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    For the moment Physically in Norway, mentally in Thailand

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  1. ????...What on eart could possible heart the image of Nigeria ....?... ????
  2. RE - If your daughter would come home with this guy, what would be your first idea: * ???? ...that this kind of liking must come from her mothers side ...
  3. ????... don't judge by looks neither by backpack, but rather its contents ...
  4. RE - I wonder how she survived during the Covid period with little or no tourists nor locals moving around to give her funds? * Well - back then she was a bit younger and the gasolin a lot cheaper ... ????
  5. Does it exist a single honest insurance company - if so, pls advice ...
  6. RE - she allegedly did have cover, how did the insurance wiggle out of payment ? * The answer to your question may be found under 1.9 GENERAL EXCLUSIONS TO CARD TRAVEL INSURANCE We may assume that a blood test was taken on arrival at the hospital, so it is most likely point 12 that has been used as a basis for the refusal - something that unfortunately has turned out to be a regular occurrence on holiday trips in particular ... https://www.americanexpress.com/content/dam/amex/uk/benefits/UK-Platinum-insurance-documentation-July21.pdf
  7. RE - Jo's boyfriend was not as seriously hurt in the crash and is still in Thailand helping to look after her. * He should consider to travel back home working to cover the bill instead of add up the bill holding her hand in LOS ...
  8. ???? In the bigger picture - Clearly not only negative for Laos ... China Remains the Largest Foreign Investor in Laos - Laotian Times
  9. It might be that it also should compensate for the lack of facemask .... ????
  10. Not only wimen but also us men seem to be a desirable species - after all ... ????
  11. RE - When the younger woman stormed off Tang went after her with a knife she'd brought and stabbed her once. * Who brings knives to a restaurant unless you are intending to use it elsewhere than on the plate ... ????
  12. RE - After some time, the foreign man calmed down and allowed rescuers to treat the nail scratches on his body. * ???? The article didn't mention anything about a cat?
  13. The Thai edition of Muppet show never disappoints ....
  14. RE - Thailand and Indonesia could soon become home for some lucky Aussies * Wonder who will be the luckiest of those 3 - Thailand, Indonesia or the Aussies ....????
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