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Posts posted by mrukman

  1. Anyone read the bkk post this morning, now the local police chief is saying WE are trying to put thailand in a bad light and trying to damage the tourism industry what a pathetic excuse and face saving bullshit. and the governor he's on the bandwagon now saying some clips were editered by a third party to make the thais look bad talk about shifting the blame there making it worse for themselves if they cant face the truth they shouldn't be in the job. who is telling lie's Gavin Hill who has written signatures from all those who took part with there permission. Or the governor and police or tot shitting themselves because there in a tourist meltdown.

  2. I got scammed last year on the bangla in the bar with the freezer in it. The scam went someting like this you go in get a beer and if you fancy it go through into the freezer and get a shot. Cant exactly remember the price but its around 250 baht if there is a member of staff in with you which there must be to give you the shot, he or she has 1 as well so your paying for there shot as well. When later on if you go back and youv'e had a few beers 2 maybe 3 are in there with you, and you guessed it your hit with a bar bill of 2-3 thousand baht once you and your mates have paid your bar bill and the staffs freebie.

  3. This thread is about being ripped off by thieve's and bullys not about the integrity of armed force's if you want to go down that route that scammer pulled the same scam on US marines a few days later. were those marines a bunch of spineless woosie's as well, im not using any card wanderer but can you explain to me and living in Los why all the thais that post on this are saying its a set, up and all an act in front of the camera, and why are the phuket governors crapping themselves because they been finaly been exposed for what they are, and as a final question wanderer why in your opinion do they want the program canned.

  4. You wouldn't happen to be thai would you wonderer what a pathetic post you just posted. Let me assure you if there were no cameras about JJ and his thugs would have been waking up in Patong hospital. When was the last time 1 thai fought 1 farang a simple question, deserve's a simple answear thaiwander. We all know the thai way of bravery and showing balls.

  5. Now Now Tao now you should know that it is against the law to ride around without a helmet its makes no difference if your only on the beach rd or a busy road, the tarmac will feel the same if your head hits it. You realy have no argument on here it was your own fault you know the rules and laws regarding helmets, plus with the standard of thai road users id wear 1 if i was screwing round my garden.

  6. I started the original thread and yes im a Brit yes i was a frequent visitor to patong yes i like a drink and have fun i have read the post's and it sickens me that we brits are slagged off a piss head whoremongering trouble makers. All the so called brits that live in the LOS are i believe not brits but people jumping on the brit bashing wagon. Lets just have a quick think here where was the beer mat thief from in patong dont remember a brit or brits being chased down the beach rd. Where was the guy from just nicked at swampy with the ecstasy stashed in his undies from, where were the 2 prisoners just executed from need i go on. The tread was about safety not brit bashing, to say we ride about drunk is totally arrogance is it not the fact that most fatalities are caused by locals riding on the wrong side of the road sometimes coming straight at you or the fact the locals ride about at night without lights on or the truck drivers driving vehicles with defective brake's then running off when there is an accident, i could go on and on. These are facts not fiction, was it not the governor of phuket said we get more trouble and bad behaviour from the aussie tourists. Not many brits mentioned there was there. How many young brits in the last year have comitted ( suicide) from throwing themselves from balconies, not a single 1 of you that live there in phuket have mentioned your gun murders in the last 2 monthes, so its ok to have a shootout in a resort full of tourists. or take out 3 men sat having a beer. is Thailand dangerouse ask the guy in phi phi who was drugged and robbed last week. Incidently there with his wife not a brit lager lout.

  7. I just don't see a guy that age thinking he can bring forged currency into thailand and like a few posters say i smell a scam somewhere not from the poor brit. I also notice the local rag aimed at tourists and locals have also carried it on there front page pity there not that fast at reporting on the murders and shootings, which takes a while if any to reach there page's.

  8. Iv'e noticed the 1s that live in phuket or near patong seem to think there are no problems with a shootout on the beach rd in full view of tourists, could it be that your used to it now because its a daily occurence. or are you blinkered by the mai pen rai attitude. I thought thai visa was democratic but post's that cast doub't on your belove'd island seem to disapear on a reguler basis when news everyone should be aware of gets deleted or locked like my previouse post on this subject. I stated that the crime wave and gangland shooting had nothing to do with the economic climate we are suffering too in England but we do not have men turning up and taking out people over a dispute or a shootout on the streets in Blackpool. You cannot hide behind the facet that is phuket the land of smiles it is a currupt crime ridden lawless island where the mafia rule the roost not the governer or police. How long are we betting the latest murderer is formally charged. Or will it be the pakistani gangster they let out on bail when he attempted to take a buisness partner out scenario again. What have the local plod done about that 1 or have the put it under the carpet hoping the locals will forget about there pathetic way of solving high duty crime. Yes welcome to the land of smile's or should it be the land of smiling assasins.

  9. Here we go he will be out on bail soon he wasn't in full control so let out on bail. When he drove to the home of the workers or when he got out of his van walked over and cooly shot them 1 after the other id say he knew exactly what he was goung to do. Lets see how long it takes a minister to come out with the favorite " no cause for concern tourism will not be affected".

  10. Got it in 1 Philnz the attitude of the local rag is the same as the local's attitude mai pen rai. if its kept hush hush people wont know and we can can carry on scamming tourists. A local paper aimed at falang's should give the correct information and news instead of being manipulated by people in a higher posistion. As for the po;ice making arrest's thats all about saving face and let you think there on the case. Was there not protest's in karon by locals and falangs about the lack and police action on solving crimes and wasn't a warning issued that they will surround the police station. If the governor doesn't do anything. When someone is aressted for attempted murder they let them out on bail not thinking about the victim. This is how the local plod work if you have a handy atm even a murder charge can be bought off. Lets not forget we are talking about a holiday isle where familys with children holiday not the mean streets of LA. cant remember a shoot out in broad daylight in Blackpool, or 4 men shot in the head a safe place ??? nah your dreaming or in denial. The answear to deal with a dispute in phuket is get the gun out got nothing to do with economic downturn. Answear 1 question Markg out of all the seriouse incidents in the last 6 monthe's how many have been charged and took off the streets.

  11. Simple answear fiddlehead its called propaganda. Tell the punters what you want them to hear and everything will be ok. To the locals who live in the wild west they have to live with it ME i want a long haul destination i can chill out and have a good time relax get a tan and not look over my shoulder for a guy, wanting to settle a dispute with a gun. When the locals try and defend Phuket that is what they are trying to defend phuket, we are talking about a holiday resort not phuket in general. All the shootings are around or near to holiday resorts where familys holiday. This is what they don't want you to know about a well known farang paper on phuket would rather tell you about an open day in a village rather than print news that if it got out will damage the impression of phuket. propaganda in a nutshell. Very soon we in the uk will get a warning on travel to phuket, markg has stated that phuket is as safe as anywhere, when was the last time 3 locals were shot in a holiday destination. I holiday in a resort area such as patong kata and karon these areas are now where all the shootings and crime are on the increase its ok trying to defend the area where you live but im afraid the facts do not lie. Phuket is a dangerouse place its reputation is now global a place to avoid sad.

  12. Having read the post's it has been said many times on here Phuket ie Patong has become the wild west where a shoot out is the answear either in broad daylight or evening it makes no difference in the ok coral. Markg why have the local police not got any further on the murder of the falang at the tesco- lotus murder 6 monthes ago, have any arrest's been made on the patong shootout last month, has an arrest been made on the 19 yr shot 2 weeks ago in Rawai. No is the answear The poster asked is Phuket safe I presume he mean's the holiday resorts like Patong Kata Karon not a city. The answear facts and figures will tell you 1 by suicide but otherwise 5 possibly 6 gunshot murders in or around the resort will tell you how safe it is. Curruption, crime, scams you can keep your belove'd tropical paradise for me it is the old wild west.

  13. yes indeed mister man better be quick the'y dont like bad publicity and for some reason Post's on thai visa get locked when some informative post's like this 1 is not looked upon as it should be. This is a forum where 1 should be able to voice opinions in a democratic way. If thet do not agree with negative post's they can simply ignore them. But when a paper that is oriantated mainly at Falang and expats in the English community prints this kind of drivel and propaganda from the TOT they should tell the truth not what there told to print. The truth hurts sometimes but if the editor or reporters reported the true picture of Phuket however painfull it is to hear they would gain more respect in my opinion. And not as it is seen now as a comic and a propaganda tool for tourism. The last time i looked at gazette tv they were reporting and filming the grand opening of the Sound niteclub in Patong. Im sure the older members want to see that why didn't they send a crew down to the jintana and interview some holidaymakers who had to run for there live's with there kids from the shootout. Now that is reporting not the flash opening of a new club.

  14. While looking at t/v today i thought I would look at the latest news from phuket and see if there was any furher information on the shootout, and see if the police are on there tail. Not even mentioned there headline was Patong best performer in the tourist downturn.

    What a load of crap they ( p/gazz) spent a full page on a report from the president of PTA Mr somboon Sirayus Spewing the same old nonsense that Phuket ie Patong is not struggleing, and he expects more charter flights in Oct to push the tourism up. Even though this month figures show a drop of 22% on last year. Does the editor Seriousely expect you to believe this properganda or is it the ( Tell them a pack of lie's and they will believe it logic). Everything they print tantamounts to unrealisticly telling of the truth. We all know the state of the tourism industry in phuket but to try and tell us everything is good is wrong or do they the P/G think you will believe this claptrap. On the same page a suspected pakistani on bail for attempted murder has done a runner, Surprise Surprise to the local jurisdiction service. Why was he even allowed out on bail, or was it because he owns the Chain of Ali Baba resturants on the island. What are the local expats thoughts on the local rag. Are they a seriouse paper for expats or a tool for the goverment.

  15. Softwater are you thai, you seem to be siding with scammers which side are you on falang or thai. This guy has peoples lives in his hands when he is at work so i doubt very much he will be seeking in your words his 15 min fame. We all know what happens in a thailand if yoy stand your ground. The iffence you were not guilty od suddenly escalates and you find your self in prison waiting for a court date there goes your flight home your job might go as well when the employer knows your in a thai jail. So in reality you can only complain in the safety of your own country. What about the bike scam in patters where the girl jumps on the back of your bike and the local plod who just happens to be infront of you claims you have girl on bike you pay 500 bht no helmet even if she is thai your the stung because your falang. So stop siding with the enemy and support your fellow falangs if your not thai.

  16. So Steve roberts when you work hard and you finance your new life in Phuket will you still have the same attitude when your scammed leaving the airport on-route to your dream destination, and once there you will be double priced and ripped off at every opportunity and when you jump in a Tuk Tuk for a 50 yd journey you are going to be stung for 200 bht. And if by any chance you start a succesfull buisness that will be took from you by force if you dont pay the big boys, are you getting the true picture yet of your dream destination because if that is the way your thinking you and your financies will soon be parted in the land of smiles.

  17. Well said Geriatrickkid the fact remains that it is a holiday resort and it is not acceptable to say its thais shooting thais if something isnt done a tourist will be caught up soon its a fact. I live in the uk but i have been comeing to patong for six years i helped clean up after the tsunami so i know what im talking about. The governer, the police are not in charge the mafia is. Like 1 poster said give it a few weeks and it will blow over, this seems to be the attitude of the locals there mai pen rai attitude. What has happened about the locals protesting about crime the other month have they noticed a change, from the latest attacks it would appear not. Its ok saying crime is worldwide and yes we have a gun culture here England. In places like Blackpool we dont have shootouts in front of tourists or in Skegness. When is action going to be taken to try and pull patong back, and drive out the greed, the scammers, the mafia, the double pricing. Why does the new governor not act on these problems or is his attitude mai pen rai also.

    Its about time you contacted the mayor directly and force him to accept the truth that the paradise that was Patong has gone and what is he going to do about it. The time to act is now while the major security officials are gathered there for the summit.

  18. We are not interested what happens in other place's like copenhagen , oakland , venice beach etc we are talking about Patong beach phuket. This is supposed to be the pearl of the Andaman buts its turning out to be the wild west with gangland shootings in broad daylight in full view of tourists with children. What you forget is people that do come to patong or not all sex tourists, there are family's. Is it the mai pen rai attitude that allows gunmen to turn up and start shooting, in a supposedly resort. One poster i presume thai said 1 phone call to the local police will help, they know the perpetraitors but they did nothing, a few days ago in phuket city 3 thugs went on the rampage in a condo trying to break down doors looking for a falang to kill because 1 of the thugs was armed with a knife these 3 were seen chatting to a local cop outside and they were laughing about it, the police say it wasn't important to send officers to the scene. full report on phuketwan. Must be nice for expats living there knowing that you are expendable. Give me 10 good reasons to visit your pearl and i will give you 20 reasons why i will never return to your crime ridden pearl of the Andaman face facts your mai pen rai has put you in the DDS.

  19. Who in there right minds would want to holiday with there family in a resort ( ha ha) where the mafia run the roost and curruption and scams are the norm. From now on its back to greece for me no chance of getting caught in a gangland shootout on kos or Rhodes. I pity the falangs that have to live in patong and have to put up with that crap day in day out. Even if you do make a succses of something your threatened to hand it over or else. When is the mafia Tuk Tuk boss getting his extra 170 new tuk tuks he has requested. Simple question to the thais reading this = scammed at the airport with the full jurisdiction of the police, no action taken yet on this practice to ease falangs worry's double priced because we are westerners, treated as illegals if we live there, and have to report montly like a common criminal , and the latest shoot outs in a populer resort during the daytime, what would have happened if a falang child would have been hit, you just dont give a toss its just money and greed. When this hits the uk and it will it will drive your nail further and it is what you deserve LOS more like land of scum.

  20. Imho the thais need to stop accepting that curruption is ok and accepted as the norm. And then sort out those thieve's and scammers king power. Yes we are aware of the airport scam now, yet another nail in your already heavy coffin. I assume thais read this forum so do they think this is an acceptable way of treating people that have, or will be putting food on there table, when visiting or leaving thailand. Do you think people will return when they have just been robbed at the new airport.

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