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Posts posted by spidermike007

  1. The shooter is supposedly an ex soldier. Just another reason not to get involved in, or start wars for political reasons. Besides the trillions spent, what have we accomplished in Iraq or Afghanistan, which is not 70% controlled by the Taliban. 


    When a nation declares war, and sends hundreds of thousands of it's young men overseas to fight, and is not prepared to take care of them when they return, what happens? Some of these guys lose it, and when there is no help, incidents like this are bound to happen. The US was woefully unprepared for the veterans returning home, and how they have been treated has been a travesty. It currently takes up to 9 months to see a shrink, through the VA system. If a guy is going insane, what does he do? Who does he see? If his government does not care, who does? 

    • Thanks 2
  2. 57 minutes ago, bristolboy said:

    The thing is, Trump's appointment of Whittaker is certainly unconstitutional. And if anything conservative justices and legal scholars are virtually unanimous on this point. The Constitution explicitlyl says that the President nominates and the Senate confirms all "Principal Officers". A principle officer being one who answers only to the President. So unless conservative justice pull a 180 - and I think even for them that would be a stretch in this case - Whittaker is just a few steps away from being unappointed and disappointed.

    Has the constitution ever stopped Trump before? He is no respecter of laws. The real question is, will the newly elected democratic house use their political capital to go after godzilla? Before he tears down the nation?


    Tiny Don. The art of moving America backwards, and lowering the quality of life for the average American. 

    The art of I cannot make a deal to save my life. 

    The art of attempting to lead a nation, while being infected with the thinnest skin of a world leader, in history. 

    The art of not having a diplomatic bone in his body, and destroying long held alliances, with hate, hubris and a horrible lack of intelligence, vision and talent.


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  3. WE need to do our part. Bring plastic or good, strong bags whenever we shop. And absolutely refuse to buy plastic water bottles. They are a huge culprit. 


    I bring stainless steel or bpa free bottles with me wherever I go. I always bring my own water to restaurants unless they serve water from the 20 liter bottles in pitchers. Nobody ever complains. 


    We simply cannot complain about plastic and the environment, and then do absolutely nothing to prevent the coming catastrophe. We must take some responsibility. 

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  4. Lame duck donny finally has some limitations on his insane reign of terror.


    One small step for man. One giant leap for mankind. 


    Enjoy your last 26 months. They will be your last in politics. You have a zero percent chance of being re-elected and your business empire is crumbling due to your hatred, hubris, racist rants and nonsense. You despise all things brown. You are the true definition of a pig little Donny. 


    Many of us hope he ends up in prison after he finishes terrorizing the planet. Unlikely. But deserving and possible. 

    • Like 1
  5. 7 hours ago, Opl said:

    Fake Truth by Trump Administration 

    White House Accused of Using Doctored Infowars Video to Justify Acosta Ban

    The White House has been accused of using a doctored video made by far-right outlet Infowars to defend its decision Wednesday to revoke CNN reporter Jim Acosta’s press credentials. "


    President Trump Clashes with CNN's Jim Acosta, Other Journalists at Fiery Press Conference

    "Later, he criticized PBS reporter Yamiche Alcindor for asking a “racist question.” Alcindor, who is black, asked whether Trump thought his declaration during the campaign that he’s a “nationalist” had emboldened white supremacists who call themselves “white nationalists.”


    White House Correspondents Association Slams Trump

    “If there was anybody behaving inappropriately on Tuesday, it was the huffing and puffing man standing behind the podium with the presidential seal plastered on it. “At the end of the day, today’s incident showed that it’s Donald Trump – not a hardworking journalist – who should be denied entry into the White House.”


    Trump Repeatedly Claims Not to Understand Certain Accents.  The president seemed to have more trouble than ever communicating with foreign  reporters.

    There is by now a familiar pattern to President Donald Trump’s news conferences: He loudly proclaims his victories and deal-making prowess; dismisses reporters he believes are unfair to him; and rails against policies he doesn’t like. And so it was on Tuesday—with an addition: The president had trouble understanding anyone with a foreign accent.  


    Lock him up! Throw away the keys. 

    • Sad 1
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  6. 18 hours ago, Patriot1066 said:

    He’s should be just as is say what he thinks it’s great an honest person in the White House 


    That is hilarious. Are you going to take your shtick onto the road? Trump honest? He was involved in 3,600 lawsuits, at the time he took office. Probably the most of any human being in history. Is that your definition of honest? The hundreds of millions he stole from small contractors, to get himself into this lawsuits. Honest? The five companies he bankrupted, walking away from billions in debt. Honest? The lies he tells about the media. Honest? Please enlighten us, as to what is honest about this liar in chief? Please. 


    Today's election results were one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind.

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  7. 20 hours ago, Nyezhov said:

    "Tiny" Don. Yep. See what I mean.


    If Hillary, if Hillary if Hillary had done this or that. Equally as plausible is the fact that the people were not satified and were looking for a change.


    'Foul" reign. See what I mean.


    Spending is only bad when Repubs do it. But hey, lets have free college tuition and medicaid for all.


    If the Dems flip the House, oh well, tells us nothing. Thats what happens in off years. If they dont?

    Today's election results were one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind.

    • Haha 1
  8. 13 hours ago, Nyezhov said:

    Terms like "evil", "hooligan", "crime", "rabid dog" sure do a lot to bridge the gap between the 63 million who voted for President Trump and those who didnt. ????????????????


    Seems that most of the invective flows towards the President rather than from him. But thats politically correct invective, thats OK. He deserves "prison" after a "lifetime of crime", but "Lock her Up"....thats horrific! Deplorable.

    Being the lesser of two terrible choices is not quite the mandate Tiny Don has interpreted it as. If Hillary had avoided even a simple mistake like the statement about the deplorables, that would have been 3 million more votes and the election right there. If the DNC had not screwed up so badly by scorning Bernie that might have been the election, since more of his supporters would have been willing to vote for Hillary, despite how toxic she was. Trump needs to be stopped. His foul reign must end before he bankrupts the nation. He is spending like a reckless Dem. The deficit is ballooning under his lack of leadership. 


    Hopefully the nation will regain it's senses tomorrow. Lame Duck Don. 

  9. 1 hour ago, Sir Dude said:

    This is a total facepalm. They do not need big data...what they need is the retraining of Thai teachers in high school so that when a student gets to university after 12 years of studying English in a classroom they are not confused by someone saying something about the present simple, which is subject+verb 1, or being able to respond to a simple question.


    So true. Occasionally I am approached by young kids who want to practice their English. It is so refreshing. So bold and assertive. But what percent do something like that? Most are beyond timid and scared to death to try. How on earth can they learn anything without giving it a whirl in the real world? Guess most are not taught to be bold and fearless! 


    Part of the issue is that most of their English teachers barely speak any English, unless these students are fortunate enough to get a foreign teacher. But then they are back to an inadequate, unmotivated, arrogant, self important Thai teacher the next year. 

  10. Nobody in their right mind would allow a total stranger to either see where he hid his key or see the combination to the safe. This guy is the very definition of a fool. Also try not to leave a drink unattended and never accept a drink from a stranger. He broke all the rules. 


    Guys like this give foreigners a bad reputation. What did WC Fields say about these guys?

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