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  1. Based on Assumption College's EP, the majority of subjects are taught in English, aside from Thai culture & history are taught in Thai. This will be more palatable for non-Thai speaking students. For MKB school which is located in Prachinburi, it seems fine to have Filipinos teachers if the fees are more affordable. However, are the majority of subjects taught in English, like in Assumption College, because only the last two hours are in English? https://www.ep-ac.com/senior-high-school-curriculum I assume the maths subjects covered in Thai universities may be challenging even for students with a score of 600 for SAT (Maths) because such topics (like basic calculus, logarithms) are not covered in SAT or GED. Hence, Mahidol requires students to go for Maths foundation course if below ICMB 200/ICMA 106 respectively. The alternative is to get a good grounding in bio/chem/phys/maths from high school and brings one back to the original question of finding affordable and quality Y11-Y13 education in Thailand. Cheers! ---- Original official of ACT (Math Score) or SAT (Math Score) with at least 2 years’ validity. The following minimum scores are required. https://muic.mahidol.ac.th/eng/admissions/undergraduate-admission/overseas-students/ --- Foundation Courses Non-credit Note I: For B.B.A. students, students whose Mathematics placement is below ICMB 200 Business Mathematics are required to take ICMA 100 Foundation Mathematics and pass the course with the grade of "S" before moving to ICMB 200 Business Mathematics. For B.Sc. and B.Eng. students, students whose Mathematics placement is below ICMA 106 Calculus I and/or ICMA 151 Statistics for Science I are required to take ICMA 100 Foundation Mathematics and pass the course with the grade of "S" before moving to ICMA 106 Calculus I and/or ICMA 151 Statistics for Science I.
  2. I have browsed the Catholic schools e.g. Assumption College (BKK) and Sarasas Ektra School (BKK) but their fees are not available on their websites. I dont suppose their fees are similar to the Christian international schools which are above 250k baht/annual? Tuition Fee | epac (ep-ac.com) Sarasas Ektra School - โรงเรียนสารสาสน์เอกตรา
  3. Does high level maths/science/engineering include university major in life science like biology? I assume candidates with GED passing score will be able to enroll for non-science related majors like Business Administration in Thai universities? --- Test-takers who score in the GED College Ready range of 165 to 174 are expected to successfully attend credit-bearing academic college programs. Students who attain scores in the GED College Ready plus College Credit range of 175 to 200 are very likely to be successful in college-level programs. Students scoring in the last two categories may have the requirement to take additional college placement tests like SAT or ACT or other remedial classes waived at a great number of schools.
  4. While GED Test is open for non-US citizens, noted that 40% of candidates will fail it, so kudos to your son for passing GED just by self-studying. Seems lots of practice is necessary for passing GED. GED® Test Performance - Race and Ethnicity in Higher Education (equityinhighered.org) The pass rate for all test takers, including those who did not complete all four modules, was 59.9 percent. How difficult is it to pass the GED test in 2022? - Quora The GED is designed so that you need to perform at the level of a 40th percentile high school graduate to pass it. In other words, 60% of recent high school graduates will pass the test, and 40% of recent high school graduates will fail it. --- First, on the math test, there’s much more algebra, and more advanced algebra, and geometry questions that requires you to have memorized some basic formulas (to find circumference, for example). Second, on the writing test, there’s an essay that requires you to respond to two readings on the same topic, demonstrating with evidence as to which makes the best argument (and not just which one you agree with). And, third, many folks find taking the test more challenging because it’s on a computer, rather than a paper and pencil test. Readings are presented in small sections, about the size of a cell phone screen, which means that one must tab through to read the whole of a piece (this makes skimming much harder). Essays and the responses on the science test are also written in a small space, which I imagine makes it harder to proofread your responses. Taking official practice tests can help you understand some specific features of the test, like drag-and-drop questions, the flag for review function, and the on-screen calculator. Perhaps maths or language arts if necessary as this may be the two more challenging subjects for some candidates.
  5. Dear Thai motoring folks, Understand that only Compulsory Third-Party Liability Insurance or Por Ror Bor is mandatory. May I ask the following: 1. Does anyone own any vehicles older than 10 years and what kind of private insurance do you purchase? 2. Does anyone have only Type 3 or P.R.B? If so, does it mean that one has to drive with extra care without collision coverage policy for your own vehicle? Thank you. Car Insurance in Thailand: A Complete Buying Guide (expatden.com) Type 3+ Type 3+ insurance comes with necessary road accident protection, collision coverage, and third party property damage. The main difference between 2+ and 3+ is that Type 3+ does not have theft, fire, flood, and terrorism protection. Type 3 This is a basic private insurance and covers only medical expenses and third-party liability. It is popular for old or low-valued cars for many Thais.
  6. Sounds reasonable, and Hua Hin is only a few hours' drive from BKK. Yes, prepping for Int'l Programs in Thai universities, assuming if we decide to move over to Thailand with our daughter, because she does not have any Thai language background. May consider Chiang Mai bilingual schools like Wichai Wittaya School or Sarasas Witaed Lanna School because their tution fees are affordable. Although GED is for those who had dropped out of high school, it sounds like a brilliant alternative route for my daughter who is already struggling at junior high with mediocre grades and if she does not perform well at high school, regardless of international or bilingual school. Who Can Apply - Assumption University of Thailand (au.edu) 1.3) GED Transcript and Diploma then at least 4 subjects with scores no less than 145, total scores no less than 580. Admission Requirements – Payap University International GED: 4 passed + diploma received Thanks for sharing!
  7. Thanks, since the figures are per semester, it seems only one international school which fits the 250K annual budget i.e. California Prep International School. Aside, are there any good Thai bilingual school which is within the 250K annual budget? Will it be tough for a non-Thai speaking student and will it prep well for college/university entrance in Thailand? Cheers, Nokia
  8. Dear parents, I am looking for an affordable G10/Y11 Thai private/international school next year for my 15 year-old (English-speaking) daughter at below 250K baht/annual. We are open to 80% English/20% Thai program, and also Christian affiliated schools which can provide quality Y11-Y13 education prior to prep for college/university entrance in Thailand. Though we may prefer north Thailand, we noted that the international schools in Chiang Mai are above our budget, so we will also consider schools in other parts of Thailand which are within our budget and can provide quality education. Based on the recommended schools below, I can only find a handful of schools with fees below 250K baht/annual. Thailand School Fees by Grade (2023 Tuition) (edarabia.com) Trinity International School, Traill International School, Saint John Mary International School, California Prep International School, Chiang Rai International Christian School, Chiang Rai International School, International Pioneers School, Krabi International School, Modern International School, Unity Concord International School, Wells International School Any comments or feedback on the above schools or any quality school in Thailand within 250K annual budget will be most welcome. Thank you for your time. Regards, Nokia
  9. In that case, will I still be able to apply for Type 2 or Type 3+ policy? --- Type 3+ is a policy with a fixed sum insured at THB 100,000
  10. Dear all, I have been informed by my insurance company that I cannot renew class 1 insurance for my Toyota Vigo pick-up which will be 17 years old this year. Bought in 2005 Dec. Can only have class 3 third party insurance. Is this true for all old vehicles? Thank you.

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