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Posts posted by fnprop

  1. the exercise is a direct order to tighten up security....

    no such incident as happened around the pm residence, would ever ever be tolerated around your area....

    it is better for all concerned, don't you agree?

    on the other hand, did you recently show up in some places where you are not supposed to or frequented places that are considered as questionable, lately....? and how about those close to you? just a thought.... k?

    they did not ask to fingers print, did they?

    Nope, no fingerprints. I don't believe anyone (without a suicide wish), Thai or farang, would consider doing anything like what happened to Abhisit here.

    Your other questions are a bit frightening. Just what places is one not supposed to show up in? Using the ATM at Golden Place and picking up bread at the baguette are about as close as I get to stopping anywhere near the palace. And what are the "questionable" places? Bitabong? 7-11? Market Village? The dalat? Mugata? Hi 4? Kho Takiab? Very confusing. Perhaps you could post a list of suspected hotbeds of seditious activity in Hua Hin so I can avoid them.

    Let's see, I live alone, but have friends in Isaan. I own two red shirts (a button-down oxford cloth that's actually striped, and a Cincinnati Reds tshirt). Of course! That must be it! :)

  2. Is the populace really gullible enough to buy the idea that if a megalomanic on the run from the law states something from outside of the country, it must be true?

    It's entirely plausible. Evidently there is a portion of the populace, including some posters on this forum, who are gullible enough to place the blame for all Thailand's troubles on one former PM. And gullible enough to believe that if he would shut up and disappear, Thailand would return to its natural state of being some kind of idyllic utopia.

    ...there isn't going to be a coup.

    May we quote you on that? Ooops, we just did.

    Now, why should we believe you?

  3. Had an interesting visit from an immigration inspector this afternoon. He was taking names, passport numbers, addresses, and photos of farang holding passport in front of house numbers.

    Claimed they were doing this as part of a security program because we reside near the palace (about 1/2 km.) Mentioned that I would have thought they would be more worried about sua daeng than the farangs. Oops! :) No sense of humor.

    Glad to comply :D , but I've never heard of anything like this before.

    Anyone have any news, rumors, idle speculation on what's going on?

  4. yes but the problem is that non of thaksin supporters would like to do a long march. They were taken per bus to the demonstrations, brought back, than they get their 500 Baht.

    So I guess you've bought the Suthep line that these are all bought and paid for supporters. A rather naive view. Why don't you take a drive around in Isaan...off of highway 2. If the number of larger than life-size pictures are any indication, you will be hard-pressed to believe that Thaksin isn't the current PM. I did it at New Years. Zero pictures of Abhisit anywhere. Zero pictures of Prem anywhere. In 7 provinces, I counted about 5 or 6 pictures of Newin.

    You underestimate the man's popularity at your own risk. Certainly the army and the government, with their overblown reactions to every rumor, don't. Those "uneducated farmers" are smart enough to realize that all the elites, hi-so's, and politicians are a bunch of greedy liars. But they're sticking with the first and only one to ever give them a slice of the pie, no matter how miniscule.

  5. If the numbers are increased with relatively untrained civilians, it will be a sad day for Thailand, but hopefully they will be contained with minimal casualties.

    If Thaksin decided to do a march into Thailand, he would be stopped at, or close to the border, and it would be finished. He will only sneak in once he sees that things are completely in his favour, and then miraculously appear to lead them to greatness.

    Probably somewhat true. If Thaksin was a true patriot and fervent promoter of democracy, he could do the long march and even the army couldn't stop him without mass civilian casualties. That would bring the same kind of sanctions as Burma has from the international community. Sufficiency wouldn't be a novel economic theory to play with, it would be a necessity.

    But his personal qualities and his motivation for doing this would keep him sidelined until victory was assured.

    If this is going where I think it might go, I just hope that the confrontation doesn't take place in Bangkok, or any populated area. Let the boys play war somewhere that won't injure civilians.

    Meridian, you're just as guilty of formenting the troubles as any Thai elite. Look at your statement "hope...doesn't take place in Bangkok, or any populated area." The Mango-centric attitude is a big part of the problem. Maybe a little short course in geography and demographics would do you some good. Here goes:

    Just outside of Bangkok (and Pattaya and Phuket) there is a place called Thailand, where the majority of the nation's 65+ million people live. And a little history lesson and reality check. In civil war, your actions are only deemed treasonous or seditious if you lose.

    The government (Abhisit and Suthep) is irrelevant to these events. This is now between the army and its backers, and Thaksin.

    Neither of those two sides, nor the government for that matter, want to face a real people's army clamoring for democracy.

  6. Well you have seen nothing YET. With the onset of large scale unemployment its going to get worse. Don't forget for Thais no money = starvation.

    Farang property brokers turning up dead has nothing to do with unemployment, and everything to do with the Democrats being back in power in Bangkok. The local warlords are once again untouchable.

    No money, yet a Rolex, cash, and gold left at the scene? More like somebody's mia noi needs a new Mercedes after a tough shopping trip to Hong Kong and a few days in the casinos at Macau. What better way to fund that than with a few quick property turns.

    Dollars to donuts, this is another one where the investigation goes nowhere, as the local constabulary will be monetarily encouraged to pursue another "domestic dispute" possibility. If the investigator doesn't cooperate, the folks in parliament and their yellow-shirted supporters in Phuket can make sure the unlucky policeman is transferred to an 'inactive' post escorting teachers in Yala.

  7. Gotta be a wind-up, but what the heck....

    , as it is close enough to my home country if the s*** hits the fan that i can just run across the border to my mommy, but is still not the US (which i recall being rather unbearable).

    Read a newspaper, fer chrissakes. The sh** has hit the fan.

    has anyone lived there before?

    8 years.

    -where is there a town near the beach
    with a good mix of expats and locals, with public transportation, good infrastructure (need internet connection to work), and that is generally safe for an american female?
    should also be near a large city with an international airport and cosmopolitan lifestyle if poss...
    Large cities with international airports....Matamoros, Tijuana, Acapulco, Vera Cruz, Merida, Cancun, DF. Anything like a cosmopolitan lifestyle? DF.
    (am i dreaming?!)
    No. You are totally bonkers.
    -is it expensive to stay long term there? how much is the average monthly rent for a 1-bedroom house?
    Anywhere from 2000 - 2000000 pesos per month.
    would i need to do visa runs?
    -is it possible to get backup work at bars or the like if i hit a rough patch?
    A gringa? Yes, but you could probably make just as much money in Patpong, Nana, or Soi Cowboy.
    (i do speak pretty good spanish)
    Is that what your high school Spanish teacher or your nanny told you? Buena suerte.
  8. The US is uniquely stupid among nations in that it seems to think it can enforce its laws when violated by non-citizens, even when the violation took place outside the US.

    Actually, there are about 40 countries with the same asinine laws (asserting their right to apprehend and try non-citizen suspects for offenses committed outside of their territories). And a bunch of them are in the EU (Pinochet in Spain anyone?), so you can knock off the America bashing.

  9. Agreed, the PAD is trying very hard to stop the fuedalism that allows Thaksin and his upcoutnry cronies to rig every election that is held.

    And maintain the stranglehold that their own warlords have had on the country.

    But expect a backlash against farangs...the airport closings were the first shot. The offshore press is doing what Thaksin has threatened, and the Western governments have given a warning by mentioning "failed state" and "Thailand" in the same breath.

  10. Digging through everything on this forum (and others), I can't pin down any answers. How do I set up a sole proprietorship? What are the requirements and where do I go for business name registration (d/b/a), business license.

    I'm a farang and want to start a sole proprietorship. Heck, call it a som tam cart, because there are no prohibitions on this particular business in the foreign business act.

    Won't need VAT, as the projected income will never hit the required level. Already have a personal tax ID number in LoS.

    Visa and extensions don't depend on this business. And adding the business to the existing WP is not a problem. (Despite the horror stories usually promulgated here with the "definitive" advice, my current one has me authorized for two separate, concurrent employers and covers 4 provinces).

    Don't have a Thai wife, and not interested in spending 25000 baht for an Amity registration. Total start-up investment is less than 20k baht.

    Is this just a registration at the local tesabaan, or does it still need to get the name done through the ministry of commerce?

    thx in advance.

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