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Posts posted by IanForbes

  1. If you aren't doing anything "wrong" and only you know that, then what do you care?

    I don't really. In fact I like a good controversial subject to debate. And, I'll take either side in a debate just for the fun of it. But, it has always amazed me why some people want to pull others down to their own miserable level, and they will make up all sorts of crap just to do so. I've seen it in families and I've seen it just about everywhere I've been. I don't pass judgement on anyone until I know ALL the facts. But, a lot of people seem to want to learn about the worst of everyone and will go to any lengths to find it. It happens with news journalists all the time when reporting on some celebrity. It certainly happens in politics. It happened most recently with the scum bag who photographed and reported Michael Phelps for smoking pot. Just what kind of a low life would do that to some guy who was a national hero for winning 8 gold medals?

  2. Since this is not a Chiangmai specific topic will move it to General where I'm sure it will get some "interesting" responses. :o

    Thanks. I didn't realize there WAS a separate forum for these type of discussions. I'm just new to the forum and slowly finding my way around. I was put onto this forum by a local friend when I asked where to watch the Superbowl. Fortunately, somebody had already posted the topic and someone told us where the game was being played live.

    And, thanks to eek for an adult and thoughtful response to my topic. I agree with him. Our North American cultures (I'm Canadian) are very dissimilar to the Asian cultures, and although I've been coming to Thailand for over 12 years, and basically spend my winters here, I am still learning about the heirarchy of the Thai people.

    It is easy to be judgemental when you don't have money worries, or are living under a completely different family oriented culture. People just do things differently here than back home. Thai people are far more reserved and would seldom respond to a topic like this one. If they disapprove of something they usually keep it to themselves... or make jokes about it.

  3. Good points, eek. I have seen it all, from the extremes at either end of the issues. I don't want to turn this into a debate about "sex tourism" because we all know the terrible crap that goes on with children behind somewhat closed doors. I don't know anyone except the perps themselves that would condone that. But we can easily see a lot of adults having a good time in the local bars on Loi Kroh road, or most other bars for that matter. It's only when the establishments are empty that everyone looks glum. I don't see anyone being abused or being forced to be there against their will. And, the part time hookers ARE providing a service for men who might otherwise be lonely, miserable souls. To deny the women from making a choice is denying them the right to their own bodies. It's sort of like the debate about abortion. We should leave that topic alone because it always turns into a polarized slagging match.

    I'm also thinking of the moralistic hypocrites that practise their so called great religious beliefs while at the same time condoning what their own priests are doing behind closed doors. I've seen many cases where the Catholic church has moved into countries practising other forms of beliefs and changed it all. But, all they've done is ruin the countries instead of making improvements. The Philippines is a good example, where the poor haven't had any improvements after turning to Catholicism, and yet are basically forced to pump out babies they can't support.

    Then we have some of the more radical Moslem beliefs that treat women and children on a par with animals that don't have any rights... even to their own bodies. And, in North America we have the Mormon faith that originally practised poligamy, and where again, the women and children didn't have any rights. Even today we have a problem in Canada with an off shoot of the Mormon faith. It's where the Bountiful church in the Kootenays of BC practises poligamy. There is currently a court case about its legality. Everyone with inside knowledge knows its just a case where the leader can practise pedophiia and get it covered up as a so called marriage.

    I've even seen the same self righteous types on the fishing forums I'm involved with. Guys want to set their OWN ethical standards on others, and they get hot under the collar when others don't believe the same. They can't seem to let the authorities decide what is best for everyone.

    I've seen some crazy, illogical stuff here in Thailand, that would cause gun fights if it happened in the USA. But, the Thais don't seem to mind. And, if they do, they keep it to themselves. I'm mostly talking about the traffic in this situation, and where people park blocking all forms of passage. Or, the speeds that some of the motorcyclists fly along at through busy, narrow sois. But, many of the frustrating things are also a part of Thailand's beauty.

  4. Why do people feel it is necessary to impose their own personal life style, or beliefs, on others? I see it all the time with religious groups, and those that abhor the so called “sex tourism” trade. Why not just ignore what goes on between consenting adults, and just pay attention to their own life. Isn’t it everyone’s right to live their own life and follow their own beliefs? I know that you can’t always do that in Myanmar, North Korea, parts of China and certain countries in the Middle East, but certainly in so called “free” Thailand an adult should be allowed to follow his or her life style in peace without listening to others make slanderous accusations, or say you are somehow a bad person for not following their personal beliefs.

  5. I am with the consensus here I wouldn't try it, I have a Phantom and accept the fact it is what it is. It is a comfortable entry level tourer with in my opinion, a superb frame and good reliability with an average to mediocre engine. Some multi cylinder engines can take a rebore without any problems, haven't researched it but I doubt if the single pot TA200 could.



    Thanks, Chris. That was my thought on the matter. It's probably cheaper in the long run to just buy another bike designed for the motor it has. I agree that the Phantom is a nice comfortable ride, and so is the JRD Tornado. But, they leave a lot to be desired in the power category.

    Unfortunately, there aren't too many of the bikes of the same design in the 400 cc class. Most go way up to the 1000 cc category. The ones in between are crotch rockets that can get you in a world of hurt very quickly if you aren't careful. And, they aren't particularly comfortable for easy riding in the city.

  6. As one whose post was one that was deleted I'll respond in a slightly different manner. My original post wasn't offensive other than being a rebuttal to an attack on men. I basiclly said that people should look in the mirror before they start throwing stones.

    As far as the men vs women thing is concerned, has anyone given any thought that only a SMALL percentage of people (male and female, male and male or female and female) should actually live together. Living together is a HUGE compromise for both parties to make it work over a long period of time. Marriage breakups average over 50% and of the remaining 50% that stay together, only a few are truly happy with each other.

    I've been married twice and consider both marriages to have been a success. I would still be married to my first wife, even though I no longer find her attractive, but she chose to play musical beds with her acting group. I don't believe in infidelity so that ended my first marriage. However, we are still friends and she is the mother of my two children. And, I like the guy who is presently supporting her now. But, you couldn't pay me enough to take her back.

    My second marriage ended when her adult son got into drugs and I wasn't about to support his habit with him stealing valuable items from my home. He moved into our home so we could help him and 10 months later she moved out and left him with me. A few months later I had to get the police to remove him from my home after he smashed whatever he could and stole what was available to sell quickly for his next fix. enough said on that matter.

    That was 12 years ago and a single friend invited me to Thailand to clear my head. I was pretty shook up over the matter and coming to Thailand changed my life for the better. I learned that there was a pleasant new world out there if you are willing to look for it.

    People have spoken and written about the war between the sexes for years. There are books of every description about the topic. All the women's magazines are full of it. It there is that much discussion about it then some of it must be true.

    I just believe in letting everyone else live their their own CHOSEN life. It's THEIR decision and not mine to make, or decide what is right or what is wrong.

  7. If you think the Honda Phantom is underpowered at 200 cc then try the JRD Tornado at 150 cc. The top speed of the Tornado is barely 80 kmh and any little skooter will out perform it. It's only redeaming feature is it is comfortable and solid on the road. I like if for the around town stuff but wouldn't want to take any long journey on it. The newer model has come out this year sporting a 250 cc engine, but I haven't tried it out. The Tornado is almost a dead ringer for the Phantom in size and shape, but without the quality control that Honda is noted for.

    I'll be interested in what response you get because I was told by a motorcycle mechanic (Harley dealer) that a good man COULD bump up the size quite a bit and not lose any reliability.

  8. Sure it's raining. It's pouring down in buckets at home. :D

    But, I'm not AT home. I'm here in Chiang Mai where it hasn't rained in a month or more. The rain and snow on Vancouver Island in the winter is one of the many reasons why I spend from November through to April here in Thailand. :o:D:D

  9. I'm so jealous! We "watched" it via internet blog, since my Doll couldn't get himself to wake up...Anyone know, are they still planning to show it in a rerun anywhere tonight? I hope so!

    I saw where the Irish pub said they were going to show a rerun tonight. It might be on already. It was a very good game and went right down to the final few seconds before it was finally decided. The Chiang Mai Saloon inside the moat (not the one on Loi Kroh road) put out a good spread for breakfast and everyone had a seat somewhere to watch the game on at least 4 different screens. It seemed everyone had a good time with 2 distinct cheering sections.

  10. Oh great! Now we can get back to long delays, cancelled flights and over bookings in the pretty, but VERY inefficient and uncomfortable Suvarnaboomcrash airport. I NEVER had that problem with Don Muang in the 12 years I've been coming to Thailand (each year), but ALWAYS had that problem with Suvarnaboomcrash. I REALLY hate sitting in Suvarnabhumi for 8 to 12 hours while the airport tries to figure out how to make connections to other destinations. The toilets are inadequate, the food services minimal and expensive, the seating atrocious, and the lineups long. Then, unless you are heading for Pattaya directly by bus, you have to take a long and expensive taxi ride into the city fo find some over priced hotel to stay over night. Forget the long, expensive taxi ride out to the new Southern bus station if you want to travel to Kanchanaburi or other points west.

  11. Good luck with that. Show me a water system NOT in a national park that ISN'T polluted. I can't thnk of any. Locals have never even thought about the environment, let alone doing anything about it. The local stream that flows beside my apartment in Chiang Mai is a good example. It is full of garbage. Raw sewrage is continually being flushed into the stream and eventually into the Ping River. How the local guys don't get infected legs when wading in the pond beside my apartment is a mystery. I sure wouldn't want to eat any of the tiny fish they catch in their throw nets.

  12. I've certainly seen a big change in Thai Air in the past 12 years I've been traveling to Thailand each year. There was a time I could walk into the ticket booth a couple hours before a flight and get on the next plane from Bangkok to Chiang Mai. Then, when Suvarnaboomcrash came into operation that all changed. I kept hearing that all flights were full and would I like to upgrade to business class for another 1500 baht. After sitting in the airport for 5 hours I agreed to the better seats. However, when I got on the plane I noticed SEVERAL unoccupied seats in the economy class. I could only interpret that as being conned into paying more for less. And, the airline was never agreeable to putting me on an earlier flight if I ever arrived earlier than expected at the airport. I've had to wait over 12 hours many times at Suvarnaboomcrash. That never happened when only the Don Muang airport handled ALL the international and domestic flights.

  13. First we will adjust ourselves to the resident animal population, and consider buying a pet.

    Cobras and large crocodiles make good pets for keeping the unwanted at bay. Besides that, you can feed all the neighbour's yappy little dogs to the croc.



  14. I hate to tell you this, but you are in Thailand... the land of the barking dogs. I doubt if you could move anywhere except in some down town highrise and not have the neighbourhood filled with yapping dogs. If it is a REAL bother, then about the only thing you can do is stay out all night long like I do or buy a good set of ear plugs. I know wives of husbands that snore buy and use earplugs every night.

    It IS a pain though, and drove me crazy the first few years I moved out of the heart of the city. Eventually I got used to it. Thais seem to have the ability to sleep anywhere and under conditions that would normally drive falongs crazy.

  15. I'm always amazed at how little interest there is for Thai pub/restaurants to show the game live. We get a steady diet of super bore soccer add nauseum, with such exciting scores of 0-0. It's a choice of that or 5 day cricket where nobody really knows the score. Or, we even an exciting game of darts on TV.

    oh dear. any chance you could explain why the north american set call it 'football' when the pigskin spends the majority of its time in the players' hands?

    I figured I'd get a rise out of someone if I poked them hard enough. :D But us Canadians like a bit of fun now and then, and are a lot like Aussies who always like a bit of rivalry. :D:D

    Hope to see you there, StevieH. I'll be the old bald guy with the white goatee beard. :o

    I'm hoping for the Cards, but think the Steelers will win.

  16. The Chiang Mai Saloon branch inside the moat (Ratwithi Road) is advertising a Superbowl party. 99THB breakfast buffet and 69THB Bloody Marys.


    FINALLY!! Somebody with some knowledge! THANKS!

    Another CANADIAN here who wants to watch the game live, but can't find a place to do so.

    I'm always amazed at how little interest there is for Thai pub/restaurants to show the game live. We get a steady diet of super bore soccer add nauseum, with such exciting scores of 0-0. It's a choice of that or 5 day cricket where nobody really knows the score. Or, we even an exciting game of darts on TV. At least in Pattaya there are a few sports bars that show North American sports.

    I only have one more request... Just where are the bars in relationship to the Thai Pei gate, other well known landmark? I've got my own bike and know my way around inner Chiang Mai fairly well, but I don't remember the names of all the smaller streets. Maybe I'll just have to ask a Tuk Tuk driver to take me a couple days before the game. I have no trouble getting up at 5AM. That's the time I usually go to bed.

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