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Posts posted by n23

  1. AisAsia also has various OWN small desks/offices around BKK-of course listed somewhere on their site. You did not give a clue as to where you live-but f.e there is one in the TescoLotus in Bangkapi. In fact quite a few of the bigger TescoLotus stores have such an office.

    Obviously-in a country where creditcards are not that common (yet) they have to have alternative means of booking. Its also very much possible via the fone-and then pay at 7/11 later.

    I did look on the Air Asia site and I only found the Suvannaphumi office listed, if it helps I live in Bangna so I'm not too far from the airport but if you know about a closer office I will go there instead.

    EDIT I just found the list of offices.

  2. I believe you can book by telephone as wel, and pay upon cash at the airport. Not sure if this works in Thailand.

    Better would be directly at the airport instead of an agency, which also may need some $ for their service charge.

    Thanks :) I thought an agency would probably be more expensive. I tried calling Air Asia but I was put on hold for ages, so I guess a trip to the airport is in order, any idea what the price difference between booking online and booking in person?


    Are you speaking from experience?

  3. I believe you can book by telephone as wel, and pay upon cash at the airport. Not sure if this works in Thailand.

    Better would be directly at the airport instead of an agency, which also may need some $ for their service charge.

    Thanks :) I thought an agency would probably be more expensive. I tried calling Air Asia but I was put on hold for ages, so I guess a trip to the airport is in order, any idea what the price difference between booking online and booking in person?

  4. I've just been looking at flights to Phnom Phen on the Air Asia site, unfortunately I don't have a credit card so I can't book online. I don't live too far from the airport, so would it be worth going to the Air Asia office at Suvarnabhumi to get the tickets, or would I be better off going to a travel agent?

  5. I tried to buy a simple black frame for an 8x10 print today and I couldn't find one, they're either elaborate designer frames or cheap nasty ones, is there anywhere that sells simple black frames?

  6. We are moving soon so yesterday I tried to call True so I could get our TV and internet service transferred to our new address but I called some of the different numbers on their website and got nowhere, when I called the True Visions customer service line, I was asked to input my subscriber number which I did only to be told it was incorrect.

    How anyone had problems like this? if so how did you deal with them?

  7. I want some digital artwork printed up as a series of postcards to give as gifts to friends, I tried a google search but couldn't really find anything, does anyone know a good printer in BKK that does this?

  8. Warner/Chappell Music Limited is Radiohead's publisher and they recently took legal action against an unauthorised remix album citing:

    "It has come to our attention that you have created musical arrangements/remixes of some or all of the musical works included on their recent album 'In Rainbows' without permission from the writers or Warner/Chappell. We wanted to make you aware that you need to get approval before making arrangements of other writers' work, especially if you have plans to commercially exploit the arrangements/remixes or make them publicly available … We hope to hear from you as a matter of urgency. In the meantime all of our rights and remedies and those of the band are reserved."

    Basically they were using Radioheads music without permission so it looks like they would handle any legal issues over the unauthorised use of this track.

  9. This thing about Thais not wanting to lose face is probably the most ridiculous thing i have ever encountered here.......it is just gives a green light for lying!!!

    You can ask a Thai for driving directions, and rather than say they dont know, they will give you the greatest blether of <deleted> and smile and send you off in the wrong direction. I dont care if they know or not, i can ask somebody else, find it by myself or whatever. Wheather they are clever enough to know the correct way or not does not put them up or down in my estimation, However, lying to try and make themselves look good - does put them down in my view!!

    I used to find it amusing many years ago, but now it is just ridiculious and tedious!!!


    So it can't be just a Thai thing.

    Absolutely correct.

    Try asking for directions when you are India. :D

    You will without a doubt get the most complex & detailed set of directions from a person that is totally clueless as to where you want to go. :)

    Yes, I had exactly the same problem in India, I couldn't figure it out at first then realised that rather than admit they didn't know they would just lie to save face, it was so annoying. I always hoped I would run into one of these people again so I could say "You gave me the wrong directions, you know what you're talking about"

    They don't realise that most westerners don't care as long as the person is honest, a simple "I don't know" is always better than lying. I understand the concept of saving face but when it comes to lying over a simple matter like directions then it becomes ridiculous and sometimes infuriating.

    Also I've noticed that in shops when they say "Sorry, we no have" they always have a sheepish look on their face, it's a situation where they can not lie, so I wonder if that is seen as losing face?

  10. There's an electronic poster in MRT stations, advertising a foodhall, I think. It plays the opening bars from the song Reckoner by Radiohead. This is extremely puzzling, because Radiohead are extremely protective of their material and don't allow it to be used for marketing purposes, and it's an obscure track anyway.

    Grasping at straws, but does anyone know why this track would be chosen?

    I had exactly the same thought. I'm guessing they don't have permission to use it, cheeky bastards, I almost emailed Radiohead's record label to tell them about it.

    That raises an interesting point - they didn't have a record label when the album was released as a pay-what-you-want download. I wonder if that makes a difference copyright-wise?

    True but I assume they still have a publishing deal separate from any record label and I think that they would handle any copyright issues, I might be wrong though :)

  11. There's an electronic poster in MRT stations, advertising a foodhall, I think. It plays the opening bars from the song Reckoner by Radiohead. This is extremely puzzling, because Radiohead are extremely protective of their material and don't allow it to be used for marketing purposes, and it's an obscure track anyway.

    Grasping at straws, but does anyone know why this track would be chosen?

    I had exactly the same thought. I'm guessing they don't have permission to use it, cheeky bastards, I almost emailed Radiohead's record label to tell them about it.

    I think it's one of those random Bangkok things, like finding High Llamas and King Biscuit Time CDs in B2S

  12. hindsight etc.

    anyhow, OP how did the attempt at negotiation go?

    Just met with the landlord and no negotiations were necessary he was very reasonable and said the contract was an honest mistake and there was no problem with us moving. He's letting us stay rent free for this month and the other half of the deposit will be used to pay bills and anything left over will be returned to us.

    So I'm very happy with this outcome :)

  13. After reading the OP I was going to suggest Toys R Us in Central Bangna because that's where I bought Scrabble but I see he's already been there.

    Anyway I went there the other day looking for dice (yes I mean 2) but they "no have" does anyone know where I could get some from?

  14. We moved into an apartment in August 2007 and signed what we thought was a one year lease (we specifically asked for a one year lease) we thought it had expired in Aug 2008 but we just carried on paying rent and figured we can move out when we want, the landlord was still getting his money so everyone was happy we found out recently that we had actually signed for 2 years (the contract was in Thai)

    Last week we found a place that we would like to move to but our contract states that if we move out before the the lease is over we will lose our deposit (2 months rent) We hardly ever see our landlord but he seems like a nice enough guy so I honestly think that he made a mistake and gave us a 2 year contract instead of a one year, is it worth trying to negotiate with him? or will we just lose our deposit when we move?

    Please drop the word lease - it is utterly inapplicable - You rent - your rental terms are in play. Lease and leasehold are effectively rent up front; you cannot pay rent on what you have already rented.

    Lease Lease Lease Lease Lease Lease Lease Lease Lease Lease Lease Lease Lease Lease Lease Lease Lease Lease Lease Lease Lease Lease Lease Lease Lease Lease Lease Lease Lease Lease Lease Lease

    Lease Lease Lease Lease Lease Lease Lease Lease Lease Lease Lease Lease Lease Lease Lease Lease Lease Lease Lease Lease Lease Lease Lease Lease Lease Lease Lease Lease Lease Lease Lease Lease

    Lease Lease Lease Lease Lease Lease Lease Lease Lease Lease Lease Lease Lease Lease Lease Lease Lease Lease Lease Lease Lease Lease Lease Lease Lease Lease Lease Lease Lease Lease Lease Lease

    Lease Lease Lease Lease Lease Lease Lease Lease Lease Lease Lease Lease Lease Lease Lease Lease Lease Lease Lease Lease Lease Lease Lease Lease Lease Lease Lease Lease Lease Lease Lease Lease


  15. From a five minute google search it seems to be the work of a San Francisco graffiti artist called Benet (BeNEt) the stickers and graffiti first started in San Francisco where there's a $25,000 reward for his capture. It's hard to say whether he's responsible for the the ones in Bangkok, Tokyo and the other cities, in fact it's more likely that others have taken up his cause and I'm sure if you searched the web long enough you be able to find some site that could supply you with the stickers.

  16. I don't want to appear pessimistic, however, never ever sign something you cannot understand, be on the safe side, especially in a country where you are guilty untill proved innocent, now it's kind of late for a translation but you might find some sort of agreement, maybe you can look for someone that would be interested in taking over your place, etc.. good luck

    We had a friend with us who spoke good Thai, he said it was a standard contract so we trusted him and signed it. Finding someone to take over the place is a good idea though. I have been assured that the lease for our new place will be written in English and I will be sure to read it before we sign. Live and learn.

  17. We moved into an apartment in August 2007 and signed what we thought was a one year lease (we specifically asked for a one year lease) we thought it had expired in Aug 2008 but we just carried on paying rent and figured we can move out when we want, the landlord was still getting his money so everyone was happy we found out recently that we had actually signed for 2 years (the contract was in Thai)

    Last week we found a place that we would like to move to but our contract states that if we move out before the the lease is over we will lose our deposit (2 months rent) We hardly ever see our landlord but he seems like a nice enough guy so I honestly think that he made a mistake and gave us a 2 year contract instead of a one year, is it worth trying to negotiate with him? or will we just lose our deposit when we move?

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