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Posts posted by owl1971

  1. Hi,

    Valid point 'RAZZEL' , When I spoke to the guy this morning at the accredited centre I asked the same question , and he said it was not classed as Study.

    THE UKBA STATES 'does not intend to undertake a course of study' -- but they do not clarify what contitutes this.

    I have contacted UKBA and VFS to clarify this , will let you know the outcome.



  2. Hi ,

    My GF is currently in the UK on a Visitor Visa until Jan 2011, we are applying for a Fiancee (Settlement Visa) when she is back in thailand.

    My question is as my GF is currently in the UK, can she take the A1 English Test in the UK before we go back to thailand to submit application in Jan2011.

    Thanks to the info on this post I have managed to find a couple of exam centres which are accredited near where I Live (Cost of Exam Approx £120 , Provisional Date 13/12/2010).

    Many Thanks


  3. Hi ,

    Just a couple of questions RE the UK Fiancee visa (Settlement) which myself and my Finacee will be applying for in Jan 2011.

    We have just about finalised the application and sponsor evidence , this site has been a great help , thanks for everybodys input..

    1) We plan to submit the Application on the 4th January whilst I'm in Thailand, but before we submit the application will my GF have to have the TB test and Police Checks, do we have to make appointments for this.

    2) With regards to to the new language rule which comes into operation on 29/11/2010 , will my GF have to do this for a fiancee visa or will this test have be done before the application for FLR.



  4. My GF is currently on a visitor visa to the UK , and I booked her a one way ticket as we wanted to travel back to thailand together latter in the Year.

    After my GF came through immigration she was in tears and really upset , The immigration officer had picked up the fact that she had only a one way ticket , fortunatley I had already advised my girlfriend some questsions which may get asked I.E

    Q1 Why have you only got a one way ticket ?

    A1 Because myself and my Boyfriend wish to travel back to thailand together ( My GF had a printout of a potential flight which we had sourced)

    Q2 Do you have enough money to buy a return ticket

    A2 My GF was able to show that she had enough money for a return ticket and also showed them her Thai Bank Book.

    They also asked many general question about her relationship with me and also what she would be doing during her stay in the UK.

    Immigration eventually let my GF through after about 20 minutes.

    I'm Not sure if I would book a one way ticket in future !!!


  5. Hi,

    I have recently emailed VFS regarding what type of visa I need for a UK finacee visa, and they have reponded that they cannot advise, but have given the following guideline.

    Guidline from VFS

    In brief, if applicant wishes to get married and then settle in the UK, they may apply for a fiancée visa. If applicant wishes to marry in the UK, but do not intend to settle there, they may apply for a visit for marriage visa. For information on application forms, including the documents required, visa fees, application tracking or any other visa related enquiries, please visit our website.

    My Question is:

    I have checked the VFS website but cannot see a visa which says fiancée visa , Please could anybody advise which visa we need to complete.

    Many Thanks


  6. Hi ,

    Myself and my fiancee are travelling back to Bangkok on 30/12/2010 , and we planned to go to VFS to hand the fiancee visa application in on Monday 3rd Jan 2011, Does anybody know if VFS will be open on the 3rd or is this classed as a public holiday, I've checked vfs web site and they are only showing public holidays 2010.

    Does anybody know what the public holidays are for 2011 ???

    Your help would be much appreciated.

    Many Thanks

  7. Cheers for that , makes it a bit more bearable, although still expensive. , I can see why people get married in thailan now[

    quote name=brian272727' timestamp='1285237316' post='3902289]

    In answer to Q2, you must be looking at the Indian site, its in rupees.

    The fee for the Thai site appears to be 33488 baht, which to me is bloody excessive. I have NO idea why its so much.


  8. Hi,

    I have known my Thai G/f from 5 years , and she has visited the UK on 2 occasions (thanks to the brilliant advice on this forum). we now intend to get married in the UK and I have a few questions which I hope you can help me with.

    Q1 - As my G/F is currently in the UK until 6/1/2011 , can we apply for a fiancee visa when were back in bangkok in January 2011 or does the 6 month rule apply.

    Q2 - Which visa will we Require , I have looked at the Visa section on VFS web site and I'm a bit confused , Is it really 48300 Bht ??!!!!

    Q3 - When we get married in the UK , how long before the Finacee visa expires should we apply for FLR.

    Q4 - When we get married in the UK would it be possible for my G/F son and her sister to attend the wedding - What visa would be required and are these difficult to obtain

    Q5 - Will we have to pay for any translations fees

    Sorry for all the questions

    Once again Many thanks for your help in the past


  9. Hi ,

    My Girl freind has recently been succesfull for the second time in obtaining a visitor visa to the UK , The first visa (2009) took about 6 weeks to proceess , but the second one (2010) only took 5 days which was brilliant.

    As I will be travelling back with my girlfreind to thailand in Oct 10 I only bought a one way ticket for her to the uk,so we could travel back to thailand together latter, Unfortunately Immigration where very suspicious of this and intoregated my GF for about 15 -20 minutes.

    They asked my GF many quetions (All in an aggresive and stern manner) :

    Why are you visiting the UK

    Where will you live in the UK

    What is your boyfreinds Nationality

    WHY HAVE YOU NO RETURN TICKET (Immigration say to my GF that they think she will not return to the UK , because her english is so good and she could get a job easy)

    How Much money do you have (She had to show her bank book and money that she had in her Purse)

    What is your occupation

    My Girlfriend was very upset by the whole experience , but fortunatley I had seen previous posts on this forum ,and we were aware of the questions that maybe asked so my girlfriend was able to answer them comfortabley .

    I totally agree that UK immigration have to be strict , but I find there aggresive manner a bit OTT.

    I think next time I will definately by A return ticket , to save any hassle.

    Many thanks the the people on this forum you knowleges and experiences are invaluable.



  10. Hi,

    As me and my Gf were Successful last year in obtaining a Visitor visa, I am intending submitting the same evidence but updating the info I.E new bank statements , phone bills, Pay slips ect.

    This is the kind of info I provided (approx 80 Pages)

    Sponsor Letter - Including full relationship history (4 Pages)

    Payslips - Last 6 Months (6 pages)

    Phone Bills - Last 6 Months inc a sample of phone calls during our 5 year relationship (30 Pages) -Double sided

    Mortgage Statement - Current Month (1 Page)

    Bank statements -Last 6 Months (15 Pages)

    Hotel and Flight bookings over the last 4 Years (20 Pages)

    Employment contact - Current (1 Page)

    P60 - Current (1 Page)

    Utility Bill - Current (1 Page)

    Copy's of Immigration stamps - (4 Pages)

    Council tax bill - Current (1 Page)

    Selection of Photos - (4 Pages) - Double Sided

    all the above are fully indexed and are referenced in the sponsors letter which hopefully will make it easy again for the ECO the review.

    I agree the above may be a bit over the top , I did base it on the sample settlement visa example that is on this site, as I was successful last year I do intend sending all the evidence as I feel more is better than less (Hopefully the ECO won't get too bored and fall a sleep).

    Cheers for the Advice , I will keep you posted.


  11. Hi,

    Many thanks for your replies , I think I will end up posting the documents as I have seen that the situation in Bangkok in getting worse.

    In 2009 we got our 1st succesful visitor Visa it went so smooth, as I was in Bangkok me and my GF were able to go through all the evidence and application in fine detail to ensure nothing was missed off.

    As far as my evidence goes for the 2010 application its extremely robust again and ways a ton , and fortunately I was able to help my GF complete her application form when I was in Bangkok a few months ago.

    Hopefully my GF will remember to do her check off list I.E passport photos, passport , bank accounts etc.

    Fingers crossed my evidence will get to Issann , and Bangkok will be safe enough for my Gf to visit regents house to submit.

    Many thanks


    P.S Razz , how many Kilo's was your evidence which you sent

  12. Hi,

    I was supposed to be travelling to Bangkok Mid june, to assist my GF with submitting her Vistitor Visa, but due to the tensions in Bangkok at the moment I dont think I will be travelling. We have already completed the Forms and I have gathered all my eveidence into a File for Ready for submission .

    My Questions Are:

    1) Can I post my evidence Directly to the VFS office.

    2) Is it safe to send confidential documents from the UK to Issaan using recorded delivery (Im worried about Identity Fraud)

    3) Can anybody recommend a postal company that is reliable for Recored deliveries

    4) Because I may not be travelling due to the trouble does anybody know if my airline (EVA) will refund my money or would this have to be done through my Insurance.

    Many Thanks


  13. Hi Guys,

    Many thanks for the advice and information It will be very useful for me.

    I think I'm a bit Sceptical about ECO's and there decisions now, as it seems as if sometimes they force peoples hand to marry quickly or in some cases lie to get that elusive VISA.

    As I said in my earlier post my girlfriend had no problem in obtaining a visa last year, so I think were going to do as last year be 100% honest and upfront by providing lots of evidence of our 5 YR relationship, Photos and statements showing that I have supported her over the last few years and advise them that we are and engaged and intend to marry in 2011, I will also advise the ECO that the reason we wish to marry next year is that I want to pay for my close family to travel to Thailand and I will need time to save for this as It could cost me about 7K and when/IF my GF gets a settlement visa I will also need to Pay for a Party in UK, all very expensive.

    My GF currently works on her family sugar cane farm and has a commision only job selling cosmetics + she looks after her little boy, so no contract of employment, but I do support her financially (Money sent every 3 months)

    My only real decision now is how long we state on the Application form that she wishes to visit the UK for 1 month, 3 months or 6 months ??? (Decisions , Decisions).

    I really hope the ECO take in condsideration our long relationship and how honest and up front we have been, and does't force us down the marrige route too earlier.

    P.s I fully understand why the ECO's are so strict with the immigration problems we currently have in the UK, Its just frustrating for genuine people


  14. Hi ,

    Cheers for the advice, this Visa lark is a complicated issue, I think I will be using this forum a lot in the future.

    My Provisional Plan ( this will probably change though)

    When I visit my GF in June 09 we plan to submit the Visitor Visa application on about the 5th July and hopefully if this is approved approximately in 4 weeks this would mean the visa would be valid from maybe 1/8/2010 to 31/01/2011 and this would mean she could stay Christmas and new year.

    I will Provide in depth evidence like I did on the previous successful visa (our five year relationship history, statments , photos in thailand and the UK ect ect) , and State on the application that she wishes to visit for the full six months , and advise that we are engaged (submit photos of the engagement party in issan) and intend to marry in 2011.

    My Question is :

    1)Should I state that we are engaged and plan to marry in 2011 , could the ECO think that if we are engaged she will not return the LOS

    2)Should I put on the form that she is visiting for say 3 months , knowing that she will stay the full 6 months, not sure how this could affect a Fiance visa in future - I think this may be a bad idea but not sure

    on our previous Visa success we did everythig by the letter I.E on the application form for we asked for six weeks and she only stayed 6 weeks, hopefully this will look good to the ECO

    3) is t better to get married in thailand, somebody told me that it works out cheaper, he said somethig about translation costs but I did not fully understand .

    4)Once married in thailand , what visa would my GF have to apply for

    Many thanks in anticipation.


  15. Hi,

    In July 09 my girlfriend successfully obtained a 6 month visitor visa and she came to the UK for a 6 week holiday ( 6 weeks was originally requested on the application form)

    I would like my girlfriend to visit me in the UK for the full 6 months , and she is especially keen on spending Christmas and new year with me.

    I'm not sure if we should request the full 6 months on the application as I feel this may be frowned upon, I may request 2 - 3 months , but she will probably stay the full 6 months (we have known each other 5 years we do intend on getting married in LOS in 2011 , so we wont be be applying for another visitor visa)

    My questions are.

    1) If my Gf stays in the uk for the full 6 months could It affect our chances of getting FLR after we get married in 2011.

    2) What are the chances of getting a multi entry 12 month visitor visa , the reason I am asking this is because I am in BKK 20 june for a couple of weeks,and we intend going to regents house to submit the application form, My worry is that they could process the application really quick , say in 1 week, and the visa could start from say 29/6/2010 and this would resut in my GF not been able to spend the new year with me.

    I'm not sure if the best policy would be to put on the application that my GF wishes to stay in the UK for 6 months and advise them that we intend getting married in 2011,

    Your advice would be much appreciated.



  16. Hi ,

    My Thai Gf of 4 years as been in the UK for the past 6 weeks (1st Visa) and has really enjoyed herself, she has got on with me, my family and my friends extremelly well and has adapted to the culture brilliantly.Unfortunaltely next week she will fly back home which will be very upsetting for every body.

    My girlfriend intends to come back to the UK next year on another tourist visa (2nd Visa) for a longer period I.E 6 months, if she states that she intends staying 6 months will the ECO frown on this.

    We do intend to make a commitment to each other in the near future and threfore would like to no what my options would be after the 2nd visitor visa. I.e Fiancee, settlement ect , Im not sure what the differences are.

    I thought somebody had posted a simalar question, but I cannot find the post

    You help on this would be much appreciated

    Many Thanks

  17. No she is awaiting a connection within the airport.

    apologies not sure what you mean, Because she wont be leaving the airport in United Arab Emirates and will only be in transit will my GF be ok to travel onto the UK??

    I have to say I found that answer confusing, especially as you had already found out the answer, and posted it.

    Your information is correct, your girlfriend will not need a visa as she is only transiting the airport and remaining air-side.

    Abu Dhabi is a major hub for transiting passengers and she will have no problems.

    Many thanks for getting back to me , I going to book my GF flight this afternoon

  18. Hi ,

    Cheers for your information the website link is very useful, I have just been on to check and it states the following about transit in the United Arab Emirates.

    Visa United Arab Emirates - Passengers transiting only are exempt from holding a visa when:

    Transit passengers continuing their journey to a third country by the same or the first connecting aircraft within 24 hours and holding:

    - tickets with confirmed seats; and

    - documents required for their next destination; and

    - not leaving the transit area.

  19. Hi,

    My GF is travelling to the UK in September , and I am currently looking at flights to Manchester.

    I have just been on Expedia's Web site and I have found a decent flight with ETIHAD AIRWAYS VIA Abu Dhabi .but they have quoted the following

    " It is your responsibility to meet entry requirements for all of the countries you are travelling to, including those countries you are travelling through or flying to in order to travel on a connecting flight to your destination country"

    Does any body know if My GF will be ok to travel from BKK to Manchester Via Abu Dhabi , as the entry visa is for the UK????

    Has anybody ever booked a simular flight or should I book a direct one to heathrow /Gatwick.



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