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Posts posted by lor

  1. Sorry to say I fell for it!! But with all the other things happening here it seemed so believable, till I read the bit about the dongle being available at all 7-11 stores today. I thought "Whow, that must have taken some organising" Then I realised! Thailand and organisation just do not go together! That's when I realised the joke.


  2. Bought My 360 the day they were released in the UK. Shipped it here to Thailand 6 months ago and never had a problem, despite daily use by my kids. Also just had a mod chip fixed, this allows it to play copy games and automaticaly disconects the network whenever a copy is inserted. Works fine and no need to worry about the kids connecting to XBox Live by mistake when using a copy and geting banned, like they did to my first Xbox!


  3. What that employee did was wrong. I cannot believe the posters who support him and say the OP should mind his own business. However on pointing this thread out to my wife she is in full agreement that it had nothing to do with the OP and he deserved the punch or more! She insists that you should never critisize a Thai person and people who do are going to get hurt!

    This attitude has caused huge arguments between us over the years. She cannot understand that saying one Thai person is bad is not saying that ALL Thai people AND the country is bad.

    There is another side to this problem though. I own a business here and every day I check the item sales. If this had been going on for some time there should be thousands of bottles of water sold. If it has not been sold but billed as sold then where is it all being stored! and where has all the bread rolls gone to? This scam is far too easy to spot by anyone with any sort of business sense. What is much more likely is that it is a Tax scam. The owner is well aware that his sales are much higher than the till reports but he pays tax on the sales put through the till.

    In the bar industry if the tax office feel that this sort of fiddle is going on they descend on your bar and take all your beer purchase receipts and then work out your tax from them, instead of what you say you sell. In this case when the tax office see a Subway Outlet selling nothing but water they will probably do a tax audit on the amount of bread bought! (That's presuming the business is Farang owned. If it was Thai owned they probably would do nothing!! -- Just my opinion there)


  4. I think the guy managed to unrar the files but then he was left with 50 parts, each one playing for 1 minute. I have had movies like this before. They just need to be joined together into one file, you can use a DOS box and the join command but much easier to use a free programme called hjsplit. This will split files or join them automaticaly.


  5. I have been running software on my son's computer for the past 12 months now and it works perfectly. In effect you have a calander and you can specify for each day of the week what times the computer can work. Outside those times a message appears saying "No Access" Also when the computer allows access you can also set what times the internet is allowed to work.

    So far my son, who is now 12, has not found a way to crack it! but I am sure he will soon!

    If you are interested in this software please PM me.


  6. Not sure if I should tell everybody this, at the moment I am enjoying lightning fast Internet on a 500mb TOT connection. If everybody does what I have done I could get less bandwidth! But here goes:

    My connection got terrible. Everything was slow. When tring to download a web page I would get "Server not Found" pressing reload would bring in the page slowly.

    Mail was slow, sometimes server not found etc etc

    FTP to Europe stopped working completely. Error was Hostname not found.

    So as an experiment I went to one of the web sites that does a reverse lookup from the host name to give an IP address. Entered one of the FTP Hostnames that always had the error "Hosname not found", got the IP address and then entered that into the FTP programme. The result was an instant connection! Tried the hostname again, no luck. Tried the IP again, worked pefectly.

    This got me thinking that there may be something wrong with the nameserver used by TOT. So I did a lot of looking and found the IP address of another name server located in Europe. I then edited the windows connection screen to use and alternative nameserver instead of the TOT one and remarkably everything started working at a lightning speed!

    FTP worked instantly, mail servers always found, No more "Page not found" on Inernet Explorer and my download speeds from Usenet went up from 80kbs to 300kbs. All this from using an alternative nameserver!

    I have done a check by disabling the alternative nameserver and everything went back to a crawl! So it looks like TOT's nameserver is either broken or cannot handle all the requests fast enough.

    Hope this helps others, but not too many - I need the bandwidth!


  7. I know the advice about waiting a bit before jumping on Vista is true BUT I run XP Media Centre Edition and I am led to believe that Vista will be a big improvement on this. So closing my eyes and jumping over the cliff, I will be installing Vista as soon as it is released here in Thailand.


  8. Can someone give me the idiots guide (simplified version) to formatting my PC and reinstalling XP please?

    Just put a real XP disc in the drive and reboot. You should be able to boot from the disk. During the instalation process it will show your current instalation and ask if you want to keep it. Just say NO and follow all the prompts. One prompt will ask if you want to reformat the whole drive and create a new Partition. Select this and your drive will be wiped clean and XP installed new.


  9. I like the English station Radio Seagul but it only airs in the Evening in Europe, that makes it a 2am start here in Thailand. But the rest of the day it broadcasts in Dutch under a different name.

    Tried to upload the asx link but it was not allowed. A Google for Radio Seagul will find it. At the same time you could also try Radio Caroline.


  10. I was always in favour of the Baht busses, but after reading the arguments both for and against, in this thread, I have changed my mind.

    I now agree the best thing for Pattaya and Jomtien would be to get rid of the Baht Busses and replace them with Metered Taxi's. But would I still be able to travel from Jomtien Soi 9 all the way to North Pattaya Soi 2 for 10 baht?


  11. If you can open the case you can try plugging the drive directly into your computer. This may solve the problem.

    I had a "MyBook" 400GB external USB/Firewire drive. No way could windows read the HDD, even the Western Digital support said cannot be fixed, ALL data is lost and had to be returned for replacement. Now as I had the next 3 months of TV viewing stored on it No way was I going to write it off. So I opened the box and plugged the drive directly into my computer. The drive was recognised straight away and all my data was intact and useable! Still watching the latest episodes of Lost and Stargate now!


  12. Hi,

    I am trying to set up a Hotspot to give free access to the internet for people who visit my busineess.

    The software and access point seem to be set up and working BUT I have no way to test it as I do not own a laptop. (Just three PC's, none of which have Wireless access)

    If anyone who lives in Jomtien owns a laptop and would like to help me check that it is working please PM me for the location. I would feel stupid telling people about the Hotspot if it didn't work!

    Thanks in advance


  13. You can subscribe to UBC via their Web Site but they also have a small agent in the Dot Com Building. Forgot which floor but they are along the side of the escalator. Br careful of those escalators, The power went out one day and I was stuck on it for three hours! :o


  14. Forgot to say, On the subject of an official TV lounge or meet every month, I would be happy to throw open the upstairs bar for the exclusive use of TV members that day, so you will know that everyone there will be another member. Also ALL drinks bought that night would be discounted by 10 baht each, so Bottle Heinekin would be 60 baht, Draught 45 baht, whisky 35 baht etc etc. Let me know what you think of the idea.

    Chris & Kaew

  15. Would just like to say Thank you to all the members who came by last night to check out my bar. I feel privilaged to even be in the running after owning the bar for only 3 months.

    Any board member who would like to drop by for a quick one is very welcome and if you let me know you are from the board you will get the first drink free. (I know some of you travel a long way from Pattaya to check us out!)

    Once again, good to see you all last night and hope to see you again.

    Chris & Kaew

  16. We are arranging another Party for New Years Eve! Dec 31st. Same as before with Free Food at 8pm. Show at 10pm BUT what do we do special at midnight????

    Please can any one give us an idea what you would like to see happen at a New Years Eve party in Thailand at Midnight.


    Chris& Kaew

    Drunks & Dare-A-Licks, Jomtien, Soi 9

  17. Hi all - hoping for some advice (yet again).

    As a divorcee my son spends much more time with his Thai family than with me. His English is coming on but his Thai is, of course, much better already.

    I'm hoping to find a Pre-School playgroup run in English, somewhere close to central Pattaya area, where he can make some young buddies and be encouraged to use English more.

    Any ideas greatly appreciated,

    Thanks all & Happy New Year!


    The BEST school does a kindergarden. It is dual language Thai and English. Both my children go there.


  18. Nothing wrong with that piccy. The food looks good.

    The food pictured in the previous post...looks great...however..

    I hadn't been to Drunks ' Derelicks for quite ages , so last Wednesday, I thought I'd give it a try as there is a new owner (Chris). I ordered their 'steak special', which is available M-W-F at a reasonable 140-Bt.

    I was not impressed...a piece of corn, some cold what looked like mashed potatos, some baked beans and a steak that was somewhat tender. Now, in all fairness, it could have been an off night...and I will reserve further judgement until I eat there again. I also kept ignoring the BG's, but one after another, they joined me at the table, until they got the hint. Again, maybe it was because it was a slow night. Another visit will tell me more.

    Yours is the first critiscism about our steaks. People come from all over Pattaya for them and they return week after week and say they are the best they have tasted! However that does not mean I do not take your comments seriously. I will check into what was served that night and make sure the stock was up to standard. The "mashed Potato" was in fact Potato Salad and was meant to be served cold. Many people love it.

    Thanks for the comments though. Even the bad ones are appreciated. That way we can improve our service.

    Chris & Kaew

    Drunks & Dare-A-Licks

    Soi 9, Jomtien

  19. Just discovered this thread, and as the owner of Drunks & Dare-A-Licks would like to say that I know our girls may not be the youngest or most beautiful girls in the world BUT they are all honest, loving and have good hearts. And as a bonus they REALLY look after you!

    Merry Xmas

    Chris & Kaew

    Drunks & Dare-A-Licks, Jomtien Soi 9

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