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  1. Just because you are right does'nt mean you don't need to get a life 🙄
  2. So many changes since Covid. On Etihad last year changing the return date even by a day or 2 was only marginally cheaper than buying a separate return.
  3. They are already home as noted in post above you. https://www.rnz.co.nz/news/world/522033/kiwi-brothers-jailed-in-thailand-after-struggle-with-police-back-in-new-zealand
  4. Thanks Sheryl. There is certainly some food for thought there. I totally agree that the Q risk programme is a very rough tool at best. I think I will take a look at a proper cardiac screening and see where we go from there. If I do take out any insurance I would certainly want it to be with a reputable company and to be able to answer questions truthfully so as not to leave any loopholes. I'm very much a dot the i’s and cross the t's type of person when it comes to things like insurance! Thanks again, much appreciated.
  5. Levels would hover around 4.8-5.5 mmol/L so not a health issue, but the QRISK program used in the UK took into account my fathers death at 60 from a heart attack. Didn't take into account he smoked 40+ a day, very unhealthy diet and heavy drinker. Low dose statin use not uncommon in such circumstances.
  6. Hi Sheryl, " With documented hypertension (even though controlled on medication) and elevated lipids (ditto), combined with your age, it will be very difficult to get insured. " So the same age, no heath issues now or prior, can pass any physical but take a low dose statin as recommended by doctor in UK. Would that affect my insurance quote ?
  7. https://www.gov.uk/foreign-travel-advice/thailand/entry-requirements " From 1 June 2024, British passport holders arriving by air or land can enter Thailand without a visa (visa exemption) for the purpose of tourism and short-term business engagements for a period not exceeding 60 days." Thai Embassy UK not updated yet 😊
  8. It's not nonsense. This statistical analysis is similar to what is being seen in other large scale studies in Europe & the UK. It's a huge drop in heart failure deaths in vaccinated subjects who are subject to cardiovascular events. The only nonsense here is people commenting on something they know nothing about.
  9. Seriously 🤔. That would have confused me back in the day, I wouldn't have known if the elevator was going up or down.
  10. I liked Cheap Charlies on Soi 11 but have to admit I'm fond of the Soi 50 location too, it's a non hassle environment but if you're not a fan of cigarette smoke it can be a bit trying at times.
  11. Pretty light sentence considering the quantities involved " Both eventually pleaded guilty. Suttabut admitted supplying Boyle with just over 2kg of crystal meth, three litres of GBL, and 150g of ketamine, more details here. https://www.mylondon.news/news/west-london-news/very-very-drug-addled-toy-28692921
  12. He said he was too old to get travel insurance not a tourist visa. Having said that, in the UK at least most insurance companies don't have an upper age limit, lots of people travelling in their 80's.
  13. Charles Manson smoked weed. Full of brotherly love he was.
  14. You can look at it how you choose but it's no coincidence that the amount of passengers denied boarding for "irregularities" has increased dramatically in line with the increased amounts of compensation airlines have to pay passengers for not allowing boarding. Overbook a long haul flight by 10 seats, not uncommon, and that's 6000 Euros owed in compensation and there are an ever increasing load of claims companies out there happy to take on your case. Hence airlines increasingly looking for ways to avoid paying out on overbooked flights. Point is that a less than 100% correct ticket/passport/visa is far more readily pounced upon when a flight is overbooked than when it isn't. Also the "photo" was not the issue here, it's not even a photo, on this issue of passport it's printed onto the page beneath the laminate, can't be substituted and also printed on the facing page as in the image below from https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/basic-passport-checks/basic-passport-checks-accessible Qatar were just trying to avoid paying out for overbooked flights, end of.
  15. Damage ? Planes would fly half empty if you followed the rules as tightly as here.
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