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Posts posted by puipuitom

  1. The 50-per cent cap will only apply to companies that deal with areas considered important to national security, or that have an impact on natural resources or Thai culture, he said.

    That's the important part, no?

    Thai culture could be very broadly interpreted , and for that matter so could national security .......................

    It just opens a way to receive an all-paid, incl pocket money ... study tour to....Paris / Amsterdam / London .. or Miami / Boston .... together with a lady being NOT his wife

  2. The Minister of Finance was quoted, "Why should we postpone it when we have worked on it for three months. This is Thailand," he added.

    My reply: and I CAN LEAVE this country, takeing with me: my money and my business.

    Go to Vietnam, China, or ... Mezo America for my tropical foods. Company has already a second site: xxxxxxx Fill it in with ... coocnut milk from Sri Lanka, Vietnam, Sumatra (In), rice from Vietnam, instant noodles + canned fruits like pineapple/lychee/mango, sweet chili sauce, soya sauce etc from China, canned fruits + vegetables from Costa Rica, Guatemala, Nicaragua, and la gong, popgan chat na , Muang Thai

  3. ahh, so how do you think it would effect Thailand as a country?

    Thailand will remain to be #1 rice exporter for quite a while.

    Rice exporter: yes, but nr 2 = Vietnam very close. As the Thais were not clever enough to register "Jasmine" rice after so much investment in that name, now Vietnam is grasping the benefits.

    So, the Thais come now with Hom Mali rice.

    "Wherefrom? Mali ?? That is a Sahel country in Africa isn't it ? "

    "Sorry, no need" is the reply I get so often ( yes, I import tropical foods to EU . Donot forget: here is bread+potato country, not rice+noodle country )

    Seriously, I don't know and I don't care. I'm not a macroeconomist. I do care about my company. Next border run i'll be spending in KL to see what the posobilties are over there. You know, eggs and baskets ? I can't imagine others *not* taking similar measures.

    That's why I added "Tropifood" to my company mission. When I see the speediness the Chinese are taking over, in 10 years half of Thai export is wiped away.

    "So, let's speed up with chasing away the foreign investment", looks the habbit of the Thai government.

  4. Looking for Partner . I have a empty factory in Nontaburi. Interested in doing some business. Anybody out there Farang or thai .

    What CAN you do there ?

    I am in the food business. A possibility is packing food items ( combi packs of items preoduced at several places in TH, but combined to one retail pack ) , but I need then a hygienic factory, HACCP or BRC-ISO 22000 certified or possible to certify.

    What is the state of the factory (open rat hole or 100% closed) ,

    - what are the facilities ( 20-40ft containers can be loaded ? ) ,

    - where was it used before ( scrap iron, or food ) ?

    - how is the surroundings ( open sewer or clean)

    regards, Harry Romijn, [email protected]

  5. simple Thai system:

    make 10 connections, but sell 10,000

    When complains: ignore

    When complains go to the government: pay to that minister/official, and problem has probably ended.

    When the problem continues: go to temple and pray

    When problem sustains: change of name, so the bed spirits cannot find you anymore

    When problem persists: hire in a farang to solve it.

  6. I agree completely with the Thai government:

    Whatever work, get a workpermit.

    Here for charity? Prove it and we give you a work permit immediately.

    Ever tried to get one for the USA ?

    Two Thai ladies, one even with a permanent resident visa to EU, had to go back to Bangkok, US Immigration for a visa application.

    Both, travelling together, to see the same man ( business contact for years), were refused as "they would see their fiancee in the US, so was not sure they would leave the USA again ( mr Charles Wintheiser, head of Immigration dept USA Embassy BKK)

    Happy country: an US Citizen even cannot get the woman of his dreams to the country where all dreams are possible.

    Second: the US Gov implicitly recognizes the possibility of bigamy, as BOTH ladies seeing the same fiancee.

    Third: how to be sure for the full 100 % a visitor will leave the USA ?

    I prefer the Thai way !

  7. 2000 policemen busy for 13 hours, a 91 arrests with materials seized of a value of 538,000 Baht.

    And nobody understands why ?

    Simply: tell the world how much effort you put in fighting crime, but donot harm the business (of the police top and other high ranking crooks, called politicians): look at places where you hardly have a chance to find anything, warn many in advnce, let a lot going away after paying a contribution to the costs ( but limit the costs by NOT giving any receipts), and you understand the above results.

  8. I agree with the attitude to fight islam fundamentalism, as they donot tolerate any other ideas abut how to live.

    I love Thailand for their Buddhist tolerant attitude to other beliefs, attitudes etc.

    But that does not mean I agree with just massacring a 110 young men armed with machetes and knifes by machine guns, as this only fill feed their hate to the Thai Buddhist sociaty.

    But for sure I donot agree with Khun Taxin's refusal to accept any critisism from abroard.

    "We are nog begging them for food?"?

    What do you think, when the foreign world will treat the Thais as they do now to Myanmar: the richest country of Asia in 1948, but now a beggar ?

    25 % of only western Tourists, 20 % of the new investments and just 15 % of all purchases swithing to Vietnam, and Thailand will go bankrupt.

  9. This is the way how to respond to the Foreign markets ! Of course everybody will tremble when Khun Takson is angry.

    In the Netherlands in 2002 the same day birds flue was found, all birds in a circle of 3 km were destroyed. Not two months later ! But maybe some high ranking officials first want to get rid of their shares in Saha etc ?

    Retaliate with non-tariff barieres ! Good !

    My first customer already anticipated by contracting only one container of coconut milk for Feb shipment. The five for later: just wait, or better contract from Sri Lanka . "You never know how a trade war will develop. Maybe the EU will re-retaliate ??"

    Maybe Mr Taksin wants also a medal from the other countries, just like Dr Supachai by NOT requesting for reduced import tariffs for the E.U. He did a marvellous job for the ASEAN countries to out-compete Thailand on the E.U. market.

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