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Posts posted by horsewell

  1. All web sites know that I am in Thailand. Some give me Thai script and others just display my country as Thailand. Google doesn't let me log onto my friends accounts to help them with IT issues on occasion. However (IANAL), I don't think they are really worried unless your creating pornography, scamming people or other wisely overtly obviously doing something that would attract a lot of attention.

    The person who said jealousy was probably spot on. It's also spot on that if you have problems with a Thai they would probably handle it in some way outside the authorities. It's better to not talk about what you are doing and how much you are making. Keeping all the money outside of Thailand and only transferring money via your bank to your Thai bank.

    Plausible deniability is the key.

  2. Tourists are easy to see. They stick out and they don't know how to negotiate or defend themselves. When they have a problem sometimes they don't even know who to contact. There should be a booklet or video given to everyone when they enter to tell them about the dangers that surround them on the island. I thought a few murders, rapes and muggings would shake things up but it seems that it will probably take something even more extreme.

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  3. There has been outbreaks of this virus all over the world and like SARS (I was in China during the height of the crisis) it's relatively difficult to catch.

    During the 2009 outbreak in Mexico there was widespread panic and only a few (301) people died of the 5,011 people who where hospitalised of 43,771 cases in total. The CDC discontinued tracking this virus because they thought they thought there was no point tracking total people infected.

  4. Technically, this sort of thing is possible with all phones. I have even read that the phone doesn't even have to be switched on, but don't know if that one is true or not. The phone company can triangulate based on relative signal strength, I don't know how often that is being used. You don't need to be making a call at the time as the phone is in constant contact waiting for a call.

    I once saw a insurance company advertisement that said that they can find you if you had an accident and you call them on your mobile, so I suspect that the technology is not unheard of in Thailand.

    It's just that Apple made it accessible to everyone. However, I have seen jealous boyfriends turning the feature on to check up on out of country girlfriends... that's a pretty ugly use.

  5. Billions of years is a bit harsh. Really it's a good and bad thing. Do you think the quality of the casing of the cable is good enough to stand the test of time? Do you think that they won't want to dig it up and change the cables quickly? Hopefully there is some sort of plan that will slowly gain momentum. You know how down south get "less of the pie" than central Thailand and that they are still developing infrastructure that, if not for tourism, would be even more derelict than it is right now.

  6. I noticed that they have set up WebDAV which allows calendar and contact syncing with things like OS X, Mozilla and other WebDav (CalDAV & CardDAV) compatible software. I just set my computer (I don't have a smartphone) and it's working pretty good.

    There is probably an email program (or can download to use) on your BlackBerry that would allow you to use those features. Anyhow, they just said that they will not allow you to download the App not stop allowing those who have it already will not be able to use it. However, they said that they are still going to have the "Google Apps Connector for BlackBerry Enterprise Server" (which will be installed on your BlackBerry server by your company).

    It seems like the the title is a little sensationalist. They will not support the feature but will continue to allow you to use it.

  7. It's tragic but not wholly unexpected. I choose to hole up in my apartment while most of the festivities are going on, only venturing out for one good soaking. Here, in Phuket, ice water is the order of the day, which makes me sick as a dog with the heat of the day, air-conditioning and normal water. When you have to go out, have no choice, there is no opt-out of the craziness.

    Anyhow, Happy traditional new year to everyone.

  8. There will be businesses that will not survive the wage hike, others will go to neighbouring countries that cost less, others will fire some staff and others will bring in cheaper staff from neighbouring countries, others will automate the process.

    It seems that what is likely is that there will be job losses coupled with the price of goods and services increase more than the wage increase, especially for those in areas where the living expenses are already high.

    Hope it works out well.

  9. Is "Meenburi" mentioned in the article the same place as the I've seen spelled "Minburi"?


    Unfortunately, Thai script can not easily be transliterated (romanised or converted to English looking characters) so this will come up time and again. There are a number of different transliteration systems and it depends on the system and the person how it is "converted". If you want to be confused you will care about it.

  10. Dr. Wit’s Library Edition (Thai-English, English-Thai and Thai-Thai Dictionary)

    1.English-Thai More 4,000,000 entries.

    2.Thai-English More 855,000 entries.

    3.Thai-Thai More 855,000 entries.

    Have to remember that many words in Thai that compound smaller words have slightly different meanings, or completely different meanings than the words themself. I would say that compound words are different words.


  11. This is not inflation. Inflation is the erosion of the value of money because of an increase of money is in circulation. The value of each unit of currency will decrease as the new money is absorbed by the economy.

    It's good that they are getting more money. It will probably result in the cost of living to go up in areas that they implement the wage rise which will probably wipe off all benefit and leave people outside the system worse off. There is also a possibility that some businesses will not open and others will move to countries with cheaper labour.

    Wouldn't it be better to include the wages of the lowest paid workers and increase the wages slowly over the next few years?!? Then the government can manage the situation.

    This will not help people out of poverty. People will probably still have to spend all their money on the cost of day to day life.

  12. I am sure there are a lot of good tuk tuk drivers. I'm sure that are a lot worse too. I walk or take my own transport or, if I have to take one, negotiate before and don't argue after. It's why the major hotels have been pushing the taxi stations further and further away from their entrances, have their own transport for paying customers. This is why cruise ship operators don't really want their customers going on tuk tuks. It's why navy ships don't want their personnel taking tuk tuks… the problem is that everyday a person that has never been to Thailand lands at the airport. There is no way to stop people using tuk tuks and as long as they have the power there will be no alternative for anyone, thai's included, to just smile and pay like good little suckers that they are.

    Why is it that the story is fully known, the couple and the brother… but no one knows who beat up this guy? It seems that the tuk tuk drivers are united in cowardice and the authorities couldn't careless.

    Mind you, this is Thailand and you can't be a big brute. Westerners have to respect customs and if the price seems unreasonable not the shove people around.

    Always ask the price first, even when I go to a shop 100 times I will always ask the price. If it's unreasonable (today)… I will go somewhere else.

  13. It's tragic that someone had to die because someone didn't do their job correctly and it wasn't checked. It's not the power points fault, it's just a thing. Thailand is a death trap because you don't really know when you are going to meet with this and it's also tragic that the law, that is usually in place, is not followed as it should. Phuket has had a few deaths lately and for such an important tourist area it's amazing the blaze attitude that the authorities have of looking after the tourists. Many people come to Thailand for the first time and come to the beaches of Phuket and it's all so very different, with all these nice people that are only looking out for their own best interest. It's not only Thai workers and Thai business owners that do this, I have seen a lot of foreign business owners, workers and even tourists that are very bad to the Thai people and other foreigners as well.

    I feel that I'm really lucky that the place I live does have an earth wire as it's the first place (and I have lived in 5 different places already).

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