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Posts posted by Miserere

  1. There can be only one sentence for bar mat thieves and that is clearly the death penalty.

    This will serve as a lesson to those coming to Thailand from abroad that bar mat theft will not be tolerated and Thailand shouldn't be seen as some form of 'soft option'.

    While bar mats are cheap and plentiful in the LOS they can fetch a princely sum overseas to collectors and the sales and profiteering when they are sold often goes on to fund other serious forms of crime ranging from drugs to terrorism and even the promotion of peadophilia.

    Better to nip this type of crime in the Bud.

  2. Why did I leave the UK?...becaus I'm a cockney gangster init?...Ive done a few bank jobs and done a bit of bird, I've tats on me arms and a bloody great fat belly on me and all my crew who settled on the old Costas have been nicked, you dont wanna mess with me fella because I've one mental temper when things get me wound up init and Ive done a few lines of charley farley....watch out hells bells!...me and Dave Courtney and Ronnie Biggs and Mad Fwankie oh were all having a laugh init?...me and the adams family we love it ere..

    Now Im duh guvnor of Pattas and have me old fingers in more than a few pies init eh?!...building this old house with some dodgy builders, grabbing the deposists off stupid falangs and doing a runner with their dosh hehe!..I run a few clubs for like minded and keep the local police chief sweet init!...

    Oh doing the camden walk!!..oi! oi!...

  3. I also had the misfortune to recieve a rather angry phonecall after talking to some school girls recently.

    I distinctly remember not touching them but can't for the life of me remember if my errect penis was showing?

    Maybe some kind of faux pas particular to Thai society?

  4. I agree porn is a disturbing and frankly disgusting source of education that has within it the possibility to both corrupt young minds and contribute to the downward spiral of societies morals.

    For instance the other day when I logged onto http://www.scoutmastersandblondcubswithsmoothtenderlegs.com I was disgusted that after just 30 minutes of surfing I was discovering pictures of boys being forced to learn rope knot techniques and prisoner restraint methods while being naked and covered with baby oil.

    Is this really necessary?...I suspect that a far darker and possibly sinister motivation was at force and just 40 minutes later I requested a refund of my membership money in disgust and have alerted the authorities to this website.

  5. If your going to go sailing your fancy rich yacht around dangerous seas close to the province of people starving with no money or possessions don't be surprised if your attacked!

    Its like walking through a ghetto wearing a Rolex! what do you expect?

    Really, soft rich white folk having 'an adventure' really should do more research and take more precautions.

    Of course its all very sad and my commiserations go out to the family etc etc etc...but really!...stick to a boating lake in Surrey loves.

  6. 18 years?....disgusting!

    In my opinion ATM fraud is up there with Paedophilia!...let the scum suffer!

    Anyone caught gently touching and stroking the buttons of an ATM thats only 4 or 5 years old deserves everything they get, only the other day I saw a fallangy standing very close to a small ATM in a 7-11 just waiting for the opportunity to touch it and get something out of it, it made my stomach turn.

    Good ridance, I hope they throw away the key.

  7. I just came back from a trip to Khao Lak area and went to Similan Islands and Surin Islands. Snorkling was excellent in Surin and I was wondering if there are any better islands to snorkel in Thailand. If there are, can someone recommend where to go, how to go and where to stay?

    Rather than snorkling in the islands, try it in the sea, that way you can see fish and things.

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