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Posts posted by jaideeguy

  1. Could anyone recomend a reliable pool supply shop in phuket area. I'll be visiting phuket on holiday in the first week in sept from Chiang Mai and would like to pick up some pool supplies that are hard to find in CM. I figure that Phuket should have more pools than CM. need brushes, test kits, etc.....

    you can contact me directly at [email protected]

    thanks in advance...

  2. Thanks guys for your imput....i'll pass what i can along to my wife's friend. I can see that i am fighting the culture gap here in this arena and will ultimately go with the flow as i usually do, but it is a real pisser to let the little coward get away with this [in any culture]. what a contrast to the western culture where if you just look at a woman, it's sexual harasment......

  3. A close friend of my Thai wife showed up today with bruises, 2 black eyes and cuts all over her face from her abusive Thai husband and was seeking help. Can anyone refer me to any NGOs or agencies that deal with abused spouses?? my wife and friend were under the impression that dealing with the police here is useless as they usually side with the 'boy' in these matters. i find that disgusting, but easy to believe here in LOS where the boys are spoiled and treat their women like shit. I am in the Chiang Mai area and need some local support ASAP!!

  4. I'v often wondered if there are regulations reguarding the production of ice and 'distilation' [?] of water, but can't live without either and just take my chances and haven't had a problem [knock on wood] in the 7 years that i've lived here.

    and something that i've always wondered about is if the ice is clean, but comes in contact with something contaminated in the cooler, then you use the ice for drinking.....can the contaminate be passed with the ice even if it is rinsed??

    just wondering??/

  5. If you only want to watch digital TV now and not interested in analog then all you need is a device called a V-Box II . This will interface the Diseq control from your digital receiver with the 36v motor on your big dish, then it will all be automatic.

    If you want digital and analog then you need a combined receiver. Echostar or Technisat are good ones.

    Sat TV is my specialty. Will be in Chiang Mai in January if you need help.



    I noticed your post while attempting to log a post my self requesting info on alternatives to UBC, who has been taking my bhatt for 4 years now. what's available up here in chiang mai?? i would like to go with a local company for support and my requirements for viewing are news, movies, cartoons, and discovery [and/or history].

    a few questions....

    so, is this your service? do you install? and how much is a system? and is a stationary or tracking system necessary?

    thanks in advance for your info....


  6. Thanks Ajarn for your reply. I did contact 'pool master', the sub company of 'pool spa' [out of bkk] and was not that impressed with their profesionalism. Then i checked out their competition, 'erawan' or 'Nic's' and they were even worse. so, i went direct to the parent company of pool master and am waiting on a quote from them on pumps and filters. More important than cost of the products is the after-sales support that is always terribly lacking here in LOS.

    would appreciate a phone consult with you! i can be reached at 09-855-9213.


  7. HELP!!!

    I'm building a swimming pool here in the Chiang Mai area and am seeking a honest, reliable and knowledgeable swimming pool supplier for pump, filter, chemicals etc. support for the customer is important to me, but maybe hard to find in LOS. if you can make any recommendations, then please email me directly at [email protected] . I've contacted two companies that have a presence here and was not impressed by their professionalism or prices.

  8. HELP!!!!

    I’m in the process of building a swimming pool in Chiang Mai and am doing it using a local contractor. The few ‘pool contractors’ I interviewed did not impress me with their capabilities and their costs were roughly 2x what I calculated using a high value of the current costs of cement and steel [the major cost of the shell]. That was to be expected as pool contractors in the west are ‘sharks’ too.

    I am now at the point where I need a good, reliable POOL SUPPLIER for pump, filter, and mainly support for installation etc. the two companies that I contacted seem to be ‘sharks’ as well and if any of the readers of the forum could give me a recommendation for a pool supplier in the Chiang Mai area that is reliable, knowledgable and honest [does that combination exist in LOS?].

    I can be contacted directly at [email protected] and would appreciate any info asap.

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