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Posts posted by MAGS75

  1. 4 hours ago, Old Croc said:

    The many differences in sight, sound and smell from the old country makes life here a continuing journey of discovery.


    When the wife enters the driveway I can tell that durian season has begun purely using my olfactory organ. A neighbor more than 40 meters away has an even more sensitive nose and quickly arrives ready to partake in the feasting. 

    The pungent aromas of the local farmer burning rubbish often punctuate the evenings smells.


    I know I've left the nanny state far behind when the lads on their unmufflered bikes start their nightly drag races on nearby roads. The cacophony of the fighting cocks in the nearby farm lulls me off to sleep every night. Such sounds are forbidden where I came from.

    As a kid a yearly highlight was Guy Fawkes night when we got to set off skyrockets and use explosives to blow up disliked neighbors letterboxes. OK, a few kids lost the occasional finger, but they shouldn't have banned it for everybody!  Here, every night can be Guy Fawkes night and adults get to play like kids! (Temporarily toned down for the mourning period)


    I like the fact that you don't have to venture out to observe wildlife. 

    Eagles and hawks circle overhead, and flying ants periodically swarm to your lights if you leave the door open at the wrong time. Geckos, frogs and toads come to gorge.

    Last year a 4' cobra came into the living room to elicit a riot.  Millipedes march steadfastly around the house searching for who knows what. Occasionally their lessor footed, but fleeter of foot, cousins dash in and get dashed into oblivion. A couple of nights ago I found myself wondering why there was a large dead leaf on the blind in the bathroom, it turned out to be a butterfly heavily in disguise! 

    I once found myself entertained by a lost firefly blinking it's way around the darkened bedroom and never quite learning that the overhead fan should be avoided. Large, ugly squirrels run along the power lines and pilfer from fruit trees. Bats swoop on the pool for a drink. Buffalo and egrets wander the nearby fields and a couple of months ago an elephant sauntered past the house.

    Colourful, hairy and exotic looking caterpillars abound in the garden, but find themselves all called  "worms"  by the family gardener and put down, in much the same way western men are classified and treated in the home country.


    I wouldn't go back to the inanity of my former life under any circumstance.


    wow, I could read your stories all day, what a lovely  post.Thankyou.

  2. If this is only in the "test" stage then why is it shown to the public on the Immigration website? It would be nice if Immigration would clarify whether the online reporting can be used now or if they are still only officially accepting in person and mail-in reports for the time being.

    It can be used if you can complete the online registration which apparently works sometimes and sometimes does not. That is what they are fixing, this is great news be grateful.

    This is great news ,hope people can do it soon and have some feed backclap2.gif

  3. The ONLY way to keep total control of any population is to make sure they do not ever gain knowledge. Censoring is one such way of a fearful government or power to keep total control. FEAR usually works for a while but in the end it fails. It fails in economic and other ways. At present there seems to be one face stating FOREIGNERS want to come and INVEST in Thailand and on the ground, the actions are those of total determent - making it so HARD and difficult to actually do anything.

    This will fail as people leave. maybe not a lot of posters here but business and bigger money interests who will just get fed up and go to where the levels are more even to play.

    So are you saying that the Internet Service Providers are striving for total control of the population ?

    And good luck to the businesses who pack up and leave Thailand in search of greener pastures. Ask people who have done business in places like China, Vietnam, Cambodia, Indonesia etc. what obstacles they came across. Ask them how level was the playing field. whistling.gif

    It's DEAD here on Phuket and reports suggest the rest of the country has in the morgue. Upside is overbuilding's come to a halt and nature is been given a chance to replenish itself. So hoping 'people doing business' ergo, wrecking these countries' natural resources in search of the dwindling buck, are likewise sytmied. And they say the downturn in tourism's a bad thing. And pleeze, no posters with the 'but but how will they feed their families? faux handwringing). Same as they did before's my best guest.

    its busy as in koh phangan

  4. For all those that supported the removal of a democratically elected government can you now say hand on heart that this is a better option. You are all very quiet now the reality of what was going to happen has sunk in. Dont worry we have all gobbed off, about things we know nothing about. We forgive you


    better the devil you know .than the devil you dont

  5. Does anyone know if the party scheduled for 26th (today) will still happen? And does anyone know how I can become a Whatchamacallit? Hehe. Good Ole military rule. Scary eye too Toto. Frankly I like the Black moon and Half moon parties. Hella.. I can count on my big toe how many parties I have been too that didn't have drugs in the States.. I think that was my 12th birthday.

    Blackmoon Party is on now, I can see the lights and hear the music,never used to hear it but now its in the jungle high up on a hill ;it was the only noise to be heard as we had a black out for an hour crazy rain and wind ooops going off topic .he he he

  6. So instead of targeting the thai drug dealers on the island who supply the drugs, better to just ban all the parties all together, damaging all the legitimate businesses and targeting the vast majority of tourists which will never touch any of the thai peddled drugs. Typical Thailand, always foreigners fault somehow

    Well the shiva moon party went ahead last night and black moon party is still on on the 26 .........whistling.gif

  7. Hopefully this means it's lifted on Phangan as well; I haven't been able to sleep with the sound of thousands of soldiers marching on the streets all night.

    Phangan is definitely not on the list which means... well nothing apart from 7/11 closing early.

    Well I think everyone thinks it must be lifted here too, as I have seen the halfmoon advertising boards been put up around the island today...

  8. all 7 11 closed in kp also we had to close our noodle shop at 10 pm NEVER THOUGHT THIS WOULD HAPPEN IN K.PHANGAN . good night


    Who forced you to close your noodle shop?

    The chief of police,but last night he just drove passed ,so we kept open till 1 am.But the night he told us to close we went in to Thongsala and all the Thai food places were open ..... See what shall happen tonight,all 7/11 and lady bars and bars were closed last night at 10 pm.

  9. wow that's a lot of money for only one convenience store .. maybe next time they could count the money in some discreet places ...and not on the counter . the devil was tempted ...

    "...the devil was tempted ."

    Just good luck he happened to be carrying a handgun? Some people might think that implied premeditation, but not here at the Thai Visa Farang Fantasy Factory Forensic Team.

    Wish I could vote for quote of the day , ''but not here at The Thai Visa Farang Fantasy Factory Forensic Team.....555. classic

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  10. wow that's a lot of money for only one convenience store .. maybe next time they could count the money in some discreet places ...and not on the counter . the devil was tempted ...

    "...the devil was tempted ."

    Just good luck he happened to be carrying a handgun? Some people might think that implied premeditation, but not here at the Thai Visa Farang Fantasy Factory Forensic Team.

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