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Posts posted by ClareQuilty

  1. 1 hour ago, Justgrazing said:

    CQ the one I posted days ago on e*ay is still up for sale .. Though it ain't shipping until 14th next mth and at £250 a bit salty but ...

    Its also not uncommon for components like this to be used by other manufacturers so get all the relevant details and cross ref to see who else may use it .. There will be a fix for this its just you may have to dig elsewhere .. Its function can't be bypassed as it measures the amount of air drawn into the engine needed for the ECU to calculate fuel release which is why the engine will run like shit if they are not working correctly or unplugged .. 

    Thanks for the response - I just have no way of knowing the part on Ebay is 1) the right part, and 2) actually in working condition, so it seems like a huge risk given the price. But I suppose we can infer from the high price that these are exceedingly rare items & unavailable from actual suppliers. By the same reasoning one might jump to the conclusion I could get a few baht from the junkyard for parting out my car, but I know it won't work that way. Still, it'd save me money if I just drove it into the river. 

  2. Updating this problem:

    My friend in UK has searched there, and discovered the part is not available in UK or France. 

    Unless anyone might have a suggestion of a way to repair or bypass the existing MAF sensor, the car will probably need to be sent to the junkyard. (I just can't afford the 40k for the dubious Toyota engine installation) 

  3. On 7/23/2018 at 8:07 AM, ClareQuilty said:


    I went back to get the part number for MAF and photos from mechanic, and he had something to show me - said he'd detected a short circuit in the MAF's solenoid. He suggested replacing this cheap part before getting a 6000+ baht aftermarket MAF from Europe. So, tomorrow is the big day - I'll go back to see if it worked. Don't know how likely his theory is.. 

    • Like 2
  4. 8 hours ago, Fruit Trader said:

    If this is a vane and potentiometer flow sensor it can be tested for smooth operation using a simple multimeter which I assume your repair guy has done already.  Calibration check would require service book values.


    Cleaning of the potentiometer mechanism is a delicate operation that usually begins with checking condition of the wiper and resistor surface. Damaged resistor or wiper usually means replace complete module but a good technician can sometimes shift the potentiometer wiper to avoid damaged area.

    Heavy handed cleaning can shift the factory calibration.

    Thanks. I don't know what type it is (it's on the 2.0 liter Xu10 engine). But I do suspect that the previous mechanics could have cleaned it improperly, as their skill level seemed very low. 

    As of this moment the latest guy still has the car, saying he would attempt to repair the MAF, but that it would take "a long time". Meanwhile, I've located a friend returning from UK next month so will attempt to find a Bosch aftermarket one.

    • Like 1
  5. 2 hours ago, ExpatOilWorker said:

    Interesting, if the airflow meter was disconnected the car defaulted to a "no signal" mode what made the car run normal, but according to the mechanic would give higher fuel consumption. You could try just to disconnect the faulty airflow sensor.

    You are 100% sure it is the airflow sensor?

    I'm not sure, but the mechanics are very sure, such as they are. 3 separate opinions. We did try disconnecting for a couple weeks recently, but the car didn't run very well and used a lot of fuel. 

  6. 8 hours ago, transam said:

    I think they are just an expensive item..I recall I had ploblems with the same item on my V6 Volvo that l kept fooling with cos of the cost..

    I see. By "fooling with" do you mean there's NY alternative fixes, or even partial fixes? The car is almost drivable as it is, just hate that awful momentary cut-out during acceleration. 

  7. 21 minutes ago, Justgrazing said:

    AChecked on e*ay just now for you dude and if its the same as the one in the photo they are available .. The one in question is shipping out of U K though I suspect the p & p would be a bit more sending to Thailand .. There is another shipping outta the U S at £117 but that may be subject to duties n' stuff .. its rarely successful trying to overhaul 'em .. And trying to chuck a Toyota lump into a Peugeot will throw up numerous problems .. 


    Thanks for the info! Looks like it will be 10,000 baht+, if available. Given that a Japanese one is 1,500 baht, these must be super rare. 

  8. My Peugeot 405 has - according to several different mechanics - a bad mass air flow sensor. After many cleanings it still doesn't work, and the car's driveability is poor despite an otherwise very sound engine. We've checked both in Thailand and overseas, and there is no replacement part available in the world. It is also apparently impossible to jury-rig a Toyota or other brand's MAF. 


    My question is this - would there be any way to *rebuild* the mass air flow sensor? 

  9. 3 hours ago, VocalNeal said:

    Perseverance pays off.

    Agh as I feared it's not fixed. It worked perfectly for one or two days, but today it's back to 1) very high idle (2000 rpm), 2) occasional split-second faltering during acceleration. The only thing that seems to be better is so far zero dying at stoplight. 

    Ah well, no magic bullet, it's just a Peugeot. Too bad as I was really enjoying having it back - so much more comfortable than my other cars. 

  10. 5 hours ago, InMyShadow said:

    I've was in the motor industry for many years and before I became a sales trainer I was in car sales 

    When anybody drove in with a Peugeot or Saab the salesman would scatter like cockroaches because those traded were worth peanuts always 70% less than what the buyer wanted because the dummies thought they were exotic =top dollar lol 


    If you drop a Toyota engine in it forget about it being worth more than few hundred dollars if you ever trade it in. 

    Don't do it! 

    Oh I only paid 30,000 baht for it, and it's a 1997, so trade in value isn't important. The car is big and very comfortable, and the engine runs cool in Thai heat & never burns any oil. Basically it has one huge problem - the engine electronics - and one minor problem - weak air-con. 

  11. On 4/16/2017 at 12:53 PM, jay1980 said:

    Unfortunately a peugeot 405 has a transverse engine layout, so to put a 1JZ or 2JZ would mean re-engineering the whole car.


    The best Toyota engine to swap into a peugeot 405 would be a rather more boring but well proven '4afe', if possible the 1.6 version.




    This engine is tough and reliable and is a popular choice to swap into older transverse FWD cars in Thailand and every independent mechanic in Thailand knows how to fix this engine.


    To get an idea of the prices, you can ask this shop




    hope that helps



    ***edit just to say if you go ahead with the swap, don't forget to get a proper invoice because this will be needed to update the new engine in the blue book at the Land Transport office




    Thanks Jay, this is what my mechanic is recommending, the 4a-fe specifically. He roughly estimates the cost at such an installation with automatic at ~40,000 baht. While the existing 2 liter already feels tiny to my American foot I'm thinking of going for it. I think the car has potential and the only alternative is sending it to the crusher. 

    • Like 1
  12. On 4/16/2017 at 5:28 PM, Pepper9187 said:

    Nooooo, 405's engines never die, can do easily 400-500K if you take care of it, just like a good old corolla, except that 405 are unique around here.


    Just saying don't throw it away, give it to me !



    I still have the car and just as before it limps along, barely running, breaking down more completely on rare occasions. While it's true the Peugeot engine itself is incredibly stout and durable, its hopeless to actually use. Its also extremely annoying to drive a big floppy front wheel drive car with a stick shift - why they didn't put an automatic in a big poor-handling car I'll never know. 

  13. For those suggesting dumping the car in favor of a Toyota - I have several other cars, all comparatively trouble free Japanese cars. 

    I just find it absurd to throw away a car that isn't worn out at all, still has a strong engine, good tight gearbox, etc. To throw away a whole car for lack of a sensor or suchlike seems horrendously wasteful. 

    Also I only paid 30k for it so even with the annoyances it's cheap motoring. 

  14. 8 hours ago, canthai55 said:

    Won't idle - replace IAC - idle air control

    Have your mechanic replace every - EVERY - vacuum hose on the car. Clean every plug with contact cleaner, the ones to the sensors. Replace spark plugs. Blow thru the fuel line from engine compartment to fuel tank. Remove fuel tank, replace fuel pump and all filters.

    Thanks for the good advice. One of the main problems I have had with the car is that there are no Peugeot parts available in Thailand. Some parts my mechanic has replaced with jury-rigged Japanese parts, but obviously this isnt easily done in the fuel injection and engine control system. 

  15. Well no, canthai, I've always maintained the car correctly - timely oil changes, etc. I doubt a new carburetor would be available for this 34 year old car. Also the mechanic mentioned he was loath to remove the gas tank for cleaning as he believed it might break or spring a leak. 


    JAS21, I've been a bit busy with work & had sort of lost interest in posting. I suppose I'd come to accept my travails as unsolvable. 


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