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Posts posted by ukfool

  1. Bad grammar--Well that means it could have been a Thai person or an American!

    I hope they catch the person responsible for this. Very inconvenient for a lot of people.

    I am glad, however, that it was a message and not a real bomb.

    Interesting comment - 'Bad grammar--Well that means it could have been a Thai person or an American!"

    To be grammatically correct, your next sentence should read 'I hope that they catch the person responsible'.

    FYI, I am an American. Where are you from?

    You don't need to add 'that' - I hope they catch the person responsible will suffice.

  2. All this censorship is an act of desperation and won't achieve anything in the long run. As prachatai has shown recently, you can shut a website down but then it can just spring up somewhere new in no time at all. This computer crime act needs to be got rid of.

    I really think that surpressing peoples opinions is a breach of human rights - yet, they are doing the exact same thing by deeming people who express their opinion are wrong ? Why can they do so and not others ?

    Was Thailand really at the back of the queue when god handed out intelligence ?

  3. <br>Maybe, just maybe, the Red-shirt managed to steal it for the second time.<br>Why not, they did it in the 1st time.<br><br>It is almost impossible for the DSI to steal it themselves, as they are the law enforcer themselves.<br>
    <br><br>Yes, but like every branch of government officials, unfortunately they are also very greedy and corrupt !<br><br><br>
  4. The Cambodian Government must be planning something un-popular on Thursday ...A diversion is required to focus attention elsewhere!.

    Someone, has his thinking cap on. wink.gif


    I have a 'day of anger against Thailand' everytime I get cheated here (daily) or when I hear 'me no money' or when I see government officials in nice suits and posh cars, talking about slums and beggars !

    Evolution is taking a step back I fear, with the 'flat noses'

    P.S. If you think calling them flat noses is racist, think again, unless you have never been ripped off because you are white (charged 10 times more than Abhisit to enter Zoo, even if you're a cleaner at McDonalds)

  5. People...and tourists...luv elephants. Now we can get a 10000baht fine for helping keep them alive. That sucks! :angry:

    Really pis*ed off with this place now, obvious answer, arrest the Mahout's why even talk abot fines for tourists ? What a bunch of inept wan*ers. I'm off back to UK, good luck everyone.

    P.S. Please no 'I totally refuse to look facts in the face because I am rich' or 'I have a good life in Thailand' replies

    Oh yeah without sounding racist, even though it seems perfectly acceptable in this country, no replies from Yanks please - don''t make me suffer more shit !

  6. The issue Vietnam vets is complex. I am not sure if the authorities and doctors really understand how the war really affected these guys.

    Should they have sympathy or contempt?

    I personally know a few who still have flash backs and start screaming as if they were still in the middle of battle.

    And of course a lot of invented symptoms.

    I guess losing a war against a small country when you are a huge country, would affect anyone ?

  7. Keep squabbling you will get it right sonner or later , a good education might help .he he he.

    More evidence of Police incompetence.

    I guess old habit hard to die. I think if Ahbisit is serious to make Thailand better he would need to change the police. First thing he should remove everyone who has/had ties to Thaksin then start teaching ethics o the police leaders and enforce anti bribery acts (opps i just woke up what i said was just a dream)

    A priority must be, not to have a corrupt police force ! it's a contradiction in terms, Thai police salaries are higher than the average working salary, which is the same for police forces in the developed world, you don't see police in the UK taking backhanders from speeding motorists or making up their own fines if you are a different race !

  8. Hi fred im new to thai, i have a multiple o visa which runs out in jan, i dont want to have to return to england so am very interested in your topic.

    where is kl? a multiple non o, is that class b? im 50 in oct, but not sure how my funds will be in jan?

    what paperwork would i need, im married to thai lady, but dont understand about a yellow book?

    any help would be great!!!

    KL is Kuala Lumpur, malaysia, where you can get a multiple non-O visa. The non "O" is for people over 50, marreid to a Thai national etc. The non-B is for business/working.

    You don't need a yellow book, that is for foreigners who have a house in their name. What you will need is your marriage certificate, a bankbook showing at least 30,000 baht in it and a copy of your wife's ID card plus a letter from your wife asking for a visa for you.

    If your visa runs out in Jan, you can get another 90 days if you leave Thailand and return just before the visa expires.

    You can get an extension of stay for 1 year from immigration in Thailand if you can show an incoem of 40,000 baht a month OR 400,000 baht in a bankaccount in Thailand.

    Hi, non 'o' is for anyone, regardless of age, who is married to a Thai for multiple entry visit valid for a year, need to do a visa run every 3 months though to get additional 3 months up to validity date, and if you do a visa run day before it runs out, you still get another 3 months, so effectively for 15 months. ? Don't know wgere you get the 50 from, I am 42 and had my 1st non 'o' at 36

  9. all talk of m79s, RPGs and calibre of sniper ammunition is completely irrelevant when discussing breach of human rights laws.

    Q. is the elected thai government's army using live rounds in live fire zones where there are unarmed protesters present including women and children?

    A. if yes, they are breaching international human rights laws and need to bloody well stop.

    Well said, although will not sink in to a lot of 'senior' members heads

  10. "Eyewitness accounts and video recordings show clearly that the military is firing live rounds at unarmed people who pose no threat whatsoever to the soldiers or to others," said Amnesty's Thailand specialist Benjamin Zawacki.

    Less wacki tobacki for Mr. Zawacki :

    This guy is not firing at 'unarmed' people, he's firing with a hangun at the might of Thailands military who are armed to the teeth including M79 grenades, strange that eh ?

    [see image above]

    According to all official announcements, the Army is not allowed "heavy weapons" which include m79 grenades. My understanding is the grenades and RPGs are being used by the red side. If you have any evidence otherwise, I would be interested.

    You just hit the nail on the head 'According to all official announcements'

  11. I believe Amnesty International has over reacted after been fed by mis-leading information from the RED side.

    They should be invited to see first hand that only 1 solider have been killed over the last 5 days or so in Bangkok. This is a fact. I am confirm this.

    Yes only 1 soldier, shows the restraint or lack of guns the reds have. How many civilians have been murdered ?

  12. "Eyewitness accounts and video recordings show clearly that the military is firing live rounds at unarmed people who pose no threat whatsoever to the soldiers or to others," said Amnesty's Thailand specialist Benjamin Zawacki.

    Less wacki tobacki for Mr. Zawacki :

    This guy is not firing at 'unarmed' people, he's firing with a hangun at the might of Thailands military who are armed to the teeth including M79 grenades, strange that eh ?


  13. A number of posters on this thread have said that Abhisit is corrupt. Is this a fact or an assumption? If it is a fact could you please let us have your evidence. I was under the impression that he is the least corrupt PM that Thailand has had and that part of his battle with his colleagues is based on the campaign he has lead against corruption.

    Let us know if you have facts to show that the opposite is true. Thanks

    Got to second that.

    I have seen the reds on this site proclaim many times that Abhisit is corrupt but have never seen any evidence produced to prove it while Thaksins corruption is well documented.

    So come on you reds give us some details.

    I'm not a 'red' but do know his fathers company footed most of his 'election' bills, and money has been steadily siphoned from the Thai people, not forgetting Thaksins billions, which went god knows where, is that corrupt ?

  14. The Reds have now defied the 3pm deadline and broken the law.

    As a consequence, the government will now make an announcement that... "the Reds have broken the law."


    If the Army is worried about people breaking the law, why don't they just arrest themselves for the illegal coup. With the Army self-jailed, all would be peaceful in this lovely Kingdom.

    Well said

    Or commit sepuku (hara-kiri ) like in Japan after apologising for their failure .

    Yes everything would be paeceful even the minuscule area held by the reds

    in BKK .

  15. BBC reporting now much more balanced.

    Sean Boonpracond speaking for the reds admitted some of the reds are armed.

    He also failed to answer BBC question "why don't you just leave"?

    He also claimed most foreigners supported the reds. (Well I for one do not)

    Video of young Thai thugs building piles of tyres for burning. Are these people on Yaba or what?

    Not Yaba, but democracy - freedom - injustice tablets I think.

  16. What those red supporters here do not seem to realize, they are not posting to some Issan farmers or a bunch of crooks and their simple lies, false statements, at time delusional comments excusing the reds behavior shows very clearly where they are coming from. Add to this the extraordinary lies and calls to fight from their leaders, as well as the armed attacks at soldiers and infrastructure, looting etc.. and it becomes very clear that they are a very dangerous, terrorist mob which has to be dealt with quickly and with severity

    It also becomes clear that their top leader, Thaksin will pose a threat to the country as long as he is free or alive

    I bet a large majority of this forums reds supporters have been brain washed by their lovely thai wife or girlfriends and they are to scared to stand up to them. :D

    Strange part is that anybody who's against violence is a RED now... :D

    Don't know who's brainwashing those American soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan though...

    here we go - the red front fighting back :) with the usual BS - everybody here who is against the reds would absolutely love to see them packing up their &lt;deleted&gt; and getting on the buses provided to head home - we do not enjoy having the city held hostage, we do not enjoy having our businesses screwed up by you we do not enjoy being held at ransom by a violent mob - GO HOME AND YOU WONT' GET SHOT how much simpler can it be ???????????

    The message is exactly the same for Abhisit, pack up and go home (to England) you were not elected by the Thai people and were placed in power due to a military coup.

  17. As part of the operation the military said it would deploy snipers, but army spokesman Colonel Sunsern Kaewkumnerd denied that "protesters" had been intentionally shot.

    What are these snipers who not shot intentionally up to?

    The role of a sniper is to intentionally shoot people, what a bizarre remark from a 'Colonel' wonder where he studied his military doctrine ?

  18. Only a monster would order anyone to fire live rounds at women and children. It was the lowest point in British history when we behaved the same way in India.

    So you try another thread Muntergok to make political miles out of the injury to the poor kid.

    You know well the full circumstances of his injuries yet you still persist in your sick efforts to make it seem that he was deliberatly targeted by the army.

    Considering your cowerdly mates are holding children this age and younger as human shields and have recently bombed a police station where a policemans family have all been taken to hospital (yes woman and children) you have no credability whatsoever.

    Wake up mate, they're not 'human shields' they went of their own free will, Jeez, some people are really confused.

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