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Posts posted by asinah

  1. I know many English teachers that work at schools but you should have told them that you have to go for your visa run.

    Do we, as foreigners, have any rights in this country anyway, except of leaving it ? (I could tell many more stories as how employers, both government and private tried to cheat me and colleagues...)

    I guess your problem is that you are in a deal with a snakehead (A job broker for English teaching - I guess he charges around 42,000 B and gives you 22k)

    As long you are willing to work for snakeheads don't be surprised at all.

    TIS (This is Thailand) :o

  2. yes george and the other admins have worked hard. congratulations

    software wise, its nice to see considering the amount of traffic the mySQL database seems to be holding up.


    MySQL traffic isn't a problem at all. You can run 2 million users per month through mySQL as long your hardware supports it and you have the bandwidth available. :o

  3. Khun Jean,

    What went wrong? I trusted the wrong guys I guess. I was the COO of a larger company based in Software Park. Part of my deal was that I would receive 30% of the Thai company and 30% of the US company. My partner was a German professor in AIT who was the CEO of the company but only came every 2-3 months to the office.

    I hired 12 staffs as requested by the CEO and disagreed on many issues such as wasting capital on importing Italian furnitures, the latest finger scan entry system for access to our offices etc. - Then came 9/11 and my partner instructed me to fire all Thai staffs because he found that in Viet nam the girls are more nice and cheaper as well.

    I disagreed with him on so many issues. BTW: This chap didn't know shit about the internet or information technology but was the highest paying lecturer at AIT with over 350,000 Baht in montly pay and many white papers that I wrote ended up on his work at AIT. He even emailed around my personal photos with Khun Thanksin without my permission. (Thanks God Khun Anand who is the chairman of AIT, never renewed his contract)

    So on the end I told him to buy my shares back. I found out by then that my Thai shares were not lodged with the commerce minstry and I had a peace of paper from one of those Thai nominees that held shares for 1.2 million Baht. The US shares I still have but I doubt that they are registered in New Jersey. Any way the business is dead now for the AIT lecturer and he is pendling now around Bangkok and Rangoon.

    My advise for anyone that want to open a company ! Find yourself a lawyer to setup the company. Don't trust anyone (of course your wife can be trusted after all you married her).

    So how did I recover? No more meetings with Thai's or Expats and by clocking my 16 horus a day in work.

    BTW: Khun Jean, what database application do you develop? I was too a developer of databases apps such as Oracle, Informix and MySQL

  4. I am working from home and I am on a NI visa. I am staying in Thailand with my wife and daughters and all my icome is generated from outside of Thailand.

    I am still doing sometimes application development but no longer handle local businesses within Thailand but only from East Asia and the EU.

    It worked well out but it can get messy when yo start setting up companies with 7 local directors. (Was burned 2 times in the past)

    Good luck :o

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