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Posts posted by Flummoxed

  1. ... and another thing...

    I can't remember the exact figure but something like 30 or 40 percent of UK adults will wind up with black marks against their credit score. In America, personal debt is going skywards. In Thailand, personal borrowing is reaching stratospheric levels.

    Are you saying all these people are losers? Sure, some of them borrow irresponsibly ut for many, credit is a means for them to get by and it's temting to put the school uniform for your kids on the plastic etc etc etc.

    Really, some of you are clueless about the real world.

  2. Sometimes you can lose your job and if you are over say 50 for example, it is not always that easy to get another job even in your own country, let alone another country.

    However if you keep in contact with the CC companies they can sometime help a lot as long as you make an offer and try to stick to it.

    If your circumstances change for the better and you can pay a little more, most of the time they will help.

    This is simply not true.

    The debt is very quickly sold on to independant agencies who lose no sleep over their mothods. Infact, the debt collection agency methods became so bad, the UK government had to bring in new laws and guidlines in an attempt to control them, including - they must not embarass the debtor in front of their neighbours - they must not use threatening behavior etc etc... as is so often the case in England, rules like this are unenforceable and ignored.

  3. In Europe there is reasonable (?) welfare system available.

    :o:D:D Sure, if you're a lesbian ethnic minority with 2 kids and an alchoholic partner... or an asylum seeker.

    When I was at the bottom (and I swear I'll never let myself be there again, whatever the cost) I was ignored my the welfare system and was allowed to go streetside. Don't insult me by saying otherwise. Welfare is set up for single Mum council estate produce and immigrants. If you're a single bloke with no kids, you've got no chance. You've only got yourself to rely on.

  4. If you were faced with destitution, or an easy fix of credit to see you through, which would you choose.

    Try life at the bottom, and then post your comments. I undersatnd consumer credit law is quite advanced in Holland, Mr Dutch.

    However, I don't believe Scamp is at the bottom, and never has been and has the support of a loving family, despite whatever slant he may have previously put on it (Didn't think you got on with your brother, Scamp)... Pay it off.

  5. Firstly, the amount you owe Scamp is so small, just pay it. If you repay a bad debt, your credit score will be incredible and you can borrow as much as you like... almost.(not recommended)

    Since were being honest and sincere here, I can speak from experience regarding debt:-

    I've had my ups and downs in my 33 years. Currently I'm at 20 percent from bottom, relative to where I want to be.

    I amassed huge debts during my time in Hong Kong. This was a combination of factors including, but not limited to my naivity about a Thai woman I met there and my subsequent neglect of my work life, bank balance, self esteem....you know the story. Prior to that I was reasonably fiscally stable. Prior to that, around 10 years ago, I had big debts, run up through poll tax debts which I transferred to bank credit because you simply have to pay your poll tax (the government don't care about your circumstances, you simply have to pay or go to jail). Not through frivolous spending were my debts built up but through lack of work, the need to feed myself and pay the rent blah blah. I actually ended up on the street for a few weeks, I just kinda gave up, wondering what it was all for, working when I could find work but for a mere 36 pounds a day, got me nowhere.

    Of course, the creditors came looking for me. I was young and inexperienced in life. The men they sent knocking on my door were intimidating and they frightened me. The phone calls were nasty and offensive and continuous.

    As the years went by I learned about life and people and much about the country called England. I learned a lot about the laws for debt. Eventually I just moved away and managed to get some decent paid work and started a fresh. I never heard from them again. As far as I'm concerned, the debts are written off.

    Currently, I owe 14,000 pounds to several different creditors. The moral preachers of you out can criticise me as much as you like... my creditors can go <deleted> themselves. I am not intimidated by the debt collectors tactics, I am familiar with them now, besides which they don't know where I am.

    I recently saw an advertisement for a debt collectors position. It read that the applicant should have an 'imposing presence'.

    These days, the debt is sold on to a collection agency within weeks of the default. The bank/CC company is happy. The collection agency will attemp to contact you once or twice, if unsuccessfull it will be sold on again and again, each time for less value untill it is so low it will be written off.

    If I am immorral for because I am unwilling to pay a credit card debt, then so be it. I have loved ones I would rather spend my money on, besides which, I've had a hard life, made harder by irresponsible creditors taking advantage of me when I was younger and unable to manage, what were at the time, my limited finances.

    In fact, I am in a position to pay off the debt but I will not. I will use my savings to set up home with my wife.

    As an indication of how stupid and irresponsible these creditors are... in spite of my debt and a couple of county court judgements against me, I HAVE A GOLD BARCLAYCARD IN MY WALLET ISSUED LAST MONTH. I specifically told them to give me a zero credit limit because I only want the card to pay for stuff over the phone/online but they still issued a 5000 pound limit, so keen are they to put their customers in debt.

    The Equifax/Experian ratings are a farce. In fact, one of the things that hindered me at the start of my adult life was the fact that I couldn't open a bank account... not because I had debt, I was completely debt free... but a relative with the same family name and initials as me had a CCJ. They simply assumed it was me. What a farce.

    If you ignore your debts, the collectors they send for you have no teeth, just laugh at them and they'll go away to bully a single Mother for some money.

    I hate the fact that I have debts. I hate the fact that they hindered the early part of my adult life.... but frankly, now I just don't give a shit. If you owe the government money, pay up or else. If you owe a bank money, up 2 you what you do. If you can pay it off, then you have self respect and the moral high ground. If you can't, I wouldn't worry about it.

    Always repay a debt to a friend.

  6. Stop trying to justify not paying.

    Having said that, tell 'em to **** off, or better still, don't tell 'em anything.

    Having having said that, it's only 1600 quid. Pay it off for your peace of mind.

    Having having having said that, why send 1600 quid for them to drop it into their cash ocean when you could spend it on yourself/family/loved ones/beer and whores.

    I wouldn't get yourself in a twist. Your debt is puny compared to others, including mine.

  7. Still in Essex :D , still slaving to finance the move abroad :D , but AM slowly getting there :o . Wonder if I'll still look this good when I finally do it? :D

    Funny you should say that. I've been doing the thick end of 100 hours a week recently and it's starting to show in my face and overall sense of well being. I feel like sh1t. :D

    Yeah, watch those 100-hour weeks, Flummoxed; probably earning decent money but it definitely takes its toll, especially if you're under any stress in your job. I did 100-hour weeks for about 2 months a while back and it took me months and months to get over it...zombie-like. If and when the body becomes fatigued it can take years to overcome.

    Perhaps I should post in the health section. Indeed, I've gone downhill badly since starting this thread. Getting ulcers along my gums, only managing to sleep 3 hours a day even though I'm really tired, dizzy and weak..... trouble is, if I have any time off, I'll lose the contract I've got. Stuck between a rock and a hard place I guess. :D

  8. The majority of tourists don't follow Thai news like we do. It will take a couple of years to see the effects of these closing times, after which a couple of seasons worth of tourists will be resentfull at having been sent home early like children when on holiday... word will spread, tourists go elsewhere. Mark my words.

  9. My monk issued wrist band serves to reming me of my sweetheart, who has an identical one issued by the same monk over a year ago and I like to think it brings me good luck...

    ... but boy oh boy does it stink! Despite regular and diligent scrubbing in the shower, it wiffs something rotten sometimes, particularly when it gets wet.

    Any tips on avoiding this problem? How do the Thai's do it?

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