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Posts posted by HakimKlunker

  1. Does anyone know why bikes are being sold as new with free service coupons removed from the book?

    In the sales contract you will most likely not find the mentioning of free service coupons, but only free service.

    Certainly they will sell you the coupons for a small surcharge.


    (Unless one is aged below 14, he should know that a person who deals with wheeled items cannot be trusted :) )

  2. "If any of you guys has a chance to buy a few of these silly drinks to support a hard working and honest local you should consider a very small investment into the community. " (Mai Krap)

    Basically I agree with you.

    My tooth ache: I would not want to support a trickster.

  3. ...any ideas ... ?

    Did you ask your relatives? What do THEY want?

    If your in-laws do not have the idea and concept themselves, my suggestion is this:

    1. Give them the money in cash

    2. Don't expect to see it again

    3. Feel a positive surprise if it works

    I have a feeling that I already know the result

  4. Also, I don't speak a lot of Thai and whenever I visit other places, nobody tends to speak English or French or Hindi or Spanish. What cities do you girls (and boys) think are good for living? I work at home so I do not rely on finding an outside job, just a nice place to live.

    Good places for living? If you think about cultivated, intelligent, interesting, etc. people: Better leave Thailand. I met not even ten of them up to now and 9 1/2 of them were foreigners.

    I will run as soon as my work life is over here and then I return to civilisation! Until then, internet will help me not to forget proper grammar, spelling and complete sentences.

  5. Just print out and save a copy of this news article, and the guy's announcement.

    And then, the next time any Thai lady asks you to give her money to buy land and build a house for her family, just whip out the article and say... NO CAN DO....

    After all, it's against the law!!! :)

    Extremely good point. May I suggest to extend the restriction to wider family support and in-law cattle?

  6. That is what will happen when you have never driven a Bike and than rent one when you are on holiday.

    It is maybe a good idea to restrict rental-bikes to a reasonable power. Even if a tourist does not like it: it maybe saves his life. People who live here for longer may have larger sizes. I heard of countries where a license starts with restricted bike-size and on fulfilled approbation you can upgrade. I cannot advise T/land for issuing laws; on a common sense base, something can be arranged volontarily maybe.

    In the end it is individual: each of us kills hisself according to his own taste.

    I do not pity the dead driver. I feel sympathy with the other guy.

  7. ...Lets gossip about gossiping!...

    I use to make it a game:

    Tell one group of people one story; tell a different group different facts.

    Then lean back and watch them arguing about who knows it better.

    Gossiping seemingly is natural - and entertaining

  8. Immigration will be closed on the 1st of May.

    ... Your new employer should know or has somebody hired that knows what is needed if they have hired non Thais before...

    Depends... In my company we have a Thai HR manager and since years we employ expats. But she not really has an idea and although we occupy an agent additionally, there were a couple of hick-ups. Meanwhile I guess that I know more about it than her - and that is little enough.

    Maybe a good idea for you to estimate the mental potential of your own two companies in question? (Emm: does a navy count as company?)

  9. I suppose the festival has been exploited and turned into something it's not really supposed to be so that people can make money from it in one form or another and this is where things become distorted but this sadly seems to be a sign of the times we live in.

    God, i sound like my Dad.

    Take it easy: we don't get younger :o . What is wrong? If people can accept Santa Coca Cola as a Christmas detail, then Songkran is not really a perversion.

  10. ...My only inconvience was that my regular coffee cafe closed one-day for the Songkran holiday and I had to have instant coffee at home :o

    I feel with you: Getting soaked is something we can accept; but being left without coffee is a crime!!!! :D:D

    (This comes from the heart from a fellow-coffee lover)

  11. ... Several times I was stopped and asked by a Thai person if they could pour a little water over me and put a little paste on my forehead. At no time was I threatened by water pump guns...

    ...Then I was threatened by a large, much younger Farange with a Large Water Pump Gun...

    ...Why are faranges allowed to take part in this religious ceremony...

    ...Why have faranges no respect, like the Thai people have, for the elderly...


    Men do not quit playing because they grow old; they grow old because they quit playing.

    (Oliver Wendell)

    5star.gifThumbsUp.gifThumbsDwn.gifHe who learns but does not think, is lost! He who thinks but does not learn is in great danger.


    Personally I think that a foreigner faking to be a native is somewhat ridiculous.

    On the other hand: let them have fun and stay away if you (we) don't like it.

    But young Farangs with pump guns? I would expext that rather in Bagdad :o Are you sure that your memory does not fail you?

    Respect for the elderly indeed is a problem (me included): There was a similar complaint from Greece recently. I do not remember if it was Plato or Sokrates...

  12. So much talk about how to change or not to change people's attitude.

    A local majority seems not to have an intention for 'improvements' - so: why even try a mission impossible?

    Better change our own attitude and adapt. I saw many comments of staying at home: good solution until the fridge is empty.

    And everyone here seems to know the 'weaknesses' of Thai drivers, so it should be easy to be prepared for it and to avoid the most dangerous situations. Obviously we can not avoid that others die or get injured. So look after ourselves first. Isn't it somehow 'survival of the fittest' in a high tech environment? To all these people who know-it-all I say: You never made a scratch to your own vehicle? Prove first that you are superiour before you judge others. And what was your own approach to improve - apart from just talking about it.

    Maybe someone finds a statistic of the share of foreigners in traffic accidents in Thailand. And to end with a positive statement: It could be worse -


    It seems safest to live as a long distance truck driver on Wake Island.

  13. "A car is usually not dangerous in itself", "whoever does not see his/her responsibility to the public", "such a person does not care about the interests of others" BUT "Funny that I am not allowed to smoke in a restaurant" :D:o:D:D


    second hand smoke kills more people than vicious dogs

    Tell this the victims. A cigarette does not jump at you when you do not expect it.

    I am not sure if you understood.

    It is about making rules for small matters and leaving out other, more important ones.

    And it is about responsibility awareness.

    I cannot respond here to the smoking issues, as this forum deals with the dogs.

    Being called a plonker hurt my feelings, my friend :D ; I am sure that you keep a dog at home...

  14. I am happy to see that this time the owner suffered too.

    Pity the child.

    Brainless dog-keeping to me is somehow similar to driving without a license: potentially dangerous to everyone around.

    (A car usually is not dangerous in itself; neither is a dog)

    Who ever does not see his/her responsibility towards the public when keeping a dog deserves no sympathy, as such a person demonstrates that he does not care about the interests of others. This does not only apply on pitbulls, but also -for example- to ten white noisy mini-poodles in a small house (this does NOT mean my neighbour of course, because it is always the others; his own dog is different :o )

    Funny, that I am not allowed to smoke in a restaurant, but having my spoilt dog with me is all right.

  15. A big thank you for this contribution.

    So you have jumped off the bridge and not checked before if there is at least a little river below to dive in?

    The nature of gravity makes the result clear!

    Not saying this to offend you, but analysing the situation.

    From the legal side I have little to contribute and others may have good advise.

    From life experience I think you married your wife because you love her. Why not check out how big your love actually is?

    In my own Euro/Thai relation I am facing similar situations. Especially when it comes to financials I have all alarm bells ringing. Most of the time because of no actual reason. Try and talk to her about it and find out how much of your bad feelings is reality. I understand that you are married for three weeks only. Even if you knew each other for long before, this is a brand new situation and probably both of you are only confused to find your new roles. Paulfr's suggestion sounds convincing to me: stay on the guard, but give it a chance.

    I heard plenty of horror stories about relations with Thais. Unfortunately always from people who know people who have a friend, who...

    Obviously, most Farangs are too hormon-controlled to consider practical issues when they are confronted with a Thai lady.

    Who ever from this big forum world can contribute details, PLEASE drop your information here so that finally MAN-kind (subspecies 'Farlang') is better prepared. Maybe then I will even marry my girlfriend if I knew what surprises are waiting :o

    All the best for you, Trigger

  16. I guess that you respect your wife and family. So you have a natural claim to receive respect in return. If you let others get through with anything (that does not only count for Thais) I would see a risk that you never gain control again. I do not know the background of your family. If there is a low level of -let's call it- intelligence (sorry) then there is little chance that you will find understanding for different cultures like yours. I see your options:

    1. Surrender and adapt / 2. Run away / 3. Change location with or without wife / 4. Defend your range, make a point and re-establish your authority

    Hard, to give you a specific suggestion as it depends much on your own desires, energy, stress capability and so on.

    To give you one example case from my own home: When I felt the framily approaching too close and reducing my privacy and property, I told my girl that I feel not happy about this. Also explained that I grew up different and cannot change myself from one day to the next. But also made clear that I have no problem with the family and do not try to change THEM. At last I told her that with me she is much better off than with a local bus driver as partner and that in return I expect cultural flexibility from her because I am flexible as well. This happened in a friendly conversation and my message was passed and accepted.

    A woman expects a strong partner who feeds and protects her (from the traditional point of view). If she thinks of you as a whimp, you may open the door to be exploited ever after.

    Men ruled the world for hundreds of years - - - because it WORKS! :o

    I have no experience with the tribes in the hinterland and probably my ideas are not applicable in your area.

    Still, Thailand is a member of the United Nations and so stands for human rights. One of these humans is YOU

  17. I was told (by Thai women) that many think that Thai men are "no good". I usual asked if this includes her father as well. Further, each man has been - at least partly - educated by a mother. Having a Thai partner myself, we are aware of a glance or comment every now and then. This is something we have to live with. But me too when seeing a mixed couple, I spend a moment of thought and speculation. So I am not better than others - only I am able to keep quiet. There are couples and there are couples: it definitely makes a difference if you see a grandfather with his half naked toy, or if you see a pair who is - emmm- more balanced/equal. Let the ones do what they will do anyway - and keep good company (which is relative) with the others.

    What I think when I see an un-mixed couple: THEY are lucky, because they have the same language and culture. It takes courage and energy to run an international relation.

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