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Everything posted by roamer

  1. Probably be better off here than the reception that will await them back home.
  2. The cladding on our London flat was replaced free of charge by the developer. As it was being removed we saw why they had agreed to do so as quickly as they did. When they were removing the panels much of the "insulation" turned out to be polystyrene, quickly bagged up and taken away. Standards drop everywhere if there is money to be earned by not following them.
  3. Daily on my UK mobile. Good morning, how are you today sir. Me, Who do you wish to speak to ? When they bluster as they never have the name, phone goes down.
  4. Be grateful for small mercies I guess and I hope it helps tourism. Churlish of me to point out neighbours like Malaysia have had 90 days visa exempt for as long as I can remember.
  5. I asked someone of a similar age group and they went through this company. https://www.aainsure.net Had a browse and found this in their FAQs.
  6. Possibly best posted in the insurance forum rather than the cannabis forum ?????
  7. Strange how different experiences can be. I've used PP on websites now operating from the UK for at least the last 10 years, where its the most popular form of payment. Their business support for UK is based in Ireland, very efficient and very willing to work with customers. Contrast this to Facebook, my ad spend is £2k + monthly, support is outsourced to India and even by Indian standards it's exceptionally poor, and I'm being very generous with that description. ????
  8. Won't fly with the big chains. This is a great way to upset regular and corporate customers who stay in your hotels worldwide. For all those flocking back to the UK, I need to be in Southampton next Friday and these are the prices I'm looking at.
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