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Posts posted by SmugFarangBore

  1. It is a shame that Abhisit is showing himself to be weak in the human rights area in the eyes of the rest of the world in a way that could totally colour international opinion of him. Admittedly he is not actively pursuing murderous policies like Thaksin but neither is he willing to investigate the Rohingya allegations which he must know in his heart are very likely to be true. No action yet on the coroner's murder verdict on the iman in military custody in the South either.

    The Thai military is not answerable to the Thai Government. Remember Prem's words.

    Indeed, Abhisit has assigned (or at least we are led to believe he has assigned) the very same shadowy military unit accused of the atrocities; the ISOC, to investigate the allegations for themselves.

    The fox investigating the chicken coup.

  2. In 2009, it means going against the steadfast beliefs of easily 95% of the population (if not even significantly higher).

    This far, far transcends any red shirt versus yellow shirt. This goes to the very core of the Thai psyche...

    Giles grossly inappropriate and horrendously insulting words deeply offends all but the aforementioned pitiful handful of Thais. There are no "millions who agree" with it... far, far from it.

    As I alluded to, those "steadfast beliefs" didn't exist 70 years ago and probably won't in the future.

    If there aren't many people who agree with his views, or even could agree with those views, and those beliefs are so steadfast as you put it, amongst so many of the population, then why the need for all these draconian laws and media censorship?

  3. As with all these things a gossip version will go round. Probably not exactly what Giles said but ....

    As to expressing himself. I can honestly say that if he were to say some of that that in any of the villages I go to, he would have been given a beating pretty quickly, so I doubt he would express it in Thailand not even in a poor village.

    Perhaps, but that doesn't mean his right to express it should be restricted. IMO, of course.

  4. You can read up on what Giles has to say from the UK on his blog. Im in Thailand and can get through all right, so the authorities have given his site the green light. Very interesting.

    OMG - taken that link to his wdpress blog down, just read his recent article! That's one angry man!

    That's one stupid man!

    I'm surprised you have the audacity to say that.

    Either way, he is entitled to his opinion and he should be allowed to express himself IMO.

    It appears his blog has now been blocked by MICT.

    How many websites is that blocked this week now? 10,000? 15,000? :o

  5. Thaksin banned in Japan..Thaksin banned from USA,,, England siezes $4.5 billion of Thaksins money...blah blah..

    These bogus stories can't be found in any legit western news service as far as I know.

    I do know the Bangkok Post and Nation will publish false news as propaganda for powerful people in Bangkok.

    Enuff said, no?

    And the Thai army shot JFK, started World War One and sunk the Titanic. Your delusions rival those of your square faced hero.

    It's not a delusion that those newspapers have published inaccurate and blatantly false articles though, including the aforementioned about the UK seizing Thaksin's funds. It's a sad fact.

  6. So who would agree that Thaksins crimes justified a MILITARY COUPE?

    A military coup can never be justified in a proper democracy.

    Thaksin should have been removed from office by legitimate methods.

    As nasty a man as Thaksin was the Thai military have a far worse record in Thai politics; dictatorships, coups, human rights abuses - the list goes on and on and on, throughout the last century.

    But it is clear as ever that as Prem said a couple of years ago the Thai military only serve one master and it isn't the Government or the Thai people.

    Same music, different tune.

  7. how many TRT ministers ever resigned in all their years of office, despite the bird flu cover up, the human rights abuses and all the airport scandals?

    Fair enough. Then how many Democrat MPs will we expect to honourably resign as a result of the human rights abuses of the Thai military towards the Rohigyna boat people conducted already, just a month in on their watch or how many will resign in responsibility of the airport protest and consequent shutdown which involved nothing less than a current minister in the Government and resulted in incalculable loss to the nation, in both financial terms and reputation?

  8. There is very little around there except street food. I stayed in that area for over 10 years.

    Point of note: the new airport link runs directly between the two Nasa Vegas buildings and when it's eventually operational it is sure to shake the windows and rattle the furniture.

  9. compiled a big long reply to your last but can't be bothered anymore.

    It was probably nothing more substantial than you and Hagler's previous empty responses of "no you're wrong", or "you know nothing" even when I've presented the facts to back up my claims.


  10. Anyone can see Abhisit is floundering. What real initiatives has he started working on?

    He will become the fall guy for Thailand's descent into recession this year I reckon.

    Nothing he does or can do will stop the inevitable global problem affecting Thailand, it already has to an extent but we haven't seen anything yet.

    The people will associate the Democrats with the harsh times ahead, just as they do with the harsh times many people faced in the late 90's under Democrat policies, part of the reason they remain an unelectable entity, especially in the North and Northeast.

  11. So is having multiple ID's.... :o

    Care to back that allegation up with proof?


    It's common knowledge to anyone with even the thinnest grasp of Thai politics


    That's a fact.

    There's no proof whatsoever of your allegations there.

    Nor will there be as I've never posted on this board before.


    Now be a man - put up or shut up.

  12. the article makes no mention of the airline about to go broke. it has made its first ever loss. almost every airline in the world has made a loss in the past year. hagler is 100% right. you know nothing!

    The Forbes article I linked to is quite clear that Air Asia faces a risk of going out of business if Fernandes' business plan doesn't pay off. As it points out some 30 airlines went under last year.

    You just don't want to see your beloved budget carrier go out of business as you are probably too skint or cheap to travel around the region on full fare airlines.

    You and hagler also display a staggering ignorance in refusing to accept the distinct possibility that an airline, some $1.8billion in debt could easily go under this year, especially given the global economic climate and the bleak outlook for the airline industry as a whole.

    Continue to live in your fantasy world if it pleases you.

  13. I believe the the airport line will interconnect with the BTS Sukhumvit line in one location and then the MRT subway system at another location -- but not directly with the BTS Silom line.

    I believe the airport line originates near Phayathai, which has a BTS Sukhmumvit line station, and then continues out toward the airport with a station near Makasan, which is close to the MRT Rama IX station.

    You'll still need to change trains as the two lines are different train systems altogether.

    The only integration between the systems will be a dedicated walkway between the BTS and Airport link stations.

  14. yep I will stand by my previous statement and expand on it further.. Your assertions that AA are "precariously close to doing so at the moment" is an illinformed and unsubstantiated statement from an underinformed and inexperienced casual financial observer"


    You do what you want.

    I brought the links and took you to school. :D

    No reference to the Forbes article that substantiates my claims either I notice. :o

  15. I feel more or less completely integrated here, after 30 years, and I'm not a Thai citizen either. YMMV :o

    I have no intention of integrating, even after 15 years here.

    I don't want to become Thai.

    I stay here, enjoy the country and its people but I am always reminded on a daily basis that I am, and will always be because of my race, an outsider.

  16. So is having multiple ID's.... rolleyes.gif

    Care to back that allegation up with proof?

    Since under your current ID you are presenting yourself as being new to Thailand

    I think you'll find I have been here for 15 years, and have never posted on this forum before.

    You've been taken apart on this thread, so your only option is to try and defame the poster.

    Also, for the record, since you are aiming a personal attack on Chuan, you should be aware that he has received

    The Knight Grand Cross (First Class) of the Most Noble Order of the Crown of Thailand.

    The Knight Grand Cross (First Class) of the Most Exalted Order of the White Elephant.

    The Knight Grand Cordon (Special Class) of The Most Noble Order of the Crown of Thailand.

    The Knight Grand Cordon (Special Class) of the Most Exalted Order of the White Elephant.

    The Grand Companion (Third Class, higher grade) of the Most Illustrious Order of Chula Chom Klao.

    and, The Knight Grand Commander (Second Class, higher grade) of the Most Illustrious Order of Chula Chom Klao.

    I think you'll find many Thai politicians have such honours, including Thaksin.

    Chuan was still found guilty by the National Counter Corruption Commission and as PM, presided over many corruption scandals that plagued his government.

    But anyone can C&P from Wikipedia as you have done so here.

    More dishonesty - you should put a link to your source when you do this.

    Keep this in mind when you continue your personal attacks on Chuan.

    No personal attacks, just providing you with the truth.

    I am a bit surprised that your comments are thin on facts and heavy on disparaging remarks about other posters.

    Not thin on facts at all, and there's certainly no "disparaging remarks". Unlike all of your posts in response to mine.

    You employed an underhand and dishonest debating tactic by misquoting me and falsely attributing my comment to the current Democrat administration so I pulled you up on it.

  17. Chuan Leekpai, former PM of a thoroughly corrupt Democrat Government is still Democrat Party Chief Advisor.

    I believe this is the most confused post of the month yet.

    In what way is it confused? It is wholly accurate.

    Perhaps you were just trying to belittle my post with a thinly veiled insult as you were unable to refute it.

    No, actually you are the one who needs to prove your statement. You said "thoroughly corrupt." OK, prove it.

    It's common knowledge to anyone with even the thinnest grasp of Thai politics, and it is the reason Chuan Leekpai has the nickname of 'The Painter'.

    But seeing as you are obviously not informed on the subject I'll help you on the way with your research. Google 'Salween Logging Scandal' for starters.

    Oh and then there's the time he was found guilty by the National Counter Corruption Commission too.

    No need to prove anything as it's all common knowledge, or at least it should be if you are commenting on Thai politics.

    You have a short memory. Your comment, since you have already forgotten, is that the Democratic Party is thoroughly corrupt. I have highlighted your comment above. Now, that you have been reminded about what you said, prove it and don't rely on this everyone knows crap as it is so lame. You said it, now back it up.

    No, I clearly stated Chuan Leekpai was former PM of a thoroughly corrupt government. That's a fact. His government was wholly corrupt and he was nicknamed the painter because of it. Common knowledge to most Thai political observers as I have mentioned.

    Don't put selected parts of my comment in bold to try and get people to misinterpret it or misquote me completely. :o It's a dishonest debating tactic.

  18. Chuan Leekpai, former PM of a thoroughly corrupt Democrat Government is still Democrat Party Chief Advisor.

    I believe this is the most confused post of the month yet.

    In what way is it confused? It is wholly accurate.

    Perhaps you were just trying to belittle my post with a thinly veiled insult as you were unable to refute it.

    No, actually you are the one who needs to prove your statement. You said "thoroughly corrupt." OK, prove it.

    It's common knowledge to anyone with even the thinnest grasp of Thai politics, and it is the reason Chuan Leekpai has the nickname of 'The Painter'.

    But seeing as you are obviously not informed on the subject I'll help you on the way with your research. Google 'Salween Logging Scandal' for starters.

    Oh and then there's the time he was found guilty by the National Counter Corruption Commission too.

    No need to prove anything as it's all common knowledge, or at least it should be if you are commenting on Thai politics.

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