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Posts posted by eldar1

  1. I think that you are wrong about this - at least in America - a thief has broken into your house when he knows that you are there and you have to give him first shot at killing a family member, before you can put him out of commission?

    Sounds almost Communist! :D

    I would suggest brushing up on American law then :o Google is your friend as always, if you are so inclined then an informative call to your lawyer of choice is another option, or you can go ahead and kill the next person that enters your home and find out in court :D all 3 options will confirm that i'm more on then money that you would personally like. Although it would not recommend option 3, really in all seriousness DO NOT go with option 3.

  2. We are talking here about scumbags who breaks into your house, do you really think the family can afford a lawyer ? Now if you shoot dead your business associate, it's a different issue

    After killing said scumbag, the family's ability to get lawyer would be the least of my worries, i'd be far more concerned with the murder charges brought against me by the government.

    Remember people, it is murder until you can conclusively proof it's not, i.e it was self-defense. The burden of proof on self-defense is high. For example, if you shoot a person that is only robbing your house, it's murder, if he has a knive but he's across the room when you shoot him, it's murder, if he does not have a visible firearm, it's murder. It's pretty much only self-defense when the intruder is imminently going to kill you. That's to say he has a gun pointed at you or is charging across the room at you with a knive etc.

    I'm not sure how the laws work here in thailand, but i highly doubt that they would be much different. If all that was required to proof that it was self defense, is for the person to be in your home when you shot him, i'd think that the local mafia would be making generous use of this rule.

    Is the possibility of going to jail on a murder charge really worth it just for not having your tv stolen?

  3. I hope this party gains some momentum. EU style socialism could do wonders for this country, maybe even tackle some of the more deep seeded problem this country faces, like it's corruption and perhaps even begin to heal the rift between the deep south and the rest of the country.

  4. I don't think getting a gun and keeping it the house is a good idea. Actually keeping a gun outside of a licensed professional gun club/range for any reason is a very bad idea. Fact of the matter is that guns are dangerous, and not only to the hypothetical intruder, in fact it's likely to be more dangerous to you and your family than it will be to any intruder. A couple of people here have stated that they think it's a good idea for you to have a gun and some have gone as far as to give you specific recommendations as to which models and rounds you should buy. I implore you to please think about what kind of people that are giving you this advice are. They are mostly (ex)army/police/security people. Their mindset is completely different than yours; their training has provided them with the skills and has squashed any hesitation about killing someone at point blank or otherwise. They should be the last person you should listen to. Even though they have an excellent knowledge of security matters, all their advice assumes their level of skill, which you do not posses, neither do you posses the cold blooded mindset that is required to actually kill someone.

    I mean do you honestly believe that you and/or your wife, when faced with mortal danger (which naturally is the only situation that warrants the usage of a gun) will remember the code to the safe, can keep your hands still enough to insert the key, load the mag, etc and still able be able to complete the steps in a fast enough time to make a difference? Even if you can, will be able to set aside all your doubts about the legality of your actions (it's harder to prove self-defense than you might think, A LOT harder) and have the will to take a humans life? These are not easy things to do and talking about it on the internet and being all hard about it is one thing, but when actually faced with the situation, it's a whole different ball game.

    Don't forget having a gun in the house is at all times a danger to you and your family, as some previously stated, kids manage to things you never believed them possible. Could you ever forgive yourself if you kid shot him/her self or a family member by accident? Have you considered the fact that the gun you brought into the house is more likely to kill you than and burglar will? Most handgun murders in the US, are committed against family members, yes your sweet wife is more likely to kill you with that gun than any intruder. Not to say that she will of course, I don't pretend to know you or your wife at all, I'm just speaking statistically. The thing is that the one emotion that overrides both our logic circuits and removes all doubt about killing someone is anger/hate. People do the strangest shit when they are angry, because when you are angry you are not thinking straight. Anger + gun = a crapton of problems.

    You have to balance all these cons against the 1 pro that having a gun in the house brings: a sense of safety. In my personal opinion it's a more an illusion than an actual increase of safety, but one can argue both ways.

    In conclusion, do you have the training to stay cool and collected under extreme stress? Do you have no qualms about murdering a human in possible self defense? Are you willing to take the risk that children or family members hurt themselves, each other or you with said gun? Are you sure that no one in the house will use your gun against you or that you use it against them in anger? If you answered yes to all these questions then yes go ahead and get the gun. hel_l go get the biggest baddest gun you can legally own, perhaps a dessert eagle 0.5 cal? Maybe some hydra shock rounds, or explosive tips?

    Sorry for rambling on like that, i'll try not to do it again.

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