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Posts posted by zackxx

  1. On 7/13/2023 at 12:50 AM, lungbing said:

    Kasikorn bank, Lotus Mittrapharp, Khon Kaen.    I completely confused the young lady teller as I gave her my second account passbook to update with my new passport details.  I had already done my main account a month ago but didn't have the 2nd account passbook with me at the time.

    In the end she rang the helpline and I explained it to them and they explained to me that it is the account holder that has the passport number in their details, not each account.  So when I did it previously that covered all my accounts.   All I've got to do now is to remember that in ten years time so I don't make a pillock of myself again.

    I have no idea what you are on about but I do know that passport numbers do change when you renew them (unlike Thai national ID cards) so best to keep all your old passports that you opened Thai bank accounts with so you can proove you are the account holder should the need arise like lost Internet banking or ATM password.

    • Like 1
    • Confused 1
  2. 3 hours ago, ballpoint said:

    Not true.  You can extend a Non B for reasons of marriage or retirement.  Here's my current visa, transferred to my latest passport. 




    I extend it every year for the retirement reason.



    I worked in Thailand for 30 years under a Non-immigrant B visa and Work Permit. I  retired last year and got a Non-immigrant O visa. All done within Thailand. No expensive health insurance requirement. I paid into the Thai state run Social Security system  (ประกันสังคม)  and volunteered to keep paying into this system (THB432/month) instead of receiving a Thai pension to maintain all those hospitalisation benefits at a public hospital of my choice.


    Great to see that other kiwis are in this forum. BOI? You must have a good job in Thailand...

    • Thumbs Up 1
  3. I worked in Thailand for 30 years under a Non-immigrant B visa and Work Permit. I  retired last year and got a Non-immigrant O visa. All done within Thailand. No expensive health insurance requirement. I paid into the Thai state run Social Security system  (ประกันสังคม)  and volunteered to keep paying into this system (THB432/month) instead of receiving a Thai pension to maintain all those hospitalisation benefits at a public hospital of my choice.

  4. I am British and my wife has both British and Thai duel Citenship. We both have wills made in the UK under English law regarding our properties in both the UK and Thailand. Will Thai law accept English Wills?


    I own a house in New Zealand and a condominium in Bangkok. When I approached my NZ lawyer to prepare my Will she said that when it comes to 'immovable property' the NZ Will will not have jurisdiction over my Thai condo but probably would over other 'moveable' assets in Thailand such as bank deposits, mutual funds, furniture etc.

    As such I needed to prepare a Thai language Will to include my Thailand located immovable property (condo). While I was at it I also included my Thai based moveable property as this would ensure without doubt all my Thai assets would be covered. There are three types of legally recognized Thai Will formats you can choose from, templates of which can be downloaded free from the internet (all in Thai language of course). Alternatively you can pay a local expat Thai legal team THB26,000 baht to do the same thing you can do yourself. :whistling: I also prepared an English translation to assist my executioner who cannot read Thai.

  5. Ijustwannateach wrote:

    According to your first post, which is what I was responding to,

    His eyes sweep the room and he catches the eye of a rather large 25-30yo male farang, seemingly intoxicated, sitting at a table with his Thai "female friend" who had also had a few. The farang feels threatened about being looked at

    which sounds like a perceived flirtation (otherwise why the feeling of threat?).

    Since you have taken a challenging stance towards our comments, may I ask what your angle on this is? Where is your information coming from? Were you there? Is there any independent corroborration that this ever happened? Why was it that you had to change the story, if you "know the facts?" Why are you challenging posters for their "misinterpretation" when your own comments are, by your own admission, unreliable?

    If this thread is just intended for some kind of mindgame-playing, then you are trolling and your shelflife here will be short.

    Your post has diverted from the intention of this thread so I will have only this to say: the only intended "angle" was to elicit responses from posters to my original questions. Read them. As such even if this account was totally fictitious (which it is not) or a completely theoretical scenario your questions demanding 'fact checkers' and 'sources' is totally irrelevant it has no bearing on the intention. Do you demand this from every anecdote someone may post? My 'challenging' stance to comments, as you put it, is in response to rather curious erroneous assumptions by some posters, as already stated, reading things that are simply not there. I have not "changed the story": the information comes from an extremely reliable source. Everything in both the 'synopsis' and more 'detailed' account happened with the exception that I corrected that farang was taken to the police station first not the hospital. As more information came to light I included an update. Yes you may be correct: the Australian "perceived a flirtation" or possibly just didn't like the idea of a gay man looking at him. But in any case that is quite different from your assertion that actual flirtation took place.

    Finally yes this post is a mind game: to get people to think about the situation and what they may have done in a similar situation. May I put this question to you: If you are gay and you are verbally abused because of your sexuality would you ignore the source of abuse or make a stand?

  6. Thanks to you all for your posts. I have read through them all and have these comments:

    chiang mai
    "I blame the bartender"

    Yes bar staff should be trained to prevent situations escalating and handle unruly patrons. But we don't live in a perfect world otherwise situations like this wouldn't arise in the first place.

    "…As I have had a fair bit of unwelcome attention from gay guys in Singapore in the past I can say I know how the farang felt…"

    Pdaz if you read what was written the doctor's eyes "swept the room" as such there was no mention of "gay" staring or leering or "goo-goo"eyes. All the patrons in the bar, gay or str8 would natural look around them and in doing so may or may not catch the eyes of others doing exactly the same…

    "I'm interested in how you got hold of this story?

    Are you a friend of the farang, the Thai doctor or the bartender?

    Or were you a casual bystander who did nothing to defuse the situation or break up the fight?"

    Its irrelevant how I know as the purpose of my posting was to elicit responses to my questions in the original post and create debate and only that. I see you did not wish to contribute in that regard but rather only content to make a veiled judgment.

    "Hardly a bar brawl is it....

    No excuse for bottling someone, a very cowardly thing to do."

    The post was initiate debate not about the definition of the word "brawl". Read my update to the second post. You may find the excuse you require.

    "Why have
    Disneyland not been acknowled
    in this scenerio.
    Bullocks thats
    what it is. Stop posting <deleted> and get street wise.."

    Haven't you heard Thailand IS Disneyland and that's the only reason you're here….

    "…foreigner's response to flirtation…

    How do you know there was any flirtation?

    "The second account is a completely different story"

    How is it completely different? I have just added extra detail and made a few corrections.

    "The allegedly gay doctor may not necessarily have been gay and I doubt that he was. Did he wear a big sign on him that said "Look at me I'm a homosexual!!"

    "Don't assume that because the kid wasn't interested in a cheap whore, that he was gay"

    "…This event probably has nothing to do with the Thai being gay…"

    The "allegedly gay doctor" is gay and a doctor too: trust me *wink*. Just as the farang is Australian and the Thai female friend is a bar girl. The reason why the doctor got hassled was because he was gay. geriatrickid you only know what I have written here. If I write the doctor is gay he is gay. If I was unsure he was gay I would have said so or not even mention it at all. If the latter case I would not have bothered to start this thread.

    "Apparently the doctor's uncle is quite a senior policeman at National Police Headquarters, Bangkok"

    That explains why he gets away with bottling someone, I hope he gets his just deserts one day. A fist fight is one thing but bottling someone is well out of order.

    If you read carefully the doctor was "slim" and the Aussie was "large" and "burly" so was there a level playing field even without the bottle?

    "..Neither did the Thai have a sign on him "I am a high class Thai doctor with very powerful police connections," but I bet he knew who to call or mention when he got to the police station."

    The duty policemen on that particular night just happened to recognize that the surname of the doctor was the same as a senior policeman in Bangkok. The doctor was not the party to raise it.

    The doctor is from a middle class family in Chiang Mai and had to pay his own way through medical school.


    This has been an interesting exercise about a real life event. From someone who knows the facts it is curious too to see how some posters here misinterpret, read something into something that is not there and are very quick to judge, coming to completely erroneous conclusions. But we had a lot of fun doing it. Thanks!

    Also not many here answered my original questions intended to stimulate debate:

    What would you have done in a situation like this?

  7. Thank you all for your comments. Since posting this thread some more details/corrections have come to light which may or may not lead you to rethink your comments...

    The Thai doctor was walking to the toilet, past the table the Australian farang and his Thai whore were sitting when the Thai whore starting making 'sissy noises' directed at the doctor. After exiting the toilet the doctor went to take his seat back at the bar when it was obvious the two at the table were making comments about him in not a very discrete manner. The bar was quite full of mostly farang patrons who started to stare at the person these comments were directed at. Apparently words like "f@cking yellow monkey faggot" were eminating from the mouth of the intoxicated Australian for all in the bar to hear. There was no "gay staring" or overtures of that sort.

    Not to be humiliated in front of all these people and given that the small petite bar staff were only content in observing the unfolding drama the doctor approached the two saying to the Thai whore in English (so all there could understand) that the farang was only interested in "what was between her legs not her ears" and demanded an apology: twice. The burly Australian, expletives emanating forth in a rapid torrent, then pushed the doctor away whereby the doctor grabbed a bottle from the table and smashed it over the head of the Australian. Bar patrons (not bar staff) separated the two before the fight escalated. Hotel security & management (from which the bar is located) were called to control the situation and then the police came to take all three to the nearby police station. Contrary to what was said in the original post, the Aussie was taken to the hospital after the police station. While at the police station, and the doctor was being discharged, the Thai whore started shouting at the doctor about getting a gang together to 'teach the doctor a lesson'. The doctor requested police protection and was escorted to the airport the following morning. Apparently the doctor's uncle is quite a senior policeman at National Police Headquarters, Bangkok.

  8. This is a synopsis of what happened at the Luna Bar, Ao Nang last Friday evening 6 March 2009:

    A 27yo gay and rather slim Thai medical doctor is sitting at the bar drinking his second bottle of beer talking to the bartender. His eyes sweep the room and he catches the eye of a rather large 25-30yo male farang, seemingly intoxicated, sitting at a table with his Thai "female friend" who had also had a few. The farang feels threatened about being looked at and makes loud disparaging remarks directed at the doctor about "f*#king faggots". The doctor takes offense and demands an apology from the farang. The farang refuses using rather colourful language. The doctor repeats his demand but to no avail. An arguement insues. The doctor hits the farang over the head with a beer bottle cutting him open (which requires five stitches to close) and the farang gives the doctor a black eye. A bevy of police arrive. The farang is escorted to the hospital and the doctor taken to the police station. The following morning the doctor is escorted to the airport for the first flight bck to Bangkok. No arrests and no 'fines' paid (at least on the doctors side...). The bartender, as witness, corroborates the doctors story about the act of provocation on part of the farang.

    So who was right and who was wrong? Should the doctor have just ignored the farang? Should he just put up with his bigoted comments? Was it justifuable to use violence? Will the farang have learned his lesson and think twice about opening his mouth again?

    What would you have done in a situation like this?

  9. Umm... So has any farang here been successful in applying for a local bank loan for a condo without Thai residency permit, without Thai citizenship, without Thai wife/husband and without going offshore through the UOB or BBL banks?

    What you will have are 1 yr work permits going back consecutively for 10yrs, steady employment, money for deposit (up to 30%) and existing 3.8mB BBK condo under your name (for security if required).

    Is there a minimum amount you need to borrow? Is there a minimum salary you need to command?

    Also: assuming borrowing locally is actually possible under the above conditions how does it work that foreigners buying a condo here need to bring in overseas currency in order to make the purchase?

    Thanks for your advice.

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