... If it comes to this I do expects some loss, however not 100%. Baker & McKenzie will take care of that one...

    This is not the first time the Bangkok Post has jumped the gun and made huge assumptions regarding the future of The Thai Elite Card. I wonder if this time its true.

    IF there are to be any refunds I would hope that they don't subtract used services and just take the hit...

    In 2005 1 Million Baht was US$25,000. Today 1 Million Baht is approximately US33,000

    If Thai Elite were to subtract usage of B200,000 (for the sake of an example)... that is still worth US$26,000 - For Visa, Golf, Airport Pickup, massage....

    Given exchange rates many foreign members may not be negatively effected.

    It will be interesting to see if this is yet another Bangkok Post Witch Hunt or wether this actually plays out.

  3. It's not that easy, fortunately... There is an other clause in the contract which you have left out regarding refund in case of cancellation... I will not post the entire contract here as I do not want to "get in trouble" with TPC...

    I think that we will see the few people who purchased it at 1,000,000 baht back in 2003/2004 (40B/$) getting most of that back, say 900,000 baht after legal fees (29.8/$) for a tidy profit of about $5,000 US or close to 25% on their original investment over 7 years. Better than a T bill or savings account! During that time, they got some great free services, a few rounds of golf, ride from the airport, and all sorts of goodies. Wish my solid safe AAA+ T Bill from a country with unsustainable debt offered those services.

    i really don't see this happening. They always had a disclaimer stating that the program can be canceled at any time. Why would they grant a refund in this case?

    I would think any decent government lawyer might easily end up with him saying, "Sorry, no refund"


    The Member agrees that the Company may from time to time amend or supplement the Individual Membership Agreement.

    Termination due to government policies

    In case there is any order, rule, regulation or law announced by any related government authority which has an impact on the business operation of the Company to the effect that the Company is unable to continue its business or perform its operations as usual, the Company shall be entitled to terminate the Membership by giving an advance written notice to the Member.

    Rights and duties after termination


    The Company reserves the rights to modify, cancel and/or prescribe further limitation on any of the Privileges without prior notice.

  4. Time will tell who is right... I'm however willing to bet a lot of money that they are not closed in 60 days...

    Regardless, this government is soon to be replaced and then the question will be raised again, and a new decision will be made.

    The cabinet yesterday decided to close down in 60 days the loss-ridden Thailand Privilege Card Co (TPC), operator of the Thailand Elite Card

    The government will still be in place when then Card is shut down. It's not being replaced for a longer period.

    Nothing will happen in the near future...

    After tomorrow, I consider 59 days as near future.

    Dear Elites

    Welcome back to the immigration queue!


  5. Compensation is mentioned in my contract...

    I think that we will see the few people who purchased it at 1,000,000 baht back in 2003/2004 (40B/$) getting most of that back, say 900,000 baht after legal fees (29.8/$) for a tidy profit of about $5,000 US or close to 25% on their original investment over 7 years. Better than a T bill or savings account! During that time, they got some great free services, a few rounds of golf, ride from the airport, and all sorts of goodies. Wish my solid safe AAA+ T Bill from a country with unsustainable debt offered those services.

    i really don't see this happening. They always had a disclaimer stating that the program can be canceled at any time. Why would they grant a refund in this case?

  6. Oh, and by the way, you don't need to be a Thailand Elite Member to get Fast Track Immigration... just get a Wisdom Credit Card from Kasikorn Bank... took me about 10 minutes...


    Not just yet... although I do understand everyones enthusiasm for giving the Thai Elite Members a hard time... thank you...

    Just off the phone with Thailand Elite Member Service and nothing has changed from their side. They continue to operate and sarcastically commented that not everything you read in the papers is true. Regardless, this government is soon to be replaced and then the question will be raised again, and a new decision will be made. With Thailand's current political "stability" this could continue for many more years and if the end outcome is a closure I will be happy to receive my part of the compensation. Until then, Thailand Elite is still Thailand Elite, business as usual. Nothing will happen in the near future...

    I believe the government is doing more harm than good by leaving Thailand Elite hanging in the air for so long. Why not support it and look for ways to gain back some of their losses. Benefits have already been reduced together with other expenses so if they could now be allowed to start getting some income they might have a future as a company. Seems like TAT is the only one to get it...


    Dear Elites

    Welcome back to the immigration queue!

  7. Not just yet... although I do understand everyones enthusiasm for giving the Thai Elite Members a hard time... thank you...

    Just off the phone with Thailand Elite Member Service and nothing has changed from their side. They continue to operate and sarcastically commented that not everything you read in the papers is true. Regardless, this government is soon to be replaced and then the question will be raised again, and a new decision will be made. With Thailand's current political "stability" this could continue for many more years and if the end outcome is a closure I will be happy to receive my part of the compensation. Until then, Thailand Elite is still Thailand Elite, business as usual. Nothing will happen in the near future...

    I believe the government is doing more harm than good by leaving Thailand Elite hanging in the air for so long. Why not support it and look for ways to gain back some of their losses. Benefits have already been reduced together with other expenses so if they could now be allowed to start getting some income they might have a future as a company. Seems like TAT is the only one to get it...


    Dear Elites

    Welcome back to the immigration queue!

  8. Was just on TAN Network that the decision had been made to cancel the Thai Elite Card... mentioned something about a request for reconsideration so I'm not sure this is the final final decision... No announcement from Thailand Elite yet... TAT seems keen to continue as they worry about Thailand reputation if program is cancelled.

    Anyone has any more information to share?

    You are correct

    I called them yesterday and was told that the reason of this update was the fact that many members had called in following news in the Bangkok Post . To avoid confusion it should have been stated in this letter.

  9. I asked TE staff at the airport about 4 weeks ago and they said that they still issue visas as normal. In fact I'm considering renewing mine even it's not due just to make sure I have 5 years in case it goes down... Doubt they will go as far as canceling visas already issued even if TE is discontinued...

    If I had to predict the outcome I would say that TAT will take over and continue business as normal with the current members...

  10. The day I applied to become a member I also asked them how they would calculate a compensation in case the program would end in the future (being here long enough to know this was an option...) The answer was that they will basically calculate how many services you have used during your membership time and deduct this from your purchasing price... and then you can assume that they will deduct a bit more and a bit more and in the end there might not be much left...

  11. This thread gas become too long to read... to add even more...

    As a member I received an e-mail from Thailand Elite this afternoon with an update of the current situation. As I'm unsure if I'm allowed to post it I'll only mention a few things... Basically what has been written in the english speaking newspaper are correct (however no mention about the so called resident members...) It also mentions that if TAT will take over the program (if no private investor) the priveledges will MOST LIKELY remain the same.

    To be honest I'm more worried if a private investor takes over... with TAT I'm relatively sure the visa and airport services would remain...

    Either way I have a feeling that we as members will not be 100% screwed. They should know that a large part of the members are influential people which not necessarily will accept any outcome without creating some stir. Which again would be a face looser which is the last example Thailand needs to set as a tourist destination these days. Call me naiv but I have a good feeling about the outcome... it normally works out in the end...

    Also good to see that members are able to connect in this way as we would have less to say a single persons if the outcome is negative in our respect.

    At the moment we will just have to wait and see (and try to ignore all the jealous comments of certain non-members).

  12. Interesting to see that all the threads about Thailand Elite has become so quiet now that things seem to have settled a bit for them... Latest news is that they have re-implemented some of the benefits which was recently cut due to cost savings...

    Not to say that their future is 100% bright yet, but confirms that most people in this forum is only interested in posting when there is negative news...

    How about giving us a proper update on things?

  13. I used to get this visa (Non-imm O, multiple) from Singapore.

    All I ever gave them in addition to my private doc's was my wife's ID, marriage license (english and thai) and letter from Thai bank with more than 800k. Nobody could ever confirm to me if the limit was 400 or 800 so I always made sure it was over 800 to be sure.

    Never any question about invitation letters etc. Renewed it 4-5 times with no problems but no chance to get any info about what is required until you actually get there... 2 times I was even given the visa for free?!?

    You multiple is valid for 1 year and you will get a 3 months stamp every time you enter. If you enter on the last day of your visa you will still get 3 months from that day. Meaning that you can use this visa up to 15 months from issue date if you enter on the last day...

  14. ..To expand more, desirable countries don't admit people who cannot take care of themselves. The elite card was targeted at people who didn't have a high regard for the risk of losing 1 or 2 million baht for a plastic card with dubious benefits, so the Thai "logic" of this was that such people by definition are financially solvent. I am sure some people bought this card who couldn't really afford it, so they "fooled" immigration that they were fat cats when they really weren't. Again, nothing is perfect. Being able to cough up 10K per year shows no such evidence of solvency. Got it now? Understand now why this dream is impossible?...

    Maybe you shouldn't have expanded more. :o

    'they "fooled" immigration that they were fat cats when they really weren't.' - what on earth are you on about? They paid for a card that gave them the ability to stay in Thailand with few hassles, plus some real benefits. The benefits were not "dubious" - only the longevity of the scheme was.

    Whatever happened to "live and let live"?

    Oh, and pick on the guy's English ability? That's nice. Really good post, JT.

    In this Topic they are talking down at us for buying the membership... in other Topic's they are complaining about how difficult it is to get a one year visa... hmmm... see the connection?

    If I was over 50, living here for 15 (?) years and still depending on the annual renewal, making several thousand posts on a visa forum, I'd most likelig feel the same... or, go back home and live on welfare in the country I came from... Maybe start a forum there and complain about the weather and all the other important things in life.

    Think I'll rather ride this one off and hope for the continuing of my membership visa priviledge. At least I'm good for an other 4-5 years so will worry about it when that time comes... By that time many things could have changed. Maybe Thaksin is back in the driver seat, who knows...

    Until then, hope you have some nice trips to Penang every year... It's a nice train ride if you are into taking the scenic route (oh, just heared they don't issue multiple enties any more..???)

    OK, I'm in a bad mood today... working on a Saturday...

  15. I can only agree that it's amazing (as everything else here) that so many people enjoy the misfortune of others (even the final outcome is still unclear...).

    It's about time a moderator starts deleting some of the nonsense posted as it has no value what so ever. I was hoping to use this forum to get some useful information on various subjects. However find my self scrolling thru a pile of junk before anything of interest comes up.

    Get a job and get a life. Wasting your time spreading bad karma on a Thai forum will not get you anywhere... If you really think your opinion on my Elite membership matters you are wrong. Sure, I'm also evaluating if my decition was correct and these times are a bit confusing. Give me some facts on the subject and I will listen. "Half of the members got it for free". Show me your research!!!

    Keep you sarcasm and shit throwing to your self. Or start a new Topic; "Do you cry yourself to sleep?"

    Not all Elite members are naive newcomers either. Bragging about how long you have been here doesn't give you any credit. I know people that has been here for 15 years pluss and still can not order a glass of water in Thai... Tell me that you can read the local newspaper and I'll admit that you know a thing or two about what is going on... spending 15 years in Nana and Cowboy doesn;t make you an expert on Thailand.

    Fact is that this is a developing country. Something that brings with it oportunities and also challenges. Some win and some loose but in the total it can only get better, however slowly and bumpy.

    Sorry, couldn't keep it inside any longer, you piss me off.

  16. Are there any Thai Elite Members out there out are regretting their purchase?

    I've read a lot of clever posts from clever people who were clever enough not to purchase Thai Elite Membership because they are clever.

    C'mon… we all know the risks. Don't insult me for buying the card and equally so don't hate me for getting a privilege that I paid for but don't deserve.

    Don't be judgmental because I made my choices. Don't tear my decisions apart with your opinion without knowing me.

    I could write cutting responses to many of the posts in this thread. However, points will be missed, and I'm sure egos will not fall. We each read what we wish into any of the posts.

    I would like to say this… opinions are great, but so many people lack the intelligence to enjoy the concept of someone else's…

    I suspect that if the word 'Elite' was missing from the name of this card then the current 'up the Bourgeois', I'm cool 'cos I eat 20 baht noodles all da time an' save a packet critics ….(SORRRY, I apologise… that was a cheap shot at those who inadequately post…hmmm).. wouldn't have such a negative opinion….

    Respect to all...

    Thank you!

  17. Nasty stuff to laugh at someone else's misfortune!

    Yeah my heart bleeds for those <snip>

    Come on... we are not <snip>... it was presented with certain value and amenities that we thought was important. Just because some of us worked hard and made money.. does not give you the right to make comments like this.

    Get a job :-)

    People with such values are indeed <snip>. And those who would need such amenities are also <snip>. Purchasing one of these cards does not in any way indicate whether or not one has worked hard for their money. Most people that I know who work hard do not have that much money. And some people I know with lots of money, such as one who by chance was reported today in the local paper to have lost $7 billion in an investment, didn't work all that hard for it. And as one who has a job, I think anyone who bought these silly cards purchased it only for prestige sake and thus has <snip> for brains.

    You are very general in your evaluation of people and how they make their money. The term "rich" is often used in this forum and is also confusing... Any foreigner that has an international salary is considered to be rich in Thailand in my eyes.

    I'm by no means in the league of investing billions or even millions of dollars but the average Thai people would probably consider me as rich. As many has tried to explain before; unless you fall under any of the non-imm visa categories available, Thai Elite membership is a worth while solution.

    You have all the rights to call us naive etc if it shows that the company goes under and all privileges are suspended with no refund. But until this has been proven to be the case I suggest that those posting are a bit moderate in their "celebration" of the end for TPC.

    I wouldn't cry if I lost the spa and golf benefits... however if they take my visa away I would feel cheated and would probably raise some hel_l to get my money back. I do actually work hard for my money and I don't like other people to throw them away for me.

    Perfectly understand that this is not everyone's cup of tea, but it's about time you learn to accept that it is beneficial for some of us and not a complete rip off unless what some of you predict actually happens.

    As for TPC loosing money I can only assume that they have made some bad investments and I'm sure this has something to do with the fact that they are looking for a new man in the lead. Don't know why all the fuss about paying into a Singaporean account. Every government has money invested abroad... My fee was however paid to a Thai bank account...

    These are interesting times and I must admit that all the uncertainties these days are exactly what I looking to avoid by becoming a member. But then again it could all be forgotten about in a couple of weeks if things goes the right way.

    I'm not one that thinks everything Thaksin did as PM was bad however I do believe that the current PM is a man of more moral and understands what image he would create by ending this program without satisfying the current members.

    Naive - no. Positive - yes.

    Mr. H.

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