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Posts posted by onlycw

  1. I like used Thinkpads. A work-hose like the W seies and a smalle X when you ae taveling. SSDs fo both, buy more AM and enjoy highe speeds.


    I'm biased against new  lowe cost brands. 

  2. Government. I worked at a high school with 2,400 students. The school had i. a ToT office, ii. 6 internet technicians, iii. a room with at least 30 servers (purpose unknown). iv. Wifi? Just forget it. v. Broadband for the say 30 departments? 10% of the time. vi. Budget? Millions.


    For 30,000 THB a month, they could have bought 60 ADSL lines. 


    Any hotel could establish wifi, repeaters, antennas, the works for 20% the cost.


    Nobody cares.



    Governments have done a brilliant job, crashing economies. Sweden is an exception.



    Take Vietnam. No deaths yet, but they keep hotels closed to foreigners. My hairdresser was treating pimples, but wasn't allowed to cut hair?!? OTOH, they can't make people stop driving on the wrong side of the road / double parking / running red lights. 


    The flue kills 50,000 each season, just in the USA. Abortions? 400 every working hour. And proper data shows a different picture, when age & preexisting conditions are revealed.

  3. More than 10 years ago, I let a visitor use my PC. As self-appointed expert, he changed the setting and an avalanche of updates followed. The OS wasn't kosher and - you guessed it - this ended badly.


    Now, I notice that one cannopt disable updates in Win 10? (There was an article on how Microsoft keeps updating regardless of the owner's choice). We never own software, it's more like being allowed to use it for a while...


    APPLE with its mean hardware policies and Microsoft with their intrusive practices. Google chooses when to clock access, too. While FACEBBOK is awaiting instructions from Big Brother on curtailing freedom of speech.


    Bad times for users of tech.

    • Like 1
  4. ISR? Sadly, they are behind a pay wall. 


    Turnover by CTS / CTiS in Dhaka is staggering and will accellerate dramatically next month. (Many teachers will be leaving in December). 


    Anyon going? Here are my 2 cents' worth of advice:


    - make sure you get proof of a)  the E-VISA and b) the WP having been applied for. They might just invent some b.s. and then make false promises ("you will get a doctor's note / we will reimburse the overstay fine")


    In Thailand, you might end up in a (IDC) cell and get deported, then blacklisted! 


    You might get a toxic boss and encounter begging security & cleaning staff besides slaughter of cows on the road.

    • Haha 1
  5. On 11/19/2019 at 8:25 PM, PatOngo said:

    How hard is it to get to work on time!

    I misu nderstood a Thai colleague, instructing me to lie about the time (signing in). I wrote the correct time aand that spoilt it for the late-comers.


    The OP hasn't said that he has been late. 


    A few teachers who are late are not singled out. Instead, let's ALL be forced to come 45 minutes earlier?!? The PO'Or might think he is the Sun King, but the contrsacts prevail.


    Just make sure you will never be late - and you should be okay.


    The Directosd sometimes won't come in for days - having teachers bring & collect files at all hours. 

  6. Mmm, who pays the piper, calls the tune. She needs to save the school money to justify her own salary.


    A: I recall there being a provision allowing an employer to expend the P.-period by another 30 days, upon serving the employee a notice or addendum.


    The notice period is a cruel hoax, as schools do turn around and i. "accept" the notice, laying you off paq, often instantly. At other times, they may ignore their own notice period and bulldoze teachers with some cruel scams involving Thai letters the employee cannot read...


    If it's a private school, you no longer can just walk to Labour Court. No, you will need a document from OPEC, certifying that the school is operational etc.


    Personally, I would like to ask you one question: Will new-starts be working legally?


    Many schools won't bother 1. with a contract and 2. a B-VISA etc. during the Probationary period. Making you lie at Immigration and vulnerable.

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  7. I ear you. My gym plays nauseating Techno and it is neither motivating nore tolerable. They also play aerobics TV with its own "music" and the horrible clash seems to bother no one.


    Many buses in Vietnam play awful domestic songs with shrill tones or techno. Hours of noise pollution! 

    And when there was a funeral, their response is to blast the neighborhood from 5 something am till about 11 pm.

  8. Hi


    I'm in Thanh Hoa City. The beach is 2 city buses and less than an hour away. Am paying 200 k a night at this brand new hotel with some English movies. It's a tremendous value. Apartments? No utilities included and they will want you to prepay say half a year...


    You can check out any time, have nothing to sign. And there are many bike rentals from 700 k to a million a month if you dare face the traffic. (Many people are autistic and will cut you off or force you to brake hard).


    Soon, you will get to know local eateries like a bread restaurant were 30 k buys 3 baguettes with eggs and herbs.  The gym is 400 k within walking distance and 300 k a month / 20 k a day the other end of the city. 


    The hotel is on Booking.com and while there are a ton of NHA NGHIs all over Vietnam, this one is a real hotel and exceptional value I haven't found anywhere else.




    https://www.booking.com/hotel/vn/camellia-thanh-hoa.vi.html g

    • Like 1
  9. The Guardidan had an article on New Delhi: 50 x the air pollutoion limeit. Why? Farmers burning fields.


    Archaic poractices, ignorant environmental terrorists.


    Here in Vietnam, some idiots burn stuff in small towns, ignoring the newborn next door. Anything goes. I saw farmers burn organic waste next to schools. With impunity. These idiots could get FREE fertilizer and Mother Nature will have an army of fungi and bacteria do the wwork, with a little help of rain.


    One day in February, in Uttaradit province, a farmer chose a school day to burn the field next to the school. The smoke was unbelievable. I woulsdn't ant the experience, if they paid me $ 500. Poor kids and totally unnecessary!!!! g


    Will Northern Thailand make their "farmers" stop their pollution? One day, these perps must be thrown in jail and get their vehicles confiscated.  Rant over.



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