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Everything posted by davee58

  1. Went there last year with my Philippine g.f, no problems at all, we are going back at the end of this week. Only thing to consider is that my girlfriend, Philippine, is only allowed "21 days" which includes day of arrival and day of departure limiting us to 20 nights.
  2. In fact, here is an up to date link to Deloitte: Deloitte
  3. This HMRC document is about ten years old: HMRC document The end of the first page states: The lifetime limit was revised to £325,000 the current nil-band limit. If you have had several non domiciled wives the assets transferred are cumulative so your wife at the time of your death will potentially face paying 40% tax on money transferred to earlier wives. We are not married...
  4. Good point, however there is no decision involved. I will be discussing this with a UK accountant and might well see if he would be an executor for me rather than dumping a total mess on my sister or other surviving relatives. What I am interested in is how others have handled this situation, what action can be taken to minimise the impact and how a worst case scenario can be avoided.
  5. Hi. Following the recent death of my Mother in the UK I became aware of UK Inheritance tax and started to investigate how it will apply in the case of a foreign domiciled spouse or Girlfriend. Me and my Girlfriend have been together over 15 years, we are not married and spend the majority of the year apart due to my UK commitments. She has never visited the UK. When I am away I send an allowance through Western Union as "Family Support". As things stand I will be liable to IHT on my death due to my UK property and savings. It seems that after my death the UK tax authorities could class all my years worth of family support as "Gifts" and demand 40% IHT on the whole lot. The seven year exemption rule for gifts does not apply for gifts made to a non-UK domiciled person. Also if we were to marry, IHT exempt transfer to my wife would be limited to the first £325,000, this would include the value of all "Gifts" made prior to our wedding. Does anybody have experience in this area, I intend to discuss this with a UK accountant however feel that I might get better advice and different insights here.
  6. For the past few years we have always used PT Taxi, mainly between Suvanabhumi airport and Pattaya and vv, also to Jomtien and from Don Muang airport. Good smart cars, good price, never had any problems. Current rates on their website: https://www.pttaxi.com/
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