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  1. Not only the Japanese think that.
  2. Asking Thai police to be proactive is wishful thinking.
  3. Another lackey demanding action with no plan for fire starters.
  4. Already overrun, here. Our Moobahn is now about 30% Chinese. Lots of families with kids.
  5. This a low paying, crap job. If you want better employees, pay a better wage.
  6. Should be in jail, but unlikely to even lose job.
  7. Most of us Canadians have known this for 8 years.
  8. But sadly, The UK is one of the places they can get away with these disruptions. China would arrest them and let them rot in jail.
  9. Avoid Air Asia. Pay a little extra if necessary.
  10. Do we really have to play this game again? She will face very few inconveniences on her return. Same as her brother.
  11. He won't get much compensation here. Medical costs and a , wai. 10-15Millon baht if happened in US
  12. Who cares what the unelected nepotism girl has to stay.
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