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Everything posted by Deez

  1. The days of listening to the USA on morals and democracy are over. They are just as corrupt as Thailand
  2. Is anyone really surprised? The elites care very little of the will of the people.
  3. How is a 1000 baht fine a deterant when they are charging 4000-4500 extra per fare?
  4. I agree. Should be changed to "Unlawful Overthrow Of Elected Government" Much clearer
  5. Disbanding the Constitutional Court and the Election Commision should be at the top of the winning parties list
  6. Not quite true. They can win, BUT, not have the PM. All hell will break loose if that happens
  7. How is having a legitimate elected government "dark"? What a stupid headline
  8. You expect water to be "wet". You do not expect stairs to be like ice. The reason there is so many public hazards is because there is zero accountability.
  9. How proud his parents will be to see this.
  10. Bragg had to indict to pacify his far left supporters because he promised to "Charge Trump If Elected" The feds already chose not to pursue this case. Nothing will happen, Trump will now certainly be the 2024 Republican candidate, and America is even closer to banana republic status
  11. Zero testing on mental capacity here to be a cop etc. Never ends
  12. Same group who cried "Russian collusion" and impeach him for a phone call. After he has been gone for 1 1/2 years they discovered he had "top secret' material? Just when they are about to get slaughtered in elections? So pathetic, just like those cheering it on. US has turned into a banana republic
  13. Right. Pretend to care now. Pathetic and predictable
  14. Not surprised. Company has nosedived in service. And still expensive
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