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Posts posted by Flummoxed

  1. There are some points to watch.

    If you deal with a small town branch of your bank in the Uk they may not really know how to send the money and will post the request to their head office, wasting time.

    An account at a big bank dealing with international business is better.

    Insist the money is sent in Sterling.

    The exchange rate on London is very poor compared to Thailand, sometimes 2-3 baht less.

    I bank with Royal Bank of Scotland in Jersey and a TT to my Thailand account at Krung Thai bank takes around 3 days.

    I transferred 5000 GBP from a rural Barclays to BKK bank. Took less than 24 hrs. 20 something quid charge.

  2. I once had a TGF in Hong Kong. Sometimes my Mother would call on my cellphone. Naturally, I would often tell my Mother that I loved her at the end of the conversation. You can imagine this girls reaction! Even when my Mother was on the phone, my TGF would be jealous and suspicious, just because I was talking to a female.

    That relationship didn't last, thankfully I came to my senses... crazy bitch she was. I sometimes think about her and feel sad for her. She was a terrible alchoholic and completely self destructive. I tried but I couldn't help her... really I tried.

  3. I expend a lot of energy telling people not to always go with the crowd and to think for yourself, not to live their lives by cliches, act on your own information etc etc. I'm particularly annoyed by people back home assuming a Thai Wife is/was a prostitute. I will always take some time to assess people and find out where they're really coming from, whatever their background...

    ... Having said that, a friend of mine in England recently told me he met a Russian girl on the internet. After a while, he told me he was going to send her what is quite a large amount of money to her to assist in her obtaining a visa. I was furious with him, telling him that he needs his head examining for sending money to a woman he has never met and that he was clearly being fleeced etc etc etc. I was being exactly the sort of idiot that pisses me off, assuming the worst of this Woman. Maybe she is fleecing my friend but I failed to give him objective advice (I have since corrected that).

    I guess what I'm trying to say is... Don't make potentially life changing decisions on what others tell you. Go and find out for yourself my friend, or you may regret it. :o

  4. I was at a Farang operated beer bar in Samui last year. Struck up a good old chin wag with the Portsmouth supporter running the place.

    A group of young male and female Westerners approached the bar. One of the young men asked how much a beer was to which he was told 70 baht, or something like that. The young man tried to barter the bar owner down to 55 baht a bottle, saying that they would order in bulk (four drinks :o ). You can imagine the bar owners reaction... it was a joy to watch.

    Sad- didn't happen to be yanks did they??? :D

    I'm not sure, it was one of those strange mixes of American/Canadian/Irish.

    They didn't order and just went to the next bar to try it on in there, to the sound of the Portsmouth bar owner giving them the 'So tight your arse would turn coal to diamond' lines etc etc etc ... it was so funny. FKN losers.

  5. I was at a Farang operated beer bar in Samui last year. Struck up a good old chin wag with the Portsmouth supporter running the place.

    A group of young male and female Westerners approached the bar. One of the young men asked how much a beer was to which he was told 70 baht, or something like that. The young man tried to barter the bar owner down to 55 baht a bottle, saying that they would order in bulk (four drinks :o ). You can imagine the bar owners reaction... it was a joy to watch.

  6. It still amazes me how many Westerners find themselves in these situations. I maintain that if you find yourself in trouble in Thailand, or find yourself with serious enemies, you likely brought it upon yourself by not knowing when to walk away, failing to understand a danger sign, etc. Also, it dismays me how many @ssholes think they can behave in a yobbish, drunken manner (usually British) and take pleasure in antagonising locals.

    So if a Thai tourist in UK gave you some grief would it be "justifiable" to shoot him...??

    Yes, a lot of expats do embarrass us, but the Thais should also be educated to the facts that the majority of visitors don't understand the concept of "face".

    What happened to the days when people who were "out of order" just got a good, old fashioned slap...??

    Is that a hint of American tourist I smell... expecting the natives to be 'moulded' to your expectations. Behaving like a thug in your hosts country is not acceptable by the locals, or ones fellow expats/tourists. If a foreigner came to your home country and demanded you take an course on how to pander to them, I think you might take exception... fkn liberals.

  7. Hi All

    British airways are the best, forget about the in-flight service this is not the real issue.

    The issue is what the air line will do when things go wrong .

    tickets and  luggage are the main things that get <deleted>#### up.

    after many years of long hall flights I can tell you all Ba are the stars of the lot

    they are a bit snobby in the air  but they come through when it matters

    Ba are a great air line,

    And no I don?t work for them, I just recognize a very good service when

    Things go down. and they do when you travel a lot.


    555555555555555555555555555555 :o:D:D:D:D:D:D

    Thanks Bob a job, best laugh I've had all week. You were joking, weren't you? :D

  8. Don't worry Britmaveric (I'm British myself as you know) I just used the British as an example, an example I chose because I am British to avoid being flamed.

    Agreed, there are uncontrollable types from all Western countries.

    I'm just pointing out the folly of some folk.

    I'd be very interested to find out what really happened to this fellow but like so many cases like this, they remain unresolved.

  9. Thanks guys, really interesting reading. My ulterior motive was to know who to pm when I need things done. I've now got consultants for my parties, my house, my waste disposal, my public relations, my computers, my wife (professorfart, you bugger) and all else.


    Got some beer that needs a'drinkin'? I'm your Man! :o

  10. While not wishing to prejudice opinion on this unresolved case, it still amazes me how many Westerners find themselves in these situations. I maintain that if you find yourself in trouble in Thailand, or find yourself with serious enemies, you likely brought it upon yourself by not knowing when to walk away, failing to understand a danger sign, etc. Also, it dismays me how many @ssholes think they can behave in a yobbish, drunken manner (usually British) and take pleasure in antagonising locals.

    People should take note that they are a long way from home and in a place where hatred of them can flare in an instant. I'll never forget walking past Bamboo bar on Nana and seeing an muscled Irishman that was so drunk, he was picking a fight with whoever walked past, could barely stand up and was talking to a very worried looking dog... what a <removed> embarrasment.

  11. In my opinion the photo is in very poor taste, it sounds like the man had a very hard time just before this was taken and I think it should be removed at once.

    Lets hope bkk bound is never in a serious accident when a thai photographer is around see how he or she would like to be headline news.

    I agree. Lets show a little respect for the dead. Lord only knows what anguish these people suffer to make them prefer deceleration trauma to life.

  12. I'm writing a movie script. Accuracy is best. Thanks.

    Yeah, right. :o

    Maybe contact with the US Dept of Justice would be the 1st step.....!

    All time classics:-

    * My friend has a strange growth on his penis, could you advise please.

    * My friend wants to know where the go go bars are, huha, he just wants to go and look

    * My friend wants to know if they'll chase him for his debts back home

    * My friend got robbed by a prostitute

  13. This thread has been done a few months ago and turned into a big argument.

    I too have met people, not only in Thailand but in several countries who divorced their Farang wife, sold their share of the house, ran up credit cards as much as they could, took out loans and then belted for the airport never to return.

    If it's clear you did it deliberately then you're in big trouble. The bankrupcy laws are there to protect people who have fallen on hard times or had a run of bad luck... not to let fvckers like you off the hook.

    Having said that, it is tempting, isn't it... but could you live with the worry?

  14. >>>>>> So, tell me, do you ever go to sleep at night thinking about the BG who's heart you broke just because you got scared? <<<<<<


    OK then, will PM you manana.

    Your entire origination paragraph is so well stated that IMHO the mods should let it sit for a while and see what enlightenment shows up.  The quote above makes me shudder.  Here's why:

    About a week after meeting my TG I started taking  Thai (beginner) & German (refresher)  classes in Patong, Phuket.  Man, did the German teacher lay it on me pretty thick about BGs being the bottom of the barrel etc. etc.  It got to the point where he was almost pleading with me to smarten up and not be so gullible for I was surely going to be taken for a ride. 

    Within a week of this assault, the -ve BG residue level within me was escalating and it was just plain devastating to my TG.    It was killing her and she was powerless to change the course of events. 

    Had I left her then, man would I have been the biggest fool on earth. 

    Insidiousness always has some truth embedded and other-intentionedness cannot interfere with ones' psyche unless one has one's own counter-intention.  Just seeing what effect it was having on this girl, the torment & sorrow that I was causing -- it was a wake-up call for me!  I put a decisive stop to this "letting-the-tiger-in-the-backdoor".

    The happiest 4+ years with a woman; that's what I've had thus far.  No other relationship has come close. 

    Humbly offered.


    At last, someone who understands me :o Look forwrd to the PM.

  15. What answers were you after then Flummoxed?

    Well, I haven't dumped her yet but have been lying awake for months trying to decide what is best for me and for her. If she's the genuine article then it's not fair on her having a boyfriend that's carefully interrogating her all the time and never really trusts her. Also, it's not fair on her having to wait lengthy periods of time while I make my pile of cash in order to make my permanent move. She's a real looker and could easily find a good man and one who is better positioned to give her and her kids the life they deserve.

    I just wanted to know if any of you had cut things off even without any evidence of foul play... and if you felt guilt/regrets about it.

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