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Posts posted by horsewell

  1. I know of the school the OP mentioned and they actively try and help their students and participate in the debate with the immigration and other powers that be. I heard that it is true about the required amount of time to be in class and the length of the course before getting a new visa. However, these things are changing daily and who really knows what it's going to be like in a few months!? The powers that be have changed their minds a number of times already. The truth is, they need to find those that are not meeting their obligations and have them take another visa or leave for somewhere else. All the uncertainty is not good for anyone and really immigration should not be "making things up as they go along." It's not worth my wading into the quagmire of what should happen more than that. I'm sure eventually it will all work itself out. ;-)

  2. Why only Women ? They should also include abuse and torture again man too in Thailand....

    Because men are not the topic here. As clearly stated in the title, women are the topic here. And yet, for some reason, every single time a topic about women's issues comes up (sometimes even in a dedicated woman-oriented space, which this is decidedly not), the reaction within just a few comments/posts is "what about the menz?"

    Incidentally men on men violence is an effect of the dominance of men backfiring on other men. It's not some proof that men and women are equally targeted in the same ways with the same intent.

    The proper response to "Wow, look at this increase in violence against women" is not, "That's horrible, but let's talk about violence against men now!"

    If you talk societal violence or even violence on women and don't think about men then you are missing half the picture.

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  3. They talk about violence against all and women. I have no doubt that violence against women is more prevalent, however, the only context in the OTP is 87 cases a day. However, there are many other statistics about violence in general. How many times was it women on women, women on man, or child on mother, man on man? Regardless, it's just a sideshow of meaningless statistics (lies, damned lies and ...) because there is no real way to gauge this in any context except for saying this could be a more violent society than it used to be.

    Without a fundamental societal change this will continue. It's not just alcohol, drugs... violence is created in the home. People grow up thinking that violence is a way to solve problems. They can't negotiate and they want their own way and think force is the answer: might is right. If you want to stop this violence in society: STOP HITTING YOUR KIDS!!! (I don't say everyone does it but enough to make the current situation and we don't need any Bible extracts: violence begets violence)

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  4. I met a English guy with a sad story of being down on his luck and needed some cash 1500 to cover his room but later saw him walking round the entertainment district with mobile and beer in had. Probably was looking for enough for a night out. That was Bangkok.

    Met a pool shark in a upmarket bar in Phuket. Saw him a mile away. Started with drinks and then a few games win and some losses. He lost the game before the pitch. 1000 baht for the next game? Then 500 when I didn't bite. The told my Thai friend off when i was out of earshot.

    Related but not about Thailand, was in Cambodia recently. A Phillipine woman asked me about my home country. Said she was going to go there soon and to go somewhere and talk with her over some food. She was way to insistent on taking me somewhere else. I didn't go. Sure it was fishy.

  5. Apple stole it from Xerox PARC so is stealing from a thief really stealing? :-))

    i think Apple paid for it... They made an investment and got the VIP tour which they took Microsoft on too... Microsoft was hired by Apple to create the Office apps which was the "Killer" Windows 2.0 apps that killed Lotus 1-2-3 and Apple in the business world at the time. If anything it was the later company that took the ideas for free (and some fancy contract language)... but then we will have to wait a few more years before all this plays out to see how we are going to write the story. Still very early days.

  6. I never knew Windows 1... Used Windows 3.11 for animation at high school and that was because it was the only thing they had. Used a DOS powered program with a custom mouse driven GUI to make the graphics because Windows just couldn't cut it in those days. Mind you I had an Amiga 500 at home that was very advanced for the early 90s. I haven't and wont waste my time reading the article. You can't look at Windows without looking at what it came from, and what the company (microsoft) crushed in order to be the status quo. A dominate position that the company is now frittering away. Microsoft makes most of it's money form lots of server and seat licences, not sales of Windows to the masses. it was hardly the first GUI and never the best. I think Xerox was messing with GUIs since the 60s with a mouse to boot and that begot the Macintosh and thus Windows and so on. whistling.gif

  7. I was tested by immigration recently. Reading. I've been learning for years and could sound out the title of the main article on that days edition of the ThaiRath but for the life of me didn't have a clue what it meant, partly because was put on the spot. Newspaper speak is very much different from normal speak, the same as royal or political speak. If immigration tested everyone that came into the country I am sure a large percent of the citizens of the country would have some problems completing the test too, well, the understanding part. That said, Thai language is good because generally speaking you can sound it out, not like many English words.

    Really, a language course should include reading and writing. It may be hard at first but it gets easier and would probably help with pronunciation.

  8. I once had a less than 24 hour overstay. The better part of a decade ago and it was only six hours. I even paid the money to get an extension and they gave me 1 day less than the flight I booked and it was within 7 days. There were a few stamps in my passport because of this and one filled with lots of Thai writing that said something like "The person overstayed less than 24 hours" and some in red text too. It was not intended and never ever did I allow myself to be caught short again.

    No fine or (even the threat of a) ban but that was a different time. I think we where still paying airport tax when we left the country.

    It just seems like a lot of hassles when there are few choices of visa that are still relatively easy to obtain. At the very least a tourist visa... a few days overstay fine would probably pay for the visa. I think there is a lot of sympathy for people that have been using visas and exemptions that have been turned away or had issues at the airports and other borders. They where following the previous rules, which have recently changed. However, if people don't even worry about following the rules then, that is another story. It allows the powers that be to point the finger and say, "Look at those foreigners taking advantage of our generous hospitality, we will need to have more regulations and restrictions!" Of course, it's only a problem for the people that do follow the rules.

  9. If you can think of something clear, short, witty and polite to stay at the time, by all means but have an exit plan! ;-)

    My experience is, as a foreigner, you will probably better just let them say what they want to say or even not let them finish. Then just walk away or just ignore their comment as you would with an insolent little child and carry on because people that speak impolitely to strangers are nothing more. You don't want to get into an argument because changes you will not win and they may get physical with you (once again child) and you must not retaliate physically. If someone doesn't know you, how can they make judgements about you? If you allow every insult affect you, then you will probably not have a good time anywhere.

    You will probably be seen as the aggressor as you are probably larger and will probably get more emotional and, or, expressive. If they get physical and you retaliate any penalty they pay will be much less than what you have to face. If the police are called there will be a story made up where you got aggressive with them and they had to defend themselves (Karon beach last night!? Why didn't the boy walk away?). You will be humiliated and your time will be wasted at the very minimum.

    Trolls are not only confined to the internet.

    If you know the person, then you should know how to deal with it and you would be able to say something. If my friends (or even the person in a romantic relationship with me) start insulting me, I give them warning before they are extracted from my life, I don't need negative people around.

    This is not about burying one's head in the sand. It's just how to navigate the shark infested waters of Thailand. The good thing is that the sharks are far between but unfortunately frequent enough to be a nuisance. Don't let them bother you and don't give them any value or power over you.

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  10. The road to hell is paved with good intentions.

    The government makes a law thinking that it is protecting a certain group but after being in effect for 15 years; does a study and realises that it wasn't such a good idea; then it takes another 5 to change the law. The main problem with criminal activity is that the people doing it don't follow the laws, no law will stop them doing what they want and there is always a way. Some people will always be exploited.

    Mind you they haven't just changed the laws, they have announced the changes and there is still over a year before the new regulations come into force.

    This is a great example of how governments don't know what is best and they are only experimenting... with our lives.

    You seem to be very upset about the strippersrolleyes.gif

    Don't worry, there are always going to be there...........even in Switzerland whistling.gif

    I'm sure there will be... my point is more about the law.

  11. The road to hell is paved with good intentions.

    The government makes a law thinking that it is protecting a certain group but after being in effect for 15 years; does a study and realises that it wasn't such a good idea; then it takes another 5 to change the law. The main problem with criminal activity is that the people doing it don't follow the laws, no law will stop them doing what they want and there is always a way. Some people will always be exploited.

    Mind you they haven't just changed the laws, they have announced the changes and there is still over a year before the new regulations come into force.

    This is a great example of how governments don't know what is best and they are only experimenting... with our lives.

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  12. Anything that westerners do in that region will just make things worse... Why don't "the powers that be" just stop or do what they really want to and get it over with!? All these little atrocities are becoming tedious. They are sadists and use the "tit for tat" that happens to increase the power of the state back at home: we need more law and order legislation because they are coming to get us [because we bombed them back to the stone-age and killed their children, wives, husbands... whole families]!

    Seems like a waste of state resources that could be spent on the betterment of the people, especially when the national debt has never been bigger! The weapons manufacturers, arms dealers and extremists on all sides will be rubbing their hands together yet again. They future generations will look back on this insanity with scorn.

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  13. I usually speak the same language as what is asked of me. I recently went through Suvarnabhumi coming from Cambodia as well. Had to speak some Thai to the superior officer, actually read a few lines of the newspaper. No issues just a tense moment waiting for them to arrive and then have a look through my passport. I would assume that if someone was to go through Suvarnabhumi then they shouldn't have any worries anywhere else because they would be under a lot of pressure to make sure they make the correct decisions.

    I think a lot of factors can determine the outcome in this interaction outside of 'your papers being in order' and I read somewhere recently that decisions are final. So far so good. smile.png

  14. It's a number of factors and it's happening everywhere in the world. Not some conspiracy but sort of. We can look at the "types" of food, the portion size, the number of times and when we eat and the amount of physical activity we do to use the calories but it's more than that. The fact that all processed food has lots of sugar and preservatives that actually are killing us, slowing our metabolism and decimating the good bacterial that live in our bodies. The companies that produce this food are seeking to make the food so attractive that we can hardly resist. Our bodies are looking to maximise calories and processed food companies are looking to give us as many empty calories as we desire because empty calories mean that we will be back for more.

    Anyway, I read an article on TV not so long ago that said something like 80% of fresh vegetable sellers surveyed in Bangkok markets put harmful preservatives on their produce in order to maximise profits (getting one or two more days before it starts rotting). It may seem good for you but it seems a lot more like a frying pan and fire situation.

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  15. It seems that your mileage can vary a lot based on who you are dealing with, where you are and possibly what school you are going to. The biggest issue is: why due diligence isn't done when the visa / extension is given!? Why can you obtain permission from one group and be denied by another. If one group gives permission to stay, say the Education Department, then Immigration should respect that. It would be good if all the checks where done when a visa / extension was asked for in the first place. I'm sure this will eventually happen and lots of other little scams will be put to rest.

    The introduction of a new passport solves a lot of problems for some people but with all the biometrics (photos and hand scanners) being brought into play lots more loopholes will (probably) be closed.

    I don't know why these language (and other) schools don't create respectable courses that can be given both the Eduction and Immigration's Departments stamp of approval.

  16. It's sort of like a sick comedy.

    Don't they, the police marksmen (people), know how to shoot *not* to kill!? There are no "tragic" accidents with guns only fools, cowboys and idiots!

    From experience and training, police in the USA are trained to shoot center mass and more recently, the pelvic girdle, due to use of body armor by criminals.

    Those with experience, either at a range or in real life, know that it is extremely difficult to hit a "non-vital" area of a human or target when it is moving or stationary.

    I would add to the list of "fools, cowboys and idiots", the group of titled "arm-chair experts".

    Televison (not refering to the video) is wonderful entertainment, but often does not reflect reality.

    Speak you opinion. It's worth just as much as the next person.

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  17. Slightly off topic but I was tested at the airport on entry. Have me the main headline of the ThaiRath paper to read; spoke in Thai and I replied in Thai; asked to introduce myself. Probably more organized than this, if you get tested. Good idea to take some details about your school, just in case.

    Are you on ED visa learning Thai

    Yes. It seemed they were interested what I was learning before testing me. I have no issues with the language as I use it everyday. Never got asked about anything else.

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