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Posts posted by sholaisen

  1. The non-immigrant O based on visiting friends/family is only issued by selected consulates as well... for how long nobody knows... more and more loopholes are closing and it becomes more and more difficult every year...

    I think it highly unlikely that the rules would ever be changed so that people who have relatives in Thailand would be denied permission (visas) to visit them. I mean, this is just a basic visa category and nothing exotic or special or anything and what would be the purpose of such a change.

    Do you predict that Thailand will do what Japan did at one time and forbit any foreigners from entering the country, and also barred any Japanese who happened to be overseas at the time from ever returning home :o

    I think you are a little paranoid my friend.

    There is no god. So stop worrying and enjoy your life.

    OK, so now I'm the paraniod one :-)

    Agree that they will not refuse visa for people with family... however the "friend" part I question. The only consulate I've found that issue a non-o for visiting friends is the one in Hull...

  2. Get a non imm O (in the west) based on friends and family. Get an ED (in the west) based on learning anything, from scuba to Thai culture too almost anything...

    Only that in my experience in the USA, I found no consulates willing to offer anything remotely like this.

    If you qualify under the provision highlighted in the initial quote, you need to do a more thorough search. I know first hand of US consulates that will issue 1-year multi-entry Non-O Immigrant visas if you have the proper documentation. :D

    That is true. But not LA, DC, NY, or Chicago. Some honorary consulates will.

    Also B visas with a properly written letter on company letterhead.

    Somebody has done their homework...go to the head of the class :o

    Which is just an other reason for becoming a member of Thai Elite... no need to do homework... (except when ones in a blue moon someone scares me with a story like this..)

    Who is to say that these consulates will not change their policies too?

    The non-immigrant O based on visiting friends/family is only issued by selected consulates as well... for how long nobody knows... more and more loopholes are closing and it becomes more and more difficult every year... Hopefully you are all elidgeble for a retirement visa by the time they get their visa policies stream lined... by that time you must have done many hours of "home work" to be able to stay here... then again, someone likes to make a sport out of it.

  3. In their daily "Friends of Thailand" spot to promote Thailand Elite Card the NBT Newsline programme today (Friday 23/01/09) interviewed a "Sales Manager" of Raimon land who said he and his parents had Elite cards because of the visa that allowed them to stay in Thailand for 5 years without "visa runs". This presumably means that the visa is still a part of the service provided by Elite Card.

    The first time I ever heard that a work permit could be attached

    to one these 5 year visas ? The plot thickens............. :o

    They will assist with all issues like Work Permits etc... this is part of the service they offer...

  4. Funny how they are sure 100% it will be approved.... before it's approved. But hey, that's marketing.

    The Thailand Elite card now reminds

    of the big 3 car makers in USA........... :o

    Would you honestly buy one now after all of these

    rumours in the last week............... and so their future

    must seem even more uncertain now..........

    If everything continues as normal then why not? Then they have proved that all the fuss was only casued by rumours as you say yourself, and that this has only been a matter of getting a proforma approval of the new Cabinet.

  5. The funny thing about prenuptials in Thailand is that a judge can find that it isn't fair and void it if your divorce goes to court. Basically the wife can claim 50% (yes, what was aquired after getting married) of "everything".

    I would go as far as saying the only way to divorce in Thailand without getting robbed is to have a peacefull divorce where you both agree on the dividing of wealth... I have tried it :-)

  6. I think they all do... I made a couple of spot checks in my new condo... They claim to pay the gardener 11.000 pr month... casually asked him how much he gets and he replied 6.500... All expenses are documented with copy of bank books and bills, but somewhere between the withdrawal and the gardener getting his money it disapears :-)

    I assume this is normal and aren't too bothered about it. But the day it becomes an issue I will bring it up.

    As far as I know every condo must have a committee... however they might have set it up so that only persons from the developer are members and do not have a re-election when building is completed... of course not by the book but if nobody raises the issue they will get away with it.

  7. Member of a condo committee in Bangkok... the developer which has been delaying to finish the final defects have been trying to kick out the current Juristic and replace them with Unity. We all asume this is because they have Unity in their hand and want to avoid being accountable for some of the remaining work.

    What you must not forget is that the money spent by Juristic normally comes from sinking fund etc which are co-owners money. Unless they have any form of earnings.

    If the developer still has any interests in your building I would advice you to stay with a neutral Juristic which will keep the interests of the co-owners in mind.

    Seems to be corruption in this as with everything else... we all voted to keep the Juristic we have and avoid Unity getting the contract.

  8. Related question. My boyfriend proudly brought home the chanote today, big impressive legal document with garuda watermark, showing him as the legal owner of the small plot of land where our new "little house on the rice paddy" is 95% complete. He will get a blue tabien baan, and I guess I can have my name listed somewhere as being a resident there, on a yellow tabien baan. But we are not married, so do I need my name on a yellow book?

    Should be no need to get your name in the Yellow book... will even be surprised if you can.

    I purchased a freehold condo in Bangkok. Got the Blue book with no name in it. They said any Thai person can be entered into it but I deside whenever I want someone in/out of the book.

    To get my name in the Yellow book I had to go thru an interigation about why I wanted my name in the book. There was a form where I had to list at least 8 good reasons and even then apparently there was no guarantee that they would allow me?!? After a few hours at the local Amphu and an interview by the senior officer they allowed me to get a yellow book with my name it. But for what? As far as I know it means nothing... just a piece of paper confirming my address. The ownership of condo is contolled by a different document from the land department anyway...

    If you don't collect papers or it actually has any benefits I'm unaware off... don't bother.

    Mr. H.

  9. When I first came here I was told I had to be duty unless I had a Work Permit.

    As I shipped about 4 cbm of personal items including a lot of expensinve stereo equipement I ended up paying 10.000 with receipt and 30.000 under the table...

    Door to door shipment via sea from Europe to Bangkok cost me equivalent to 100.000 baht with todays rate... took 2 weeks to arrive Bangkok and 2 weeks to clear customs as I tried getting away with paying less...

  10. Seems clear that someone could have easily copied and pasted naturelover's post and called themselves Tom Wells and sent it to the Bangkok Post.

    Also, looks like just depends on the renewal fee. I think it is way overpriced, this elite card, but it is aimed at those who like to pay way more for things than they are worth because they like to show they have money.

    I know I doesn't matter if I repeat my self a hundred times but I think many have the wrong idea about Elite members. There is a great variety of people with different reasons. You don't need to spend 1,5 mil to show off your wealth in Thailand. Takes a lot less to impress the general public here...

    Being willing to spend that much money for a membership says more about my "love" for the country and my urge to continue to stay here without the usual visa hassle. I came here about 10 years ago and did visa runs as many others for a couple of years. Fell for the average Thai girl, got married and eventually divorced. Since I work abroad and am too young to think about a retirement visa and too old (read: busy at work) to bother with the problems of setting up a company etc., this was an easy fix in my case. Sure, I enjoy some of the luxury that comes with it, why not. I wouldn't call that showing off my wealth, would you? If being a member of Tops gave you free massages as Sukothai hotel you would accept it? (ok, I guess a membership at Tops is free so maybe bad example..)

    I've also been here long enough to know that the chance of something/one f...ing up things for Thailand Elite is always there. So it's more or less a calculated risk. Not that I don't value my money, I work for it like most of us and wouldn't be happy if it was all a waste. But then again you can't take it with you in the grave either. Money is a tool for enjoyment.

    Sure, I agree with many of the previous statements about difficulties faced when doing buisness etc. in this country. But nobody has mentioned why they are still here and so involved in issues like this. They must have some kind of burning feeling for staying here or else they would all have left and gone back home. There are many things to critisise in this country but don't forget all the positive things. I would be paying close to half my salary in tax where I come from and police would put me in prison for driving "a few km" over the speed limit. I'd rather waste some money in Thailand and decide where they end up than giving them to politicians where I come from so that they can keep them in a state fund and tell everyone that we need to pay more taxes.

    When you have been here long enough you learn to go with the flow and use the flaws in the system to your advantage. Thai Elite is one of them. I would like to see Khun Somsak buying a lifetime visa for US for 1,5 million baht.

    So Thailand is different than your home country in every way. Isn't that why you are here? A country with UEA economy, Thai food, Western European roads, Florida climate, Maldives beaches, French wine, Japanese trains... doesn't excist. If it does, please tell me when the next plane departs.

    In the mean time I will enjoy what I can in Thailand and learn to live with what I don't. If they cancelled my Thai Elite membership and I lost my money I still wouldn't leave. Maybe I'll find an other average Thai girl and do the same thing all over again :-) Or, hopefully I have learned from my previous mistakes and gained an other experiance.

    Still crossing my fingers for Thai Elite and hoping we have all been excited about nothing... wouldn't be the first time either.

    Mr. H.

  11. "Perhaps the most important and attractive benefits attached to a Thailand Elite Membership are the enhanced immigration and visa privileges. Membership confers the right to stay in the Kingdom, with special entry visa as well as extendable 90-day stays without the usual need to leave the country.

    Members will be granted a special entry visa when applying at any Royal Thai Embassy, Royal Thai Consulate General, or at any Thai Immigration Bureau at Bangkok, Chiang Mai and Phuket Airport.

    *This special entry visa is subject to the Thai Immigration Bureau's approval."

    I believe that's been their standard blurb there for quite some time, Jai Dee.

    Has there been an actual news update on the website (available only to members) regarding the suspension of the visa?

    If so, could the OP or other Elite member please post it?

    this is the offical letter for thailand elite members - Please see attached PDF flie

    To chose who doubted (including my self), Thailand Elite has confirmed by e-mail that they sent out this letter. However only to those who has a visa about to expire.

    As I was recently issued a 5 year visa I'm not affected unless there are issues when I try to renew it in 5 years time... crossing my fingers but crossing that bridge when I get to it... At least I can lean back and enjoy the ride for an other 5 years and then we will see. (Maybe Thaksin is back in the driving seat by that time... nothing surprises me anymore)

    Mr. H.

    From their reply about the below...

    "Thank you very much for your e-mail. We are delighted to have the opportunity to serve you. With regard to your request, please be informed that recently, we have sent out the letter informing about our 5 years visa privilege. The details will be as in the file attached. However, please be informed that all privileges we provide to member remain unchange. If you have further inquiries or questions about our privilege, please do not hesitate to contact us at your most convenience."

    Mr. H.

  12. "Perhaps the most important and attractive benefits attached to a Thailand Elite Membership are the enhanced immigration and visa privileges. Membership confers the right to stay in the Kingdom, with special entry visa as well as extendable 90-day stays without the usual need to leave the country.

    Members will be granted a special entry visa when applying at any Royal Thai Embassy, Royal Thai Consulate General, or at any Thai Immigration Bureau at Bangkok, Chiang Mai and Phuket Airport.

    *This special entry visa is subject to the Thai Immigration Bureau's approval."

    I believe that's been their standard blurb there for quite some time, Jai Dee.

    Has there been an actual news update on the website (available only to members) regarding the suspension of the visa?

    If so, could the OP or other Elite member please post it?

    this is the offical letter for thailand elite members - Please see attached PDF flie

    To chose who doubted (including my self), Thailand Elite has confirmed by e-mail that they sent out this letter. However only to those who has a visa about to expire.

    As I was recently issued a 5 year visa I'm not affected unless there are issues when I try to renew it in 5 years time... crossing my fingers but crossing that bridge when I get to it... At least I can lean back and enjoy the ride for an other 5 years and then we will see. (Maybe Thaksin is back in the driving seat by that time... nothing surprises me anymore)

    Mr. H.

  13. I am a Thailand elite member and I was informed today by Thailand elite company that the renewal of Thailand elite 5 year Special Entry Visa has been suspended.

    The Thailand elite program was marketed as a government backed program that gives its members indefinite visa privileges in a form of a special visa entry that is renewable every 5 years. As a result of this extraordinary privilege many members has bought in to this program for 1 million baht. Apparently today the renewal of visa privilege has been suspended!

    There has been a lot of negative comments in the past towards this program coming mainly from expats that live in Thailand and are not members of this program. Apparently those fears about the government not continuing to respect this program are coming to be true!

    My personal opinion is that this situation will kill the programs reputation completely regardless the outcome of the expected cabinet vote about Thailand elite visa privilege approval.

    As for today there are about 2500 members in the program. I am just wondering what will be the consequences of this move by thai government after not respecting a program it has self established, generating significant profits of this scam and insulting influential wealthy people from many nation around the world? What does this say about the country? What does this say about the people of this country? What does this say about doing business in this country?

    i certainly like a good punt but what amazes me in this thread is naturelover himself.

    this elite member has become one elite program killing machine, not only starting this topic but, he has also sent the same letter to the bangkok post, who today have printed it in their letters section.

    Hey pal,

    I did not send no letter to bangkokpost and I have no intentions what so ever to kill this program. I guess that they are other forces here that are ridding on this thread!

    I am a Thailand Elite member and I was informed today by the Thailand Elite company that the renewal of its five-year Special Entry Visa has been suspended.

    The Thailand Elite programme was marketed as a government-backed programme that gives its members indefinite visa privileges in a form of a special visa entry that is renewable every five years. As a result of this extraordinary privilege many members bought in for one million baht. Apparently today the renewal of visa privilege has been suspended.

    There has been a lot of negative comment in the past towards this programme coming mainly from expats who live in Thailand and are not members. Apparently those fears about the government not continuing to respect the programme are coming true.

    My opinion is this will kill the programme's reputation completely, regardless the outcome of the expected cabinet vote about Thailand Elite visa privilege approval.

    Verbatim OP continued in Bangkok Post Post Bag here:



    If you didn't write it, naturelover... someone did... and used the exact same wording as your OP.

    I'm also a member of Thailand Elite and has not received such information. Did you receive it in writing and if so to you wish to post it for us to see?

    When I e-mailed them on Friday they replied that they have no changes in privilidges/policy...

    Mr. H.

  14. Based on 2500 members paying 1,000,000 THB each = 2,500,000,000 THB

    Alot of money in Thailand to do alot of things. Is T.A.T.'s Annual budget more than that?

    Except it seems the money isn't in Thailand, but in Singapore !

    Have been aware of the Elite card since it started but didn'f find it interesting in the beginning due to the annual fees etc.


    You mean, "in the beginning" when it was only 1 million baht, had more privileges and the promise of land ownership, you didn't find that interesting ? But now that it is much more expensive and offers far less, you find it more interesting ? :D

    Thailand Elite cardholders reassured

    Last year, TPC started offering a lower membership fee to boost sales. There is now a special price of Bt2 million for foreigners, down from the original Bt3 million.

    Please. Stop it. My kidneys can't handle all this rolling on the flooring trying not to piss myself laughing !

    "Special price for foreigners" ??? From the Thai Elite website (10 seconds ago):

    The Applicant/the Member must have and maintain to have the following qualifications:

    Not being a Thai citizen or the foreigner who have obtained a permanent residency status in Thailand;

    So that means it is only open to "foreigners" any ways ! What's all this "special price" nonsense ?

    And the "special price of Bt2 mil, down from "the original Bt 3 mil" ? :D

    It started out at ONE million ! Then it got jacked to 1.5 million. Not sure when it went up to 3 mil (maybe just before this notice was sent out ?) :o

    (ps: from the Elite website micro seconds ago:

    Membership Fee

    THB 1,500,000 (one million and five hundred thousand Baht only)per Membership or an equivalent amount in USD/GBP/JPY/EUR pursuant to the Exchange Rate.)

    And as far as the Visa Issue is concerned, this too from their website mere seconds ago:


    To ease your travels to and from Thailand

    Perhaps the most important and attractive benefits attached to a Thailand Elite Membership are the enhanced immigration and visa privileges. Membership confers the right to stay in the Kingdom, with special entry visa as well as extendable 90-day stays without the usual need to leave the country.

    Members will be granted a special entry visa when applying at any Royal Thai Embassy, Royal Thai Consulate General, or at any Thai Immigration Bureau at Bangkok, Chiang Mai and Phuket Airport.

    *This special entry visa is subject to the Thai Immigration Bureau's approval.

    No mention of 5 years in there anywhere except for one bit in the FAQ.

    Hmmmm, I think I'll wait until the price goes up to 5 million, and it offers no privileges. Then I'll buy it just so I can lord it over the "Less Elite" ! :wai:

    When it comes to the different prices for "foreigners" this is probably a poor translation. As per my information they used to have a different price for those who already resided (have an address) compared to those who resided abroad when becoming a member. (The highest price was for those who already reside in Thailand.) Don't have any idea why they had this policy...

    Since you start quoting clauses in the contract I find it strange that you have overseen this one...

    ":D In case of termination persuant to Clause 2.5 (3) above, the Membership hereunder shall immideatly become invalid and the Company shall refund the remaining Membership Fee (if any) to the Member, within 30 days after the Card has been returned to the Company, less the following balances (if any) and costs:

    (i) The penalty charge and/or outstanding fees, and

    (ii) The cost of Priviledges which has been used by the Member during the validity of Membership."

    FYI... 2.5 (3) is Termination due to gouvernment policies...

    We can always discuss how this will be calculated, but ignoring the clause in not an option...

    As I'm still young and plannning to stay for 30-40 more years 1,5 million down is better than 1 million and 20-30.000 annual fee (or how ever much it was...). Don't care so much about the reduction in priviledges as the visa was main concern. The other benefits are all "nice to have". Not saying I don't enjoy them, but sure they are not worth 1,5 mill unless you are a very heavy user...

    Mr. H.

  15. Thailand Elite cardholders reassured



    Published on January 17, 2009

    The Tourism Authority of Thailand and Thailand Privilege Card insisted yesterday that privileges for Thailand Elite cardholders remained unchanged, despite a recent mailing to members that benefits would be done away with completely.

    About 2,500 members across the world recently received a letter, informing them of the cancellation of the privileges. This led to suspicion that the card-issuer - Thailand Privilege Card (TPC) - would soon close its business.

    Jutaporn Reungronasa, deputy governor for marketing communications at the Tourism Authority of Thailand (TAT), said the authority, which owns the card company, had never heard about the suspension of TPC members' privileges and had no intention of halting operations.

    "As the owner of TPC, any important decision must be approved by the board of the TAT. This latest issue is probably something [stirred up] from outside," said Jutaporn.

    A representative of TPC said the company was running as usual without any sign of suspending the privileges.

    The same person said the mailing was possibly planned by people related to politics.

    "The company was set up five years ago by ex-prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra. However, it was criticised for a lack of transparency in its internal management as well for poor performance. It faced the prospect of closure several times two or three years ago," the representative said.

    According members of TPC, they received a letter a few days ago stating that all privileges had been suspended. The letter also informed them that because their "elite" status was being removed, they would be required to adjust to the new circumstances as normal individuals.

    Moreover, those members who had benefited from special five-year visas were urged to make fresh visa applications as general visitors.

    All TPC members were also told theysaid members would not be eligible for a refund of their membership fee.

    Last year, TPC started offering a lower membership fee to boost sales. There is now a special price of Bt2 million for foreigners, down from the original Bt3 million.

    One membership is valid for two persons, with a limit on spa and limousine use of 24 times per year. TPC hopes to increase its membership this year from 2,500 to 2,900.

    Last November, TPC laid off 23 staff to reduce operating costs.

    The company is managed by Suraphong Triumchanchail, who is chairman and acting president. It is inviting candidates for the presidency.

  16. OK, so it didn't have the first week... but it did when I looked into the details first time... Do you know the exact date of all the changes?

    Mr. H.

    I recall it was YEARS before annual fees were imposed.

    OK, my bad then...

    What I do like though is that the changes they do in policy over the years does not affect previous members. As I have understood it, those who signed up when they had an annual fee still has to pay this... but they also have other benefits which are no longer there for new members...

    Anyway, what we are all waiting for is the "outcome" or confirmation if there will be any interuptions in visa issuing for members... Until this is clared out I don't really see that there is much else to discuss about the subject. Those in favour and those which opose have already expresses so...

    I've spent way too much time expressing my self on this subject already. I actually have to work to make my living...

    Mr. H.

  17. Buying property here and investing in a business has nothing to do with the Elite program.

    The Elite program was a gray area from the beginning and I wonder why anyone bought into it.

    It's like a privatization of state policy - where else could this last for more than a few years?

    You're a fool if you're not buying property here if you stay for a few years or more.

    Ok so if you are a foreigner and have bought a property-that makes you smart! Let me run something by you

    1. What would you do if next month Thai Government decides that foreigners can no longer own property(condo)?

    a. Choice one-sell fast and hope some rich Thai or stupid Foreigner who is not aware will buy

    b. Choice two, kiss your condo and money good bye and start blogging how bad the government is.

    2. You bought a house with your lovely Thai wife and of course the house is in her name and of course she loves you and wants to spend the rest of her life with you-so she must be the "good" girl

    a. Choice one- "good girls" do not date or marry foreigners as it is a shame to the family to do so, so the chances are you married a not so "good" girl with "interesting" past-which means if one day she meets someone with "bigger" hearts then yours-you loose house and of course your loving wife. Before you start to respond how foolish i am, have a reality check and check the facts of this happening every day.

    b. Choice two, even though you own that house and land and have made it how you want with your lovely darling wife-you never own it-she does.

    So bottom line is, any smart, intelligent, business minded person will not invest in the country with no stability and and no protection what so ever.

    Of course if all you have is $100K and this is the only place where you can afford to buy property then yes go for it-American Australian and every other country dream to own property, but if you use business sense, you would invest the money in the country where you property not only secured but also increases in value every year.

    Should you want to have your home in a certain way, spend a few days and find one that you like-and there you go, should you want to have some change-move out and find a new one.

    Any business man doing "good"business in Thailand rent his/her property and uses rent as a rightoff on tax.

    As for all the comments by the card holders -about how great it is, and how rich they are etc.-Sorry to say, but you people sound like complete morons.

    "I was driven home in BMW 7 Series" my Bose sound system"-WOW that just proves that you have never ever owned anything luxury and i highly doubt have any money. So if this the only way you can feel "rich" good for you!

    I owned BMW 325CI Convertible Coup at the age of 25, so being driven home in BMW is really not such a great achievement.

    1 Miilion baht to be driven home in BMW-thats pretty sad.-MAY BE rent one and drive home yourself.

    How can any of you praise Thailand and carry on, how good it is?

    Visa rules have been changed so many times, that even lawyers do not know all the rules. Ownership rules have changed so many times, that noone knows the rules. Wake up, foreigners in Thailand are nothing but an ATM Machine to government, and Thai people.

    I have been living in Thailand for past 5 years and have many friends who have been here for 15 years, and every single one of us hardly have 1 good thing to say about Thailand and before you jump to conclusions-all of us are running succesful business and then only time we loose money is when we try to do business in Thailand with Thai's

    I am yet to hear 1 happy story of doing business in Thailand with Thai's from anyone

    Sorry, didn't mean to "show of my wealth" which I by international means do not have. Simply trying to explain that we don't all live here to eat noodle soop every day and bargain on the 100 baht copy DVD. Is it not allowed to enjoy some pampering if you can?

    For me the main reason for staying here is that I can live with a lifestyle I can not afford in my home country...

    Before you critisice Thailand for not wanting the foreigners except for their money. How immigration friendly is your home country?

    If you dislike Thailand and the way of doing buisness so much, why are you here?

    Thinking that the gouverment will take away your freehold condominium that you bought is simply not realistic. But if you wish to go thru your life with this mindset, feel free.

    I'm by no means trying to advertise for Thai Elite, simply explaining why it suits me. We all have different needs... I'm not saying I need the BM transport, but if it's included why not enjoy it.

    Don't worry, be happy!!! (Most of you need to lighten up a bit...)

    (No offence taken about the previos troll comment that someone made... just shows the level of arguments they have...)

    Mr. H.

  18. Have been aware of the Elite card since it started but didn'f find it interesting in the beginning due to the annual fees etc.

    Try and keep your story straight. The Elite card didn't have annual fees in the beginning. They were a much later add-on.

    OK, so it didn't have the first week... but it did when I looked into the details first time... Do you know the exact date of all the changes?

    Mr. H.

  19. "Perhaps the most important and attractive benefits attached to a Thailand Elite Membership are the enhanced immigration and visa privileges. Membership confers the right to stay in the Kingdom, with special entry visa as well as extendable 90-day stays without the usual need to leave the country.

    Members will be granted a special entry visa when applying at any Royal Thai Embassy, Royal Thai Consulate General, or at any Thai Immigration Bureau at Bangkok, Chiang Mai and Phuket Airport.

    *This special entry visa is subject to the Thai Immigration Bureau's approval."

    I believe that's been their standard blurb there for quite some time, Jai Dee.

    Has there been an actual news update on the website (available only to members) regarding the suspension of the visa?

    If so, could the OP or other Elite member please post it?

    this is the offical letter for thailand elite members - Please see attached PDF flie

    As I suspect this letter doesn't even come from Thai Elite I have forwarded it to them to ask if it is genuine... awating reply...

    Mr. H.

  20. " The Elite membership gives you a "Special Enty" 5 year multiple entry visa. You have to register at Immigration every 90 days as all "non immigrants" in the coutry. The fee every 90 days is 1900 baht (not covered by Thai Elite)... "

    Hold on a sec, are you telling us, well those of us who have chosen not to take advantage of this wonderful offer, that all you are only getting is a 90 day visa and you STILL have to report to Imigration + pay them a fee !!!

    You can get a non B in Australia for 5 years now I believe.

    Wherever you are in the world, open your windows and you will hear me laughing here in Pattaya.

    I have a TOPS supermarket card and I reckon that I get better benifits with that .

    Yes, as this card is not meant for permanent residence you still need to do the extention every 90 days. I believe most members are frequent travellers anyway and the 90 day attendance at Immigration is therefore no issue. This is at least the case for me.

    Again, most people don't choose this option for saving money on visa... so who cares if it's cheeper do get your non-imm every year... By the way, if you are not married, not retired, not working in Thailand and don't have your own company here... on what grounds do you get a non-imm visa?

    Looking very much forward to see how many of you contine to post on this subject if it turns out that everything has been false alarm and the program continues as normal...

    Maybe if you spent some of the time blogging your opinions on forums doing something constructive you might afford to become a member yourself and avoid all the hassel of visa runs and paperwork everytime you need to renew a visa.

    When I got my 5 year SE I brought a copy of my passport, my Thai Elite card and a beutiful lady in a golden dress spent 15 minutes with my passport at Immigration. After that they drove me home in a BMW 7-series all free of charge... who is counting the bahts? Did you ever hear the expression "time is money"? I prefer to spend as less time as possible with these issues and Thai Elite offeres me exactly that (so far).

    Can't hear you laughing as my Bose noise cancelling is working perfectly. Hope you had a wonderful weekend in Pattaya. Enjoy the luxury meat products in Tops.

    Mr. H.

  21. For my self and I guess many others, Thai Elite is not about calculating if you can save money on it or not... It's about conveniance! Not having to do visa runs, renawals of non-imm every year outside the country, not having to read forums like this every week to see if there are changes in policy... spa and golf is just a bonus... if you are a heavy user then great value, but really just a nice thing to have...

    If it turns out that visa benefits are cancelled then call me an idiot for vasting my money... but until then... I'm enjoying the conveniance and pampering every day and don;t regret a second about buying a membership...

    (I actually joined this forum in the first place to get info about Thai Elite... and what I found confirmed that they have been around long enough not to be a scam and they have delivered what they promissed for many years already... some benefits have chnaged over the years but do not affect those who signed up in the beginning, they still enjoy what they where offered when they signed up... changes are only for new members)

    Mr. H


    You joined this Forum on 4 December, 2008 so assuming you read all about the Elite Card here on your first day and made the decision to enrol immediately you have enjoyed the "convenience and pampering" for exactly 43 days.

    I really do wonder why so many Newbies are suddenly endorsing the Card!


    Have been here for almoust 10 years now and followed the forum for a few years, not counting... recently signed up to download an attachment... usually don't have much pleasure from posting as it seems most of the info is from peoples opinion instead of actual fact.

    Have been aware of the Elite card since it started but didn'f find it interesting in the beginning due to the annual fees etc.

    Mr. H.

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