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Posts posted by nicholasday

  1. Sorry if this is not the correct forum for this question, but I don't know where else to put it.

    I miss some of the little mom&pop video stores that specialized in independant films and little known films and series. Are there any stores here that sell or rent this kind of English film?

    Specifically, I'm looking for Neil Gaiman's "Neverwhere" that aired on the BBC a few years ago. It was difficult enough to find in Canada, but I'm still hoping to find it here as I never finished watching all of it.

    Check out "fame" video store near Tha prajan pier near the back entrance to Thammasat Uni. It has lots of independent films films. not sure if it will have what you want exactly but it is your best chance. If they don't have it then they might know where to get it.

  2. I was once teaching an English lesson to some Thai kids and handed out a sheet of quiz questions in English that they would have to translate and find the answers. One of the questions was "Who is the Prime Minister of England?" I got some answers like Tony Bear and things which was quite funny but then got some that said things like "Priest" and "Jesus". I wondered how they ended up with these answers and realised that they had been looking up the "Minister" in the dictionary and so that was how they ended with a bunch of religious references. Shows how you have to be careful with dictionaries.

  3. I was in Thailand for a year on an education visa studying at thammasat for the year. Came in on 3 month education visa and then after 3 months got a letter from the uni and renewed it for a further year, so in total got 1 year and 3 months. didn't need to renew the visa every 90 days just had to inform them of my address and while i was studying there the whole time there was absolutely no check that i was still studying at the uni as far as i know. maybe they rang up the uni without me knowing but i doubt it. is it legal to stop studying and stay in the country i doubt it but don't think they will check. but maybe just stay on the safe side and do a few hours a day. would be good for you to learn thai anyway.

  4. British national with BA degree from University of London, School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS), in Thai language and Economics. Looking for work in NGO or business environment especially sales and export. please see below for further details or see attached resume in either Thai or English. Please feel free to private message me should you wish for further details.

    Knowledge of:

    Thai language: Reading, Writing and Speaking to an advanced level.

    Thai literature and Thai cinema.

    Thai politics and Thai history

    General Economics.

    Economics of Developing countries, especially Southeast Asia and China.

    General Business especially Sales and Marketing.

    Experience of:


    English language teaching.

    Setting up and running youth theatre club.

    Running University student society.

    Translation of documents from Thai to English.

    Creating and facilitating Thai culture course for foreigners going to work in Thailand.

    Providing advice on Thai political situation for foreign business.



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